May Chi-Town Favorites


Hello everyone! Looks like I am starting the Favorites post! Let's here them!

I would first like to say thank you to the GREAT NPC's this event and the amazing plot staff that put on this event. I made me remember why the 6 hour drive was easily worth it!

-Spending time as Forest Edge (and from time to time Shadow's Edge/Forest Light...haha)
-Meeting some great players/characters and seeing old ones again.
-First mod was amazing! I really loved that their were traps, and I LOVED that there were so many humans! Tyrving was beside himself with joy!
-Seeing Liddia in tears when I first walk in and not knowing it was magic that had caused it. "Liddia...haven't we been through this before? BUCK UP!"...later apologizing for being a huge ***...
-Learning about how plot lines finished and developed (especially Apatow!)
-Corrupt fight! I had SO many shatters ready to go.
-Path fight through the swamp was really great, and I loved the variety of creatures that were present. Really spiced things up!
-The Hags. Period. I <3 U All!
-Finding out the Hags were trying to prevent the corrupt...and realizing that it seems like a decent idea!
-Talking to the Dark Elves, telling them about Asura, and than seeing Adam with this massive smile on his face an hour later as he pointed at his hip. Was fantastic!
-A path to forgiveness!

There are a lot more, but I can't remember them at the moment. I felt like I hardly did anything (which is not true at all), but MAN was I wiped out after this weekend!

Again, thank you Chicago team for a great game, and thank you all for being so awesome to play with again!

-Brent (Hengin)
Me next!

-The npc's were awesome as always, thanks again!

-Panda calling the Duke 'The Douche' in front of the entire town. Made that whole mod even better

-Listening to what the Duke had to say all the way through that fight. He ended up being far more interesting than I had originally thought

-Finding and returning the Duke's hat. 'There's an arrow in my hat! This is obviously an assassination attempt!' Actually, that was Keallit being lazy and not wanting to haul around arrows and successfully pulling off a little vengeance from her last encounter with him

-Impressing Gandian and everyone else with my evocation column

-Kitauren's baby worship. I'm sorry if it comes out hobbling!

-Roll the Thuds during lunch

-The high Orc with the monsterous ogres. Hanging out with another caster Orc was fun as well as watching the ogres go at it.

-Running around with Benradi, Shiny, and Magelynn (pretty sure I spelled that wrong but I remembered no D)

-Meeting and backpacking Vi for a while on Saturday night. Trying to get the hags fighting each other was fun

-The hags! "Well, there's obviously the pretty one, and there's the brains and... oh... that one..."
-Attempting my first ever ritual casting with Eve and the cup then looking up to see Brittney standing there in the circle we just dropped. "...uh oh."

-The Sunday slaver beatdown then the interesting discussion with Tarqaq afterward

-Blowing the last of my big spells with Shiny and Benradi and accidentally reflecting a death spell into unprotected Benradi. Oop
-The food was, as always, awesome! I ate so much this weekend
Big thanks to those who came out to Chicago for another near rainless weekend. Plot team, Josh, Tim, Paulie, Miranda, Mark, Brit, Peter, and the 2 newer NPCs I unfortunately didn't get their names; huge thank you to you all. The Friday night and Sat night mods would not have been the same without.

- The Hags! It was great to see the climax of my first 1-year plot line and where the PCs went with it during that time (of course, plot lines never truly just end)
- I feel Kaz'ik will break free in.....14 minutes! Kazik is close, 3 minutes until his arrival!
- Dave, Alexander and I yelling in Hag voices for 2.5 hours and cackling...5 water bottles in the circle was enough :) Thanks guys for reprising your roles of Gerty and Ethel.
- McNulty Family Values with Talitha, Harlequin and Davion. Oh Skeleton Butler.
- Throwing PCs into the River and having others jump in after them on the Troll mod. Full plate Biff Sterling jumping head first just seemed like a poor idea in hindsight.
- My Captain dissipating in front of the entire tavern.
- Was good to see Forest Edge in force again
- Sgt. Panda. You organize people too well. Those poor bandits didn't stand a chance.
- Late night Sat RP with Socora and Liddia. I was switching between ETC and Agatha, whom I both play then all of a sudden someone ask if Artea is available. I need to stop playing Elves.
- Artea and Bobo....and The Vault of Secrets and Lies.
- "When the moon hits your eye like a big pizzapie that Kaz'ik!"-Getrude and "Darkness falls across the land, the midnight hour is close at hand!"-Agatha.

