May Event Favorites

My.guess is yes and its maybe a FOIG situation.
Guys, if Dave doesn't want to be outed as a were-mountain-lion, you shouldn't out him, geez!
Ah. I did hear this all secondhand. I was sitting by the fire and everyone was like "OH MAH GAH MOUNTAIN LION," and we were like "Welp, let's GTFO," lol.
Actually, for real, I was down at that camp and I was OOG scared because we thought it was a mountain lion. I really like Michelle's point. Just something to consider for stealth mods in the future. Perhaps PCs can have some sort of careful and specific OOG announcement/question that NPCs should be required to respond to/answer, if it is a legit concern over a predatory animal. Having fear for safety OOG is NEVER a "foig" situation.

BUT HEY, let's talk about how FREAKING awesome this weekend was! I truly enjoyed every part of it, and my overall favorite thing was the huge number of incredibly diverse experiences I had! So, in no particular order:

NPCing for the first time!! I had NO idea it was so much fun!!! I need to spend more time on the dark side. Having a stat card you can blow through within a few minutes and be under little to no pressure is REALLY great for a person who normal worries way too much about resource management.

Starting the Galanthian Recon. Mod at 2am, getting super in-character with other Galanthains, and freakin scaring the life out of the sleepy PCs! Then not getting back to NPC camp until like 4am, yet still taking the time to freaking write notes about what the Galanthians learned (book nerds FTW) ... all while hanging out with some amazing NPC company! You guys ROCK.

How my OOG stress about the tournament melted away when I finally got in character and realized that Alda freaking did not know anything or really care too much at all about how details of things went. And thus, I was able to revel in the fact that the Vanguard was raising the spirits of the citizens of Trellheim. So many warm fuzzies.

That being said... all things Vanguard. I can't believe Alda is on a team like this; it was the last thing I expected, but it makes for SUCH a cool experience.


Wild Camp - feeling more accepted by Drak, getting some awesome chill time with great friends in the woods, and taking a step away from all the nonsense of war and nobility. Alda does really need that sort of time. Sooo therapeutic.

HOLY COW, MORSICA. I mourn for Darlassia (and that ceremony was truly amazing)... but all those emotions are totally overwhelmed by the joy I have about getting Missy as an IG SISTER!! Woot woot!! Yeah, be jealous. She's my little baby sister now!! <33333333333 I REALLY love the amount of dryads that are waking up! I love my people!!!

Elf-Ket: You rock, and I can't wait to have more IG RP time with you! Alda was super interested to hear the little bit of history you shared, and she's happy to be helping you fight for your home!

Singing with Ferra. I need not say more! But... yeah, you guys all coming together and performing a song I wrote (IG and OOG!) made me feel so special. <3

Derek Dreamweaver. I adore every second IG with you, dude! We always have the best conversations. I have a huge amount of respect for your commitment to the forest (and OOG just freaking playing this game well, in general! <3 <3 )

Every single thing about the end of the event on Sunday. Alda has always been a worrier and a studious nerd, but seeing how her involvement with military/Vanguard changes her to be a little more outspoken and angry about it is actually rather unexpected. I freaking adore character development. And then the final battle with the energy zombies?! Dude, I feel like it was PERFECTLY stated and EXCELLENTLY executed!!! I used up every single spell AND a magic item, felt REALLY effective (for the first time ever, as a backpacker!), and by the end of it, was REALLY nervous!! PERFECT!

HIGH OGRES WHO THOUGHT WE WERE NECROMANCERS!!!!!!! This sort of situation leads to my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE thing! -- Intense preaching RP to break NPCs and reeducate them!!! Aaaahhh!! I love nothing more than finding solutions other than fighting, and having some SERIOUS and DEEP one on one time with characters who are bitter and broken, trying to heal them up and make them happy again! Oh my gosh. This ... I am rolling with this High Ogre stuff for a while. Kazrath -- AKA Sam, the amazing NPC who had to pick a name for herself really quickly, because taking prisoners and reasoning with them was not expected!! -- is my new BFF! I freaking love it!! :D

I've probably forgotten many things... but I hope you guys know how much I really love everyone, and how much I adore everything about this game. My utmost appreciation goes out to everyone who works so hard to make these things happen (be it hard-working staff, insane NPCs, or just committed PCs who stay IG and build amazing relationships... gosh, you guys, I love you all!)
It was one of those weird wonderful/horrible events…

My character was one of… maybe two people?... who lost TWO of her inner circle in one night. Her cousin (literally- same grandmother), and one of her best friends… Wow. One of my odd favs was storming into town Saturday morning and screaming after finding out Gregor had permed… only to be told that Darlassia also permed… then screaming louder. A lot of people were scared of me, which, let’s face it, is the fun part.

