May Event Favorites


Ya'll Know the drill folks, post what you enjoyed, and remember to send feedback to as to stuff we can do better!
Me first! Thanks to the NPCs and plot staff that made this event possible.

The end of the Box plot. A mod that makes a group of adventurers cry has to be good.

Backpacking Icey as he ground that node to dust! When you step up, you're pretty awesome Ryan.

Dirt cake and surrounding fun. Oh Shanthony. We love you

Elemental dodge-ball. Once again proving that the Keepers are the best at everything =P

Nadia the barkeep. It's a good niche to fill I think. Thanks for playing along with cutting Cho Ko Nu off. Speaking of which. . .

Cho Ko Nu swearing on the oath ring to kill all the celestial casters. Oh you.

Probably more to come later as I remember more. See you all next time!
Thank You Npcs and Pcs alike...

The end of the Box plot indeed was epic, so good in so many ways.

With Mystic Force I gummi you

Late night belly laughs with Shadows Light

Late night birds and the bees with Asura

All things Familia, especially my new pietala, Nadia

Loved the 3 late night NPC ressurections especially the celestial guild friends

Sure there is more but that is off the top of my head
Thank you to the npc's! I particularly enjoyed my interactions with the farmer Kai and the townsperson that became my first resurrection that I failed to get the name of. Her saucer eyes as she turned to look at the sarr that just brought her back and subsequent sobbing as she relayed the details of her death were quite touching.

Nutella, just sayin. Some people got to see that. :huh:

The saw blade mod and seeing the gory methods that adventurers chose to execute an Orc.

Speaking to the Sarr briefly before the towns wholesale slaughter of the tribe.

I also enjoyed cho ko nu's vow against sky magicians.
Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. This is how bad rumors get started. Cho ko nu swore an oath to fight against necromancy and elemental sky magic; he did not vow to kill anyone or target all celestial casters. I'll post my favorites later but I needed to put a stop to this before it continued further.
Three months is too long of a time to not spend time LARPing with everybody. A HUGE thanks to PCs and NPCs for a FANTASTIC weekend of which I enjoyed every second, now for some highlights.

-Michael's Bourbon Bottle, that rep was absolutely hilarious, I'm so glad that I got to see that.
-Starting off together and fighting the Phase Pairs, a very fun beginning mod.
-The awkward and tragic Protection Apprentice who came into the tavern to learn Sanctuary, he sounded like such a pitiful man, I almost felt sorry for him.
-"Hey Thorgrim, do you want to get some mushrooms?" possibly the best way to invite someone to a mod.
-Being able to cast spells and using my first Magic Armor to help Fern soak... wait for it... a Disarm XD
-Spell dueling Dure'dhel, I enjoyed throwing my one Cure Wounds spell over and over at an attempt to improve my dreadful accuracy.
-Early morning Wax Golems, a great quick little bit of skirmishes to wake me up in the morning (also, thank you Ryan for helping Kat out)
-Learning tactics/fighting posture/etc. from Fern, hopefully that leg will stay back eventually
-Sparring with K'tarn, that was a tough duel and it really warmed me up for the upcoming fight(s)
-Getting to use Asura's sword in the second corrupt fight, it felt so good to swing for 7 Magic, even though I bet the NPCs didn't enjoy dropping so quickly.
-One round of Elemental Dodgeball, I was glad I survived the first round, but my aim and dodging were sub-par to the Keepers (just saying, wasn't fair that they had at least 2 casters whereas we had one :p)
-The Trial, both Cho Ko Nu's and Thorgrim's were very tense, and Dave playing that seneschal gave Thorgrim quite possibly the most stern look I've ever seen.
-Necro-Sarr and the Greater Node destruction, that was quite possibly the smoothest mission I have ever taken part in.
-Public Corporal Punishment, it was fun to roleplay through York beating Thorgrim senseless, and it was kinda fun to be an example.
-The Corrupt Cavern Mod, curse all of the NPCs who swung for Chaos and Body, I had 1 HP from the punishment and dropped all too often.
-Helping out the Lifescale and finding Runeforge's box of goodies, just a fun mod to wrap up the event.