Many more I'm sure I'll post later!
Thanks PCs and NPCs alike, it was a good fun event. Good rp and good combat both.

I had alot of favorite moments...but to summarize really briefly

All things Familia, moments such as :baby worship, marriage headaches, sparrow mask and actual sparrow headaches...standing there twiling the wedding invitation and everyone being like are you ok, Dah I your not. Also explaining to Banradi the various cousins, the mysterious one, the foolish one, the pregnant one, the bitchy one... :D

All things Shadow's Edge

Really enjoyed being the hound dog and getting alchemied down, and enjoyed the resluting Zelda/Davion talks

Prisoning Asura while he carried about 30 weapons to hit the easy button for a mod...:p

Being one of the towns tanks until Forest Edge showed up...Why Asura and I were the front line in the first third of the hag mod I have no idea...ok I get Asura but not sure about me lol

Ofcourse the Hags...the three of you pull off drag way to well...

Next checking Archimedes like 5 times for metabolism and him being like will you stop its annoying

Maglins Tears...Kim you were a bit intense I thought you were in a serious oog moment...all I can say is amazing

Liddia being like will you stop getting paralyzed, I am spending a lot of moneys

Tea time with Vi and Zui...

Finally last thing I can think of off the top of my head...drum rollllll.........Deathing an Elemental in what can only be described in a moment of stupidity...Death miss, death miss, death no effect, wait but your a I am an elemental...Ohh yeah you have been one for like two hours (facepalm)
I had a blast during all of the events I took part of, but one will stay with me:

Hearing Nova (??? Jaimi, what was your PCs name again??? I blanked!!!) pleading for her lover's life in the dreamscape, after I failed to vanquish the dream beast in combat.

"No!!! Take me instead of her!!! Don't Kill her!!! STOP!!! PLEASE!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!"

... Illusion or no, it will be a long time till Biff has calm dreams again.

Also, the Hags-in-Drags were AWESOME.

And, next time we have a time limit to get somewhere, crunch the people with breaches into the center mass, and KEEP MOVING PEOPLE!!! (Sera Fallingstar, we WILL discuss that at a later time!)
Favs: I liked both versions of the escort or get to the mod group movement battles, typically the worst enemies are ourselves in movement.
The field battle was also well played on the NPC side, required good vision on the PCs part to deal with the baddies.
I enjoyed the roleplay by "social engineering" with Lyddia, and "Barbarian that Deathed Maglin", along general folks leaning on "Barby" :p excellent roleplay, I liked pulling in the "Nobles" and basically asking them "here is a situation, now what kind of law giver are you"
I enjoyed sparring with various folks, especially since I have never fought long & short before, I felt fairly gimpy :)
The roleplay set up, with ******* nobles that we are supposed to escort, and having to bite our tongues cuz were were supposed to "respect" them was delicious

Calls out for excellent roleplay: (I can't call out Don't cuz as my wife its um... biased? :p )
Putting Lyddia on the spot for problems solving and dealing with the chaotic geniusness of Don't and Gnot and actually using us for Good, rather than leaving us to be Naughty out of boredom.
Roleplaying with Neo (Shiny) & Nikola working with them on sword and stance techniques
Kituaren, "You have 25 words or less to explain what we are supposed to be doing this evening, or fear our Scavenger wrath, while our attention span lasts", "Ve go and kill Bwitches, in Three teamz, and drop ze circlez." "Don't are you on a team?" "Nope" "Guess we are Spec-Ops then"
Lyddia, Hengin, Sae Azaka, Arkimedes discussing the right or wrong of Deathing people to make a "point"
Paul as random Vornae lord out of nowhere, after which I get invited for dinner but could not make, <is expecting to be escorted to a face to face meeting>

Special call out to the NPCs playing the snakes and elemental lizards for kicking my *** Saturday night, Nice job :)

Areas for improvement: My opinion/feeling is that the Chicago game doesn't quite turn the screws on the players enough. Stupid should hurt ;) If we succeed even when we basically muddled through the entire fight, it feels not like a epic victory, but more of a coddling approach as to not piss off the players.

Its a subtle thing, but while playing as Gnot, I know when I screwed up and got eaten by a snake, that should have been awesomely bad way to go rez.
Why isn't anything attacking the warded buildings at night, or roguing people during night/day?
The hag fight felt like a PC failure all the way along, IF there was a time limit, it sure seemed like we should have failed, and suffered the repercussions of it.
The fight last event with the possessed shadow lord gentlemen, PCs could NOT get it together for what 3 hours, but we succeeded?????