Later, walking out of the back room in the tavern to see a troll standing in front of me talking to people, then tensing up and having Ruis, directly across from me, notice, point to me, and go “Uh, guys?... GUYS?... Natalia?”

Getting in my music time with Kialda.

“For Gregor” the Rom tournament team- you guys were all as awesome as I’ve ever seen you. Winning entertainment and colors- as Rom should, and doing it our way.

Gregor's Posthumous Rom roses- that was the best $14 I ever spent.

All other Rom family moments- we all rocked this event.

Being invited down to the forest by Drak to participate in the ceremony for Darlassia.

My new bow, and the backstory Tom wrote for it. I will treasure that thing something fierce.

Schmoozing. Natalia’s best skill. Being nice to the Thessi- never underestimate the value of kissing up and feeding people yummy cookies.

More schmoozing, with Broomis. Getting him to dance with me at the ball… Broomis commented “This is the second time I’ve danced with you. People are going to talk.” I responded, ”Yes, there’s going to be some strange rumors about you having a fight with Baron Rorii…” He literally tensed up and froze for a second. There’s good roleplay, when you are dancing with someone and can feel the fear hit them.

As always, couch time with Rorii. Alas, the mournful tone. Rorii at one point spontaneously said "I'm going to DESTROY those trolls.” I responded, “No, I’M going to destroy those trolls. It’s going to be a race. We’re going to keep score.” No, really. I think Tom is going to put up a tally sheet in the tavern…

The ball being a success. Getting so many compliments on my ball clothes- let’s face it, that’s why Natalia goes to these things.

The final wave battle. The color coding worked. Using the bow and spells: successful test.
-Teamwork with the Romani and Nordenn. We did a great job.
-Double backpacking/support casting between Ulthoc and Thurizaz; realizing later that if I hadn’t been there doing that, the ritual might have backlashed.
-Speaking of which, getting to see just how close that really was. We had just been beaten, and I went down possuming, desperately trying to figure out how to stop the 3 energies stepping over us, only to hear “I enter the circle one, I enter the circle two” “HOLD!” Tom and I just looked at each other and mouthed “Wow… could that have been any closer?”

Honestly, there are tons of little stories. I hope I’ve touched on everything and everyone that were part of it. It’s hard to call it a good event when people permed, but it sure was eventful and memorable. Lots of great stories.
Suzy, was probably a galanthian assassin or troll waiting to get you alone and obliterate you.
Ezri said:
So after scaring the poop out of us OOG, is there a particular reason you didn't reveal yourself as NOT an actual predatory animal?

Was a hold called to ask if it was an NPC? Crashing and growling in the woods is allowed, and if the response to this was "Holy $#!+" and running away that's perfectly valid. If someone had called out that there were concerns about bears/cougars/whatnot and they need to know OOG if they're dealing with a human or a predator and the NPC responded with more animal noises rather than a clarification I'd be extremely upset. I'm not sure what happened in this case, but if it was...

Hear Noise-
PC: "Who Goes?"
NPC: *Growl*
PC- "Yikes!" *Backs off or runs away without asking for a clarification OOG*

then I have no real issue. If, however, it was...

Hear Noise-
PC: "Who goes?"
NPC: *Growl*
PC: "Holy Balls I think that's a cougar. OOG, is that an NPC?"
NPC: *Growl* (or really any response other than a laughably obvious human doing an animal impression noise or "I'm an NPC")

The second scenario would not be acceptable.

I can instruct NPCs going forward to not make realistic animal sounds while in the woods at night (and honestly, does anyone really want to risk accidently growling in just the right way that a black bear hears "I'm ready for love"?) and also make sure that all NPCs are aware that being asked OOG if they are a human is a question that requires an answer. If it's a stealth module it would be acceptable for the Marshal to answer for the NPC so as not to give away the NPCs exact position.
Safety should always be the first concern, outweighing any FOIG or other concerns. People panicking and running in the dark woods is not a situation we want to create. Also, your character being frightened and knowing in the back of your mind that it's make believe is one thing. Thinking you are truly in danger is quite another. It's the difference between watching Friday the 13th and actually being chased by a maniac in the woods. Does any NPC want to be responsible for someone being hurt or traumatized because they were TRULY scared and not just make believe scared? If that is your goal, we don't want you in NPC camp.