Thanks again to everyone for a great event, plot was great, food was great, company was great, everything was great, I can't wait to see you all in June or July, whichever I can make it too.
OrcFighterFTW said:
Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. This is how bad rumors get started. Cho ko nu swore an oath to fight against necromancy and elemental sky magic. I'll post my favorites later but I needed to put a stop to this before it continued further.
Remember, how people interpreted it In-Game and how they will interpret it Out-Of-Game will be different. (I didn't hear the oath personally since I was unconscious, so I can't judge)
Its not a matter of interpretation if you incorrectly say someones character declared war on half the town. That can have very serious consequences in and out of game.
OrcFighterFTW said:
Its not a matter of interpretation if you incorrectly say someones character declared war on half the town. That can have very serious consequences in and out of game.

All I know is I've heard 2 things.

1.) Cho-ko-nu swore to kill all things celestial.
2.) The celestial guild took many deaths saturday night.
Lurin said:
OrcFighterFTW said:
Its not a matter of interpretation if you incorrectly say someones character declared war on half the town. That can have very serious consequences in and out of game.

All I know is I've heard 2 things.

1.) Cho-ko-nu swore to kill all things celestial.
2.) The celestial guild took many deaths saturday night.

Just so you know Dure'dhel, driven by the chimeric spirit of flame, almost disarmed your ring after hearing that...just ask Nathan who talked me down.

Glad to see so many folks again after the 3 month gap. Some favorites:

- Dure’dhel and I resurrecting townies and trying to mess up each other’s stories.

- Finally saving the Dryads and removing the blight via an Eternal Forest Ritual---now time to re-join my race in June

- PCing with Ark for a change instead of NPCing against him in Chicago; along with the rest of the Chicago crew that came up

- Cho Ko Nu’s Sky Magic speech quickly interrupted by myself “Alright thank you Cho”

- Earth Storming against Undead during the Sarr fight

- Getting to use a Double Bypass successfully during the Corrupt Module. Jump in, Shatter Node, Get terror, shield it, jump out to a confused Dan Ly

- In 3 years of playing I’ve never been completely OOM before, the Corrupt mod broke that streak

- Fern, Thor, Victor and I being the worst Empire supporters ever in front of the Magistrate of the Empire

- Bacon Chicken was delicious, and I definitely took advantage of it throughout the night

- "I'm surprised to see Izz'rak here, it's been a long time. The last time I saw him was when he resurrected twice in one market day"-Asher
Izz'rak puts his arm around Asher immediately after I finish saying that. "Hey buddy"-Izz'Rak

- "I'm fine with DFMing the anchor, however I rather like everyone here living"

- Discussing the Fortanis Magisters with Dure'dhel. If only I knew the remaining 3 out of 9!

Would have loved to finally visit the Empire in game, but I had a wedding to attend! Thanks again all the NPCs, Teague, DG, Alexnader and Courtney, Dan and Matt for food prep.
Favorites of Cho Ko Nu:

-Playing cards and conversations with Nadia and the farmer's daughter, Abigail (an NPC). Very fun way to pass the time awaiting trial! Cho will not forget Nadia's generosity with drink and coin!
-Getting to shatter a node with my hammer! That is the sole reason I chose to take that skill and I was overjoyed to be able to use it at the very first opportunity.
-Learning how to teach from Icey. Thank you for that.
-The intensity of the Trial. That was the most intimidating silent expression I have ever seen, Dave. Well done!
-Beginning the final stage of Cho Ko Nu's redemption tale by formally and publicly vowing on the Oath Ring to be against Necromancy and Elemental Sky Magic. Lots of RP definitely to come from that; looking forward to joining the Earth Guild under Briar and walking in Kendra's footsteps against elemental sky magic.
-RP with Fern. Cho will not forget your word or your warning this time!
OrcFighterFTW said:
Favorites of Cho Ko Nu:
walking in Kendra's footsteps against elemental sky magic.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! So about that..... >.>

My Favs:
Helping in the Kitchen and playing Jill the tavern "help". Shh, Jack doesn't need to know! ;)
Watching the PC's work together and successfully destroy the greater node. Good job guys!
Getting circle beat with so much hatred by the PC's during the Saturday night corrupt mod. "Spellstrike Heal 50 body!" :whistle:
The Box mod.
New NPC's were great! Hope ya come back.
There were a LOT of moments that made this a great event, I just wish they were things I could talk about.

