Actually, for real, I was down at that camp and I was OOG scared because we thought it was a mountain lion. I really like Michelle's point. Just something to consider for stealth mods in the future. Perhaps PCs can have some sort of careful and specific OOG announcement/question that NPCs should be required to respond to/answer, if it is a legit concern over a predatory animal. Having fear for safety OOG is NEVER a "foig" situation.
BUT HEY, let's talk about how FREAKING awesome this weekend was! I truly enjoyed every part of it, and my overall favorite thing was the huge number of incredibly diverse experiences I had! So, in no particular order:
NPCing for the first time!! I had NO idea it was so much fun!!! I need to spend more time on the dark side. Having a stat card you can blow through within a few minutes and be under little to no pressure is REALLY great for a person who normal worries way too much about resource management.
Starting the Galanthian Recon. Mod at 2am, getting super in-character with other Galanthains, and freakin scaring the life out of the sleepy PCs! Then not getting back to NPC camp until like 4am, yet still taking the time to freaking write notes about what the Galanthians learned (book nerds FTW) ... all while hanging out with some amazing NPC company! You guys ROCK.
How my OOG stress about the tournament melted away when I finally got in character and realized that Alda freaking did not know anything or really care too much at all about how details of things went. And thus, I was able to revel in the fact that the Vanguard was raising the spirits of the citizens of Trellheim. So many warm fuzzies.
That being said... all things Vanguard. I can't believe Alda is on a team like this; it was the last thing I expected, but it makes for SUCH a cool experience.
Wild Camp - feeling more accepted by Drak, getting some awesome chill time with great friends in the woods, and taking a step away from all the nonsense of war and nobility. Alda does really need that sort of time. Sooo therapeutic.
HOLY COW, MORSICA. I mourn for Darlassia (and that ceremony was truly amazing)... but all those emotions are totally overwhelmed by the joy I have about getting Missy as an IG SISTER!! Woot woot!! Yeah, be jealous. She's my little baby sister now!! <33333333333 I REALLY love the amount of dryads that are waking up! I love my people!!!
Elf-Ket: You rock, and I can't wait to have more IG RP time with you! Alda was super interested to hear the little bit of history you shared, and she's happy to be helping you fight for your home!
Singing with Ferra. I need not say more! But... yeah, you guys all coming together and performing a song I wrote (IG and OOG!) made me feel so special. <3
Derek Dreamweaver. I adore every second IG with you, dude! We always have the best conversations. I have a huge amount of respect for your commitment to the forest (and OOG just freaking playing this game well, in general! <3 <3 )
Every single thing about the end of the event on Sunday. Alda has always been a worrier and a studious nerd, but seeing how her involvement with military/Vanguard changes her to be a little more outspoken and angry about it is actually rather unexpected. I freaking adore character development. And then the final battle with the energy zombies?! Dude, I feel like it was PERFECTLY stated and EXCELLENTLY executed!!! I used up every single spell AND a magic item, felt REALLY effective (for the first time ever, as a backpacker!), and by the end of it, was REALLY nervous!! PERFECT!
HIGH OGRES WHO THOUGHT WE WERE NECROMANCERS!!!!!!! This sort of situation leads to my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE thing! -- Intense preaching RP to break NPCs and reeducate them!!! Aaaahhh!! I love nothing more than finding solutions other than fighting, and having some SERIOUS and DEEP one on one time with characters who are bitter and broken, trying to heal them up and make them happy again! Oh my gosh. This ... I am rolling with this High Ogre stuff for a while. Kazrath -- AKA Sam, the amazing NPC who had to pick a name for herself really quickly, because taking prisoners and reasoning with them was not expected!! -- is my new BFF! I freaking love it!!
I've probably forgotten many things... but I hope you guys know how much I really love everyone, and how much I adore everything about this game. My utmost appreciation goes out to everyone who works so hard to make these things happen (be it hard-working staff, insane NPCs, or just committed PCs who stay IG and build amazing relationships... gosh, you guys, I love you all!)