This is a situation we have not really dealt with in the past, but now that it has come up we need to.

There have been mountain lion sightings in our area (I think the last one was 2 years ago). There are also bear, coyotes, deer and bobcats in the area. Any of which, even deer, can be dangerous, especially if people do not use common sense and not so common outdoor knowledge.

The bottom line is, don't make sounds like wild animals. If it truly were a mountain lion, turning and running is the absolute last thing you want to do. Not only are mountain lions far faster than you and possibly bigger than you (150+ pounds), they have a natural chase instinct. Turn and run and their reptile brain tells them "prey" where they may not have viewed you as prey before.

If you are being an NPC in the woods at night, make scary IG sounds, but be sure they don't resemble OOG real animal sounds. If someone yells OH **** and runs away instantly, let out a simple "NPC!" When the people involved ran back to the Wild Camp, we all knew right away they were really scared and not just IG scared. It's not that tough a distinction to make, and if in doubt, be safe.

Let's be smart in the woods folks.

Great advice, Scott.

Now back to favorites.... Here are some of mine:

First of all, a HUGE "thank you" needs to be given to a lot of great folks, including, but not limited to:

* Scott & Dee for all their commitment and hard work on the site
* Brian & Dave for all the hard work they give in running the HQ Chapter
* Toddo, Colin, Tom and the entire Plot team for giving us great storylines
* Dave T for being so committed and managing the Rules
* All the awesome NPCs
* Jeremiah (Lennox) for cooking all weekend & the awesome girl who was tending bar during the event (I'm sorry I forgot your name!)

Now, for favorites:

* Winning the Tournament was awesome. The competition was great and it really came down to a last second finish! I want to thank everyone for participating! The real question is: Can Blythedale three-peat?

* The role-playing created by all the nobility. Ivan was really fired up a few times which can be a difficult balance to role-play for me. Ivan's a really good guy, so how do I appropriately get angry at someone without going over the line? I think I flirted with the line and made Ivan's points, but I hope I didn't cross the line. I want to thank Commander Ithica, Sir Ulthoc, Sir Eros, Sir Nevin and King Broomis for some great and intense moments.

* Hanging with the Blythedale crew is always great and this time we added Drifa and Leona to the mix! And Agrippa is always cool, calm and collected despite whatever happens (he's like Ithica's opposite, LOL). Good times.

* I really enjoyed the Thessi team and appreciated the role-play they offered. One of my favorite moments was when the Thessi leader carried Ithica across the finish line after Ithica hurt his ankle. I also loved the Three-Man Combat we had with them during the Tournament.

* The Top 10 Lists were awesome!

* Ren's joke was likewise hilarious. I don't think I could play a stone elf because it's just too difficult and of course Miles pulls it off so effortlessly. I know you have a lot of characters, Miles, but please play Ren more often!

* All the beautiful women at the Ball. Wow.... just, wow.

* There is an interesting dynamic between Sir Daniel and Redd and Khorwyn. I'm not sure what the hell is going on, but I'm watching!

* Flint's awesome and hilarious "Gunty's Knee" story. You can just see the joy Justin gets out of playing Flint and it is infectious.

* The Vanguard team as a whole. You guys are amazing and I support and applaud you!

* I would list Darlassia's death here, but it just isn't a favorite. I didn't even get to go to the wake or ceremony to say goodbye. She was an amazing character and absolutely loved by all who met her. I'm sad I won't get to see her again.

* I enjoyed watching Squire Nuheran and Team Nordenn. It was great to see him step up and lead his team while Sir Ulthoc was "predisposed."

* Seeing Natalia again! Come back more often!

* New elf Ket rocks. He has great enthusiasm for the game and he's a blast to play with. Thanks for coming and being a part of our game!

* Luka, Luka, Luka..... What else can I say? Hilarious and fun all the time, you are! (Um, that was like Yoda-speak..... I'm not sure why I wrote it that way.....)

* Fera! You are awesome! We don't interact that much, but I do have one question: With all the great dwarves in the game, why aren't you married?

* Thanks again to everyone who made this a great event.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Considering wild animals: Dystopia Rising has an adage for this. If you say "Are you a bear?" the only appropriate response is "No", and then roleplay can go on. (And if you thought you were sneaking? The other players thought you were the size of a BEAR.)

But! Favorites!