In my opinion, that is what makes games fun, the chance for failure, and the results of it. PCs should loose sometimes, and understand that as adventurers we should graduate from killing rats as easy make work, to actually having to deal with real problems that will make Gods of Men, or corpses of fools.
In the pc's guys succeeded by 1 minute as timed and certified by Kyle S's AT&T phone. :p
I had a blast the whole event, and I loved all of it. In order to not have this list go on forever and repeating all of the ones above, here are a few of my personal favorites from the event that haven't been mentioned:

-I love being a Romani. Spending time hanging out with all of my cousins never fails to put a smile on my face.
(Some Examples: Learning the names of all my cousins with Kit, and him letting me wear his pants, Hearing about all of the crazy things Reagan has gotten herself into, and the sarcasm between Keallit and I about how strong and powerful casters we are.. We can totally be in the front of the line! (Monster attacks) Alright then... back to the back now.)

-The various people ruffling my headdress throughout the event.

-Breakfast and the rolling of the pigs. It's small things like this that make my event, and this was quite possibly my favourite thing about the whole event.

-Waystones. Waystones Waystones Waystones. Special thanks to Ark for showing me how to use them, and to Paul for embracing Banradi's enthusiasm about it OOG!

-Finding out that Enan and others who couldn't remember my name referred to me as "Death Gypsy".

-Artea and Bobo... and The Vault of Secrets and Lies. Although most all of it was funny and lighthearted, I really liked the serious disposition everyone had going through the secret door. I had some unexpected character development as a result of that, and it was awesome.

-The gambling slave losing all of his money on Dragonpoker with three Aces... a "Mathis Special".

-And of course, the big hag fight. I liked the variety of different things involved that were required to finish it successfully! The time limit, the different monsters, overcoming the backlashes, etc.

I can't say it enough... Thanks to everyone for such a wonderful time! I'll definitely have to start coming more often. :)
I had a lot of favs but as always my favorite goes to my NPCs and Plot team, you guys put the Awe in Jawesome. I could not ask for a more talented pool of npcs and plot people who keep such a great positive vibe around monster camp. I started off this event on no sleep feeling like butt and by Sunday you guys had me lovin it.

Also to all the PCs who give so much to this game from Daphne for food and the awesome mega cool writ to the many folks who assisted with clean up.

Some Favorites:

-Panda couldn't help herself with the Duke/ D-bag Panda :p
-Traps....OMG Traps...OMG Traps. :twisted:
-Liddia's opening RP "My life sucks tadron left me cuz im a fat cow and then when i think my day can't get worse Akamedez stabs me in the back *wail*" hilarious.
-Bucky's RP all the way through that mod.
-Such sad RP with Melandros...:(
-"Dave" and all the sneaky goodness...Peter we have found your special talent sir.
-All the assassination attempt follow up with the dagger and the RP entailed.
-Bob the hunter...and the look on the PCs when I went down to 1 swing...No armor + 6 body meant ouch...."Briarpass Police" "8 normal" "falls over"
-Dark Elf RP- Gnot/Asura/Meglin/Hengin/Liddia....OMG so much fun doing DE sad Vi missed it but so excited for the follow up.
-Raash RP with the PCs on the whole Isenhorn/Buckland thing.
-Enan's Lording...with the sweet rep yay!
-Timmers the hound... Paul you did such a great job with that RP that I can't feel bad I had to be written out of it.
-like 4 people not recognizing Vicki as Mai...and poor Mai rezzing twice inside of an hour.... Major props Vicki for rezzing like a champ and putting story and your character's fighting style over her safety...Mai is becoming one of my favorite PCs to interact with.
-Nova's great RP with the Jilted Paramour...I could see real pain there and it was great RP on all involved.
-PCs ending the Saturday night mod with literally 1 minute to spare....3 people can attest to the timeclock, no fudging on our part..y'all cut it a bit too close.
-Apatow and Menra...thats gunna be a bad team... Loved the fact that we managed to do that IG onstage instead of just saying it happened.
-Ahlana squaring with Jehan..."when the van is a rockin with +5 monster str...Nova is having a good time" also +2 gold to Nova.