I am really looking forward to all of the Empire stuff and cant wait to see what will happen next.
Thanks to all of the NPCs who participated this event, and of course to the lovely cooks in the kitchen. ;)
There were a lot of favorites this event.. I'm sure I'll forget quite a few in this list.

-Getting the ability to sense nodes from the dragon. All of this harsh judgement might pay off after all :lol:
-Being taken in as a student under Fern. Nakira barely was able to hold her excitement to learn from someone she respects so much.
-The passive-aggressive RP between Anthony and Nakira. She tries so hard but is so shy.
-Being able to put warpaint on those that she cares about most during the Sat night mod. She felt some bonds being tightened that night.
-Seeing Izz'rak beat down one of the adventurers for hitting him mistakenly during the Sat night mod. It was hilarious.
-Seeing Asher do the Eternal Forest Ritual. That really was cool, I was glad to be a part of it.
-Anthony getting charmed by Roy right next to Nakira and Gabriel. Nakira turned to him and said "You're REALLY going to let that happen right there? REALLY?" Poor Gabriel. He probably just wanted some rest.
-Having a pretty awesome conversation with Asura and Kitaren during down time. Nakira found another gypsy she enjoys! :lol:
-Waking up to Charis and about 6 corrupt rifting in next to my bed. That was lovely and not alarming at all.
-It was fun to RP absolute rage after the farm mods and Gabriel's resurrection. I feel bad for Fern, who she went to first in her tantrum. "Nakira want to learn battle tactics!"

Again, another WONDERFUL event. Great RP, fun mods, and pretty good weather considering!
I would like to thank everyone for this last weekend on both the PC and NPC side, since everyone really contributed to the greatest parts of this event. Here are just a handful of favorites, in no order except the first and second:
  • Late-night ritual casting/hanging out with Kyle, Nathan, and Ryan Bu. So many good times to be had!
  • Dagger of Navir gettin' used at last. I was sooooooo excited to see that happen again when I was PCing, and it was just as exciting now that I'm a plot guy.
  • Anthony's hesitancy RP before attempting to disrupt the Drake's ritual was just superb!
  • Province VI discussion as the Walker of the Gilded Path with Asher, Fern, Victor, and Thorador. Especially with Fern continually referring to "those lesser people".
  • Node-delving RP with Arkimedies and Rhys.
  • The amazing cold-shoulder response from Briar to poor Theladrid. He just wanted to learn a Sanctuary...
  • Awesome job to the PCs with the Pratorak Elemental Training Field Exercise. Everyone who participated really rocked it.
  • The look on Tristin's face when he identified the thing the people found on Sunday was priceless.

Also, I have some specific out-of-game shout-outs to
  • Rob for helping us out so much with the lights and whatnot around the site.
  • Matt, who really did a good job making sure I was okay and not neglecting myself too horridly, as well as for his help in the kitchen.
  • Dan for his great work in the kitchen, as well as his arranging of monster camp.
  • Garth for being extremely helpful at every point in the event whenever it was requested, be it manual labor, NPCing for a mod, fetching stuff, etc.
  • Peter for his early-morning food for us all-night-rit-casting folks. It was exactly what we needed.
  • Nathan for his casual stealing of said early-morning food right out of my hand.
  • Paul for being my good ol' Paul.
  • Mariah for the wonderful backrub during second logistics that gave my run-down old-man wreck of a body strength to carry on through the night.
  • Adam for letting me pass out in his bed for a bit in the afternoon, because I thought it was Paul's, and thus I asked Paul for permission, not Adam.