-I can't believe it has not been put out there yet: can we just talk about how fierce the towers are? Resounding HELLS YES to Tom and Tracey for their gorgeous work on those guys!! And the wave-battles that activated them (especially the Sunday ritual by Broomis) were just hella-cool. Toddo, I snuck a few peeks at your ritual roleplay and it was DELIGHTFUL.

-As everyone has said, having a friend perm isn't a favorite, per se, but losing Gregor made for some intense Rom roleplay, and THAT is always a favorite of mine. From Ket beginning to howl and curse the moment he lost the spirit, to Ren actually holding onto Luka as she sobbed at the sight of the body, all the way to toasting and "Djelem, Djelem" in his honor (and being tipped by Broomis for it!), the RP that followed Gregor's death was absolutely a highlight of the whole weekend.

-The above-mentioned would have totally taken the cake for the weekend, too, had Ren and Luka not gotten engaged, eee! Traditional Kyralian-style proposal attempt, followed by poor Yuri having to take care of drunken Luka thinking she had ruined everything, followed by receiving the most adorable acceptance ever from Ren made this the number one point of the gather for me. ...I can't help it, I'm a squishy.

-MUSIC! Music from everybody! It always makes me so, so happy to see everyone making music in-game, especially among the Rom (who, come on, should be making it way more anyway.)

-Hearing Ezri and Drifa begin screaming at people as Darlassia's body was recovered. And then further, even more terrifying screaming when Natalia came into town in the morning. Fantastic intensity on all parts! (Speaking of Natalia, Sheila, the town was beautiful for the ball!)

-All things Flint. From the Gunty's Knee story to his intensely chivalrous treatment of Luka during their hero's combat, Justin, you are easily one of the best roleplayers around. You can entertain and engage a single person or a whole room with the same incredible presence, and I am always, always excited to have even a moment of RP with you.

-Elf-Ket! Mike, I can see fantastic things coming from you in the future! Fantastic roleplay, great shooting, and hilarious running - what more does an elf need to bring to town?

-Tracey, I pretty much peed my pants at your Top 10 list. 'Nuff said.

-The tournament overall was the most fun I've had at a tournament yet! Great sportsmanship from everybody (save towards the Thessi - and Luka even kept her mouth shut! Way to waste a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity from her, guys, geeze!), and SO much talent showcased by all the players of each team. Excellent work, everyone!

I'm sure I've missed some, so there may be further updates to this list - for now, my brain is still reeling!
Would it be possible for everyone who has the Top Ten lists to send them to Plot so that we may post them in the Newsletter?

Now that my brain has somewhat recovered, here's some of my favorite moments! The whole event for me was fantastic, so I may forget a few individual bits :)

- Amazing NPC's. You guys were so awesome, we really couldn't tell how few of you there really were. So much fabulous enthusiasm, I love it!
- ALL THINGS VANGUARD. I <3 my team SO MUCH. All my crazy dwarf boys make for seriously ridiculous roleplay, and how could I NOT love hanging out with Alda and Rayna? Dwarves and dryads FTW!
- Speaking of Vanguard, both the mods I went on were fantastic. First of all, Ferra's an old-world dwarf, so having her king actually show up? AWESOME. Secondly, beer pong mod was so much fun, MUST HAPPEN AGAIN YES PLEASE!
- Music in game!!! I love love love making music, and I was SO impressed by all the crazy talented musicians this event! People that I had no idea were musical just knocked my socks off, and of course the fabulously talented Lee sisters just make my day every time we get to sing together! :D
- Seriously intense RP... I was really sad not to be able to do more than meet Daralassia, and Ferra definitely considered Gregor a friend after the shenanigans from last event, so all of that was crazy RP goodness. Missy and JP, you guys are so awesome for remaining good sports about a severely disappointing thing happening!
- All things Justin Coggin. Flint is so freaking hilarious and amazing to play with. I SO wish I could afford to PC more often just to see where this thing between Flint and Ferra is going... ;) Oh yes, and Eric, Ferra's not married because I've only played her 4 times total ^_^ various people may be trying to work on that!

So yeah, fantastic event for me, even with sustaining hug-related injuries before it even started on Friday! (I blame you, Danny.) Now... back to work. See everyone next month, from the dark side!
After plenty of trying to sort out all the awesome that went down, i think i can finally give this a shot. I'm sure i'll miss some stuff, but i'll cover what i can.

Vanguard: - I am so happy to be a part of this awesome team.
- We rocked the tourney and despite not winning we have everyone else something to sweat over.
- Getting to see the citizens come out to cheer us on was a huge confidence booster as well.