These are more for the NPCs:

-X games as run by Kyle coming out at the best time for the NPCs (Kyle thanks for being so thoughtful)
-Lona Vixen the NPC being KBed 3 times and perming at 10%....we tried guys
-Everything comes up Poot once again.... :p

I can't wait for the next big thing. :)
Spending all Friday night as "Sir" Thalos. I spent the majority of it unconscious or tied up, but I still had a great time. I got to stretch some rp muscles and I got to see a couple different PCs' ideas of how an interrogation is supposed to work. Pan Da did a great job of appealing to this guy's military past and sense of shame, whereas Kitaruen just made things worse every time he opened his mouth. :p. Kit's a bad bad man.

Carly and I going out as breakfast goblins without realizing Clan Group Treasure was already in town. Minx is a harsh king. Also "1 gold, 2 gold, 3 gold... 14 gold, 15..."

Doppelganger Binks - I really had no idea Ryan was going to do that, sorry guys!

Going out as a bad guy Dryad and seeing Rob get confused as to when Briar became a cel scholar.

Ogre games! Dumb pointy man break circle! Circle bad game. Play X instead.

Menra the Undying! He'll probably be even more ridiculous in the future, I was pretty tired.

Going straight from that to Regina McNulty - we obviously didn't have enough cross dressing this event. To be fair, I rocked that dress.
Banradi said:
-Finding out that Enan and others who couldn't remember my name referred to me as "Death Gypsy".

In my ledger (for loot) you were "bones" (though I mostly remembered your name). Thank you for visiting my table and hanging with me, not many people did!
AMAZING RP with Zelda/Miranda.
So happy Ryan ran the telekinetic blade mod. It was great because it was a dexterity mod for those of you who missed it. It was very cool how Asura came up with ways to make things easier on us!
Everything to do with escorting bucky. I'm such a rogue, it made me so excited to figure out there were traps and finding them! I need to get legerdemain now.
Running around like a madman killing people not once, but twice. Felt good to hear players say "Wow, I've never seen Davion be such a badass before"
Adam's Family silly o'clock. Only three of us went, I wish more could have seen that amazing piece! (Although I think the npcs enjoyed it every bit that we did!)
Playing the hags. Sooo many funny things. It was awesome spending time chatting with Ryan/Alexander and RPing with them. Very tiring though.
"Oh no she didn't!"
"When the moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie, it's KAZIK!"
"Kazik will eat the betrayers, the winter family. Poor Lily is going to lose her brother."
"Nyo, Regen...etc. Your dreams were so delicious"
Ethel (my droopy chested hag) "I saw how much attention Regen was getting, so I got my own belly dancer outfit" *does a hip wiggle* The look of disgust on the PCs faces was priceless.
Crystal's lady with the overturned cart, then Morgan Blue the many deathed.
Getting to see Forests Edge and others again!
Favs for me ......

-Taking me over an hour to figure out.... "Who is playing this wolf wylderkin?" .... hour later ....."OMG its Vicki"
-The squirrel that killed it's self (Don't will never believe ya all that it did that. :p)
-Mai eating said squirrel..... ICK
-Kim/Maglin's crying for being deathed... I so went in mom mode and was like "Who made my daughter cry? Im going to kill them." Till Kim told me that is was all IC..... *blink*
-Teaching the bugbears magic.....*Evil laugh*
-Helping to save the farmer lady from the bad oger games. More teaching magic... :)
-The look on Tarq's face when he said ...."You know how to evade"
-"Back Line MOVE!!!" My voice is still out... :)
-putting the circle around the cirlce to keep the rituals from being interupted. Then not getting hit with that nasty backlash
-wanting so bad to waylay the prisoner..... If Liddia wasn't there Don't so would have done it... *pout*
-Glad everyone liked the traps. Best use of those things in years. NPC camp put them to good use.
-Being blind after the bowl thing... Yes I really couldn't see after that and thank you to all who was helping me get around. All I know is I was being passed from one person to another till my sight came back. THANK YOU !!!

To the NPC.... Ya all ROCK as always.

There is probably more but lots have been said already.

Love ya all
Sorry, I am format lazy - INC wall of text favorites.

