May event favorites

Here are some of my favorites from the May Event:
All the Kick Arse NPC's!!!! You guys really rocked!
Showing my Knight and Baron that a little bit of greed can bring us just enough riches!
At the end of the Unscaled mod Danny asks if anyone picked up the box, to which we all replied "There was a box?"
Convincing Enko (Sorry Henry don't know his new name) to allow me to be his second in the Honor Combat, totally not allowing Dame Darlassia to talk me out of it, and not allowing Baron Rori to be Enko's second. I totally misjudged my opponent and come out of the fight almost by the skin of my teeth! Great fight Bill!
Recovering the Sword of Validas! The look on Darlassia's face when the hold was called. None of knew what was going to happen, it was good that what we hoped was going to happen, happened! Great mod, good fights!
Pacing back and forth during Saturday night's wave battle pegging the Purple Troglodite with arrows. I only hope to give that NPC his final death so I can skin it and carry it as a trophy to bring fear to the other Troglodites! lol
I wish I didn't have to leave early Sunday, seems like I missed a great closing wave battle!
Am I allowed to say EVERYTHING?!?! You guys are all awesome, I feel so loved as a newbie! Thanks for accepting me! I wish I'd found this game years ago!

But to pinpoint some truly great things:
-GRIM AND LUKA!!! My first in game friends- you are so supportive and encouraging!!! <3
-Being literally TERRIFIED of