Dwarves: - I love my beardy brethren and the great chemistry you guys put out, definitely put me at ease playing Vinny for the first time.
- Going troll hunting with a dwarven king was a blast, same with the skeleton beer pong, we just had some great mods for the dwarves.
- The look of surprise when people discovered that Vinny was not, in fact, a blacksmith like most dwarves, but a sculptor "I'm good with my hands"

The Ball: - Everyone looked great and it was fun to roleplay the adorably awkward Vinny when he gets set up with a date for the ball and finds out they actually have much in common.

The Tournament: - It was amazing seeing all the teams in action and i loved how close things got.
- Gunty's knee and the top 10 list have to have been my favorites for the hunt superlatives as well

In general it was great as always to see everyone and roleplay a new character. I can't wait for more.
Thanks to the NPCs and staff for putting on a hell of a good time for us this past weekend! I had a really great time. I know you guys were thrown some wicked curveballs, but you managed, and it did not show.

-Pillow palace.

-Mad Props to Greg, JP, and Ken for having just lost their first PC's and coming back to kick *** for everyone as NPCs. You guys are awesome sports and its great to have you at game. Thank you.

-So much love to Missy L. I cannot even fathom how Tetsu is going to react to the loss of the beautiful and brutal Dame Daralassia. I have had so many good times with that character over the years as various incarnations of myself. It's a bummer, but I am really stoked about your new Dryad!! It was so much fun to watch you and Alda getting to know one another at the Ball. :)

-Good sportsmanship and fun with my team. Vanguard, we are mighty, and it showed. Great job everybody.

-Music! Susie's contribution to the Vanguard's entertainment was huge. Llana and Susie harmonizing was beautiful. The For Gregor jam was sick. I loved it. I don't know if you guys noticed but you pretty much had three dwarves about to start a pit next to the King and Sir Eros.

-Great food! Thanks to Amanda for working the tavern for us and making awesome treats! Thanks to Lennox/Rose for cooking dinner mmmm!

-Great heartfelt rp with Grim, Tinder, and Duke Frost.

-Escorting Fera to the Ball! Flint is such a dope. It's real funny to get all romantic like as that guy. Also getting to fight alongside Llana is so rad. She's sick with the spear/short sword combo. Loved rolling with you!

-Collin's masterful mods! The skull pong mod was superbly statted and a lot of fun. It was great to see my friend Chris M again!! It was fun squaring off with you so much bro, great clean fights.

-The top ten lists were amazing. The top ten curses and books you won't find at the bardic college were my faves.

-Hanging with Ithica/Toddy and getting to square off with him in Hero's Combat. Really great times man. Can't wait to hang with you later this summer!

-Maggie, it's always fun having Luka around and you put so much into your character. I loved our interactions at the tourney!

Thanks to everyone who came out and participated. See you next month!

OMG....Can't say that I'm totally recovered....

So NPC's Thank you guys SOOOOO much for what you did for us to have fun!

NPCing trolls for Stiupek..... I mean.....Supek.... :thumbsup:

JP and Missy! OMG I wish I had been IG! It was really hard for me Friday night to walk in there as Red....I wanted to play Lanna so bad after I found that all out!

Sitting in the woods and not being seen by the Three Kergani that walked by me.....And here I was in all red.....lmao

The Kergani area!!! OMG it was awesome to just sit there! I got to help make a bridge across the river for three hours! Win!

The Rat MOD....OMG HATE RATS!!! The MOD was AMAZING! So much fun with that!

The Ball! Actually wearing a dress that I never thought I would wear again....((I think I left it in the sleeping area....))

Daniel asking Red to the ball and getting told by Zat we made a good couple.....LOL!

RP With Dave in the woods after the memorial for Darlassia! Red finally got a few things off her chest and had a mini break down in front of the person she's suppose to be stealing something from...

All things Collin! I swear every time I saw you as Nevin my heart was in my throat!

GETTING INTO BLYTHDALE!!!! YAY! I can't wait to see how this all goes! I'm so excited!

Baron Ivan saying he wanted to race change to a Romani!!! lol! Rumor!!!!

The top 10 lists!!!! I loved it!

The Gunty's Knee!!!!! And all others that went with it!

I have to say the Greatest weapon that Blythdale did was hilarious!

The last wave battle! OMG the King doing his thing in the circle!!! I really liked that alot!

Anywho I'm sure I'm missing things.......But that's all for now!