-Playing with the team! It's so nice to be inspired to be a better adventurer than I normally am.
-That Forest Edge Shieldwall
-Fey Plot; Knowing full well OOG how bad they are, but still IG enjoying scratching that itch
-Mental Roleplay with people, enjoy your walls of shattered mirror glass in your brains
-Seeing Davion actually kick some butt out of undead, because I sure couldn't with my 1 body no spells.
-Mc gnulty family in the whole, they were all quite entertaining - Butler drink pouring too stonk.
-All the hugs I got from anyone *Hugs* for those I missed.
-Winning "Circle" (feeling slightly guilty I encouraged npc's to hurt themselves chasing me, sorry)
-Giving arrows I won in "circle" to Nayhani
-Deathing 2 pc's, laughing on the inside at Hengin's drama - it's not easy being Hengin.
-Me and Bevin having our bout, and working it out after the fight
-Trying so hard to save Mai from Apatow, learning later Eve is perfect for purging Apatow.
-Panda/Nova - your leadership /swoon - such spirit!
-Scholar tanking with a barrowed PA4 - Thank you Nova, *hugs* for Miranda/Josh
-Nova <3 "Oh, I could totally get you some physical material from Bart tonight."
-"I kinda feel like even if you guys don't want me to do it, I might still try, it's just that important"
-Telling a Para'd Vi that "I can't feed you all your potions, so Ima set you down here" then scolding to follow
-Poor 2x para'd Maglin
-Tavern RP with people, I enjoy talking with people - even if brief.
-Gandian spirit linking a ring to himself without use of scroll - that looked painful.
-Yorks tiny tin full of tiny shields - and Lily's scroll carebook.
-Mai waking Harlequin to "Look for trouble"
-"Baby bears, pawing at dead mother" "They don't feel as bad as I do right now, and we need her meat" - monotone
-Sarah's complicated vampiric past - in before I am "Tornado'd"
-Throwing endows and CLW spells at spell guards, Kyle's "WTF?" face for such tactics
-That possom is so dead, and that bee almost saved us from Binks.

Special love for all those who brought food or water to share.

NPC's I was quite surprised at how well you fought, understanding spells / touch blows. I imagine there were hiccups at times, but they wern't on me which is always nice.

To anyone who enjoyed my company, send a portion of that thanks should go to Paige, who's contribution to site fee made it possible for me to attend. All of the above, and then some I wouldn't have a chance to experience without. Thank you.
I do have to give MAD props to Kim (?) the player of Maglin. That was the most...annoying RP I have had in a long time! Haha, and I mean that it the BEST way possible! Sorry for turning on Mama Squirrel, but that was some impressive RP! It was made even more hilarious because I was like "why is she afraid to die?"...complete disconnect as my PC has very little outward fears, and has seen the rez circle 7 times lol. Made the whole RP stew all that more tasty!

Oh... One more thing:

Hurting Gandian AGAIN in the circle for identifying something belonging to Don't. Then looking at Gandian and Rob's gypsy (sorry forgot your his name) and saying "I'll never get invested in the circle now" and they both nodding. :noway:
This issue shall be corrected shortly, see next market day where there shall be "One Circle to Rule them All".

Damn it, new idea.... the next formal ritual that is contested should be based on a game of Checkers or Chess or something.... Loser rezes.

New Idea 2.0 - I need to bring my enchanted Go board for the next time Arashikage shows up, so as to Entertain him, when Lyddia tosses me to the Vornae.

averzwyv said:
Damn it, new idea.... the next formal ritual that is contested should be based on a game of Checkers or Chess or something.... Loser rezes.

Been there Rez'ed like that.
tennyo.san said:
averzwyv said:
Damn it, new idea.... the next formal ritual that is contested should be based on a game of Checkers or Chess or something.... Loser rezes.

Been there Rez'ed like that.

I said I was sorry!
So, I'm a slacker and whatnot, just now posting.

Thank you all. I have not had that much fun at any event in a long time. er, at least Ahlana hasn't.

Even though not a single guildie was there, and I only knew a handful of people, it really felt like I belonged. So thank you everyone!

A few faves:

Being loved 9'd in a golem. - yep, that happened :D
Pandahlana sandwiches, coming soon to a town near you!
Stepping into a circle with a baddie, certain I was going to crumble, ordering everyone to abandon the mod, and finding out later oog, I could have taken him.
Escorting the younglings.
Trying to come up with a secret for the vault...and realizing Ahlana doesn't really have any that matter anymore.
The entire swamp/lovestory/hag craziness.
Nikalo trying to protect me with his 3s, a mosquito touching him, and taking about 80 before it hit the ground. You don't touch my man.
Enflaming the tar monster...sorry!
Escorting the Duke friday night was definately interesting and educational.
Nova's proposition, and making good on my debt to Jehan.