And probably more that I'm just blanking on. I know there were some times this event where I was pretty stretched and tense, but this whole chapter is just full of the best friends I can ask for, and you guys really helped me bring myself back into shape. It's really great to see you guys, and I've already got my plans a-brewin' for next game, so I hope you guys are looking forward to it!

~ Alexander
Great event all! Special thanks to NPC's and Plot folks.

-I'm not sure who you are but special thanks to the NPC who York may have scarred for life by killing you many times out of pure rage (Don't hit my healer!)

-Feeling awesome helping the Dryads get rid of the Blight and feeling epic during the ritual casting by having all of the counters to what I was getting hit with.

-York being woken up to speak with a seneschal (The first we have seen in a long time) to be informed he needed to beat up Thorgrim in front of the town.

-Being the tank on Sunday morning was amazing.

-Getting to show Yorks dedication to the people of Shademarch and forcing the issue that a message must be sent.

-Sir Thalin the BAMF

And lots of other stuff, already can't wait to see folks next time!
Thank you NPCs for all that you do.
Thank you to those that worked in the kitchen.
Thank you plot and staff for making it possible.

The look on the gnoll's faces when they figured out I was in their line against the PC's.
The Greater Node and Sarr Necromancer mod - the perfect end to a several PC IBGA.
The cowkin in the bar
Cho-ko-nu's oath
The dragon swooping in to destroy the node while the two teams of PC held off the corrupt.
Swinging Fiiiiiiiive Silver hammer
Nikira's cool new 'sense which way to the node' ability
Val's offer to house refugees
Speaking with the dark elf female
Holding off seven corrupt and looking around...guys? guys?
Asura and Dera'del in the celestial circle
Team B - you guys rock

Thanks to all the NPCs and staff members who contributed to the fun parts of this event and put players above themselves to entertain em.

This event was a bit bipolar extreme for me, either super awesome mega cool scenes or stuff that just didn't work on any level for me.

I'll concentrate on the good stuff here:

-95% Bonded Grumpsman Free weekend....till the dang Matron :p That was hot. I figured I was eating an oblit again for shooting my big mouth and Briar's reaction despite Kyle thinking it was awesome. "Who cares fern?)

-Green Shag Carpet in the basement-If you know you know *wink*

-Box Plot Finale. Sometimes, you just gotta take all of the PCs MIs away (but one), then smack em around for almost 2 hours in an unscaled combat/puzzle mod just before telling em, oh ya, one last bit of bad news as a Major NPC ally perms make all and I mean all of your players tear up during the finale. This is one is sure to be one of my top 5 favorite mods of the year if not ever. HUGE props to Courtney for outgassing me (you run 5ks on the weekends or what?), Dave for conceptualizing it, and the NPCs who just bit the right amount of pressure and keep combat super clean for a long time. Thanks to the pcs for allowing my jerk to be a part of it.

-Tea time with the Fam, and making Kit a happy boy with the whole blood ritual... :). I loved the conversation, and mood of it.

-My 2 charges, I am so sorry we didn't get to do more together we just seemed to get pried in every direction.

-Remembering Delving- Ark that was fantastic RP with the sword and the whole thing. :)

-I'm getting me a component...- and then just pounding on crunchies till I found one (thanks Amy)

-I liked the whole split town mod, it allowed a bit of tactical fighting, I wish maybe we could work a bit more closely with plot to not make it harder on them, but we were told to split up...despite there not being a need per say i thought it made it more fun.

- The sarr mod, don't know if we just did a good job + used the dagger fast, but ya...about dang time..and wow when we work together well it goes smooth as butter. :)

See ya guys soon, some of you this weekend.

honestly there are too many favorites to list but the least favorite and i think all will agree was the weather which soaked pc and npc alike and made camping for myself unpleasant to say the least.

David Raatz