May 24-26 Opener Event: "The System is Rigged" PLAYER LIST


New Hampshire Staff
LoM 2024 Opener.jpg
"The System is Rigged" Plot Teaser!:

Winter gives way to Spring in Mournstead, but the Golden Barrier surrounding it remains in place. Created by the Beasts of Mer to protect the town from the roaming wild Cauldred, the barrier poses a particular dilemma for trade and travel. A safe way to get in and out of Mournstead needs to be established, and may very well be already in the works. Rumors of a new and fantastical way to travel the Lands of Mer have begun to circulate.

Meanwhile, word of the burgeoning political alliance, spearheaded by Duke Bennington of the Duchy Myerston of Khar-Durai, has swiftly spread across war-torn Unmei. The Duke is offering an open invitation for those in power to join the growing governing body, The Council of Khar-Durai. The invitation has even reached the unscrupulous haven of Black Heart Bay. When the Pirate King Riggs propositions the council with information on how to combat the Cauldred threat, what will he want in return?

... What happens when a Pirate King steps forward to join the Council?

LoM 2024 Opener Player List.jpg

[Updated 5/21/24]

1. Jeremy D.
2. Susie G.
3. Brian D.
4. Justin D.
5. Riley T.
6. Alex G.
7. Nick W.
8. Mark S.
9. Mandy S.
10. David J.
11. Robert R.
12. Ren W.

1. Sam N.
2. Marie R.
3. Bec N.
4. John W.
5. Isaac W.
6. Steve D.
7. Evan D.
8. Jake D.
9. Drew R.
10. Kit
11. Rachel D.
12. Jacob L.
13. Dustin S.
14. Jim A.
15. Michael D.
16. Brian M.
17. Tina S.
18. Jordan K.
19. Brian R.
20. Emily P.
21. Jonathan T.
22. Brian M.
23. Jack Y.
24. Will K.
25. Kris A.
26. Joe L.

Steps to Register (By 5/14 for discount!):

1. Complete character & event registration in CMA:

2. Pay! (Discounted to $50 if registered in the CMA by 5/14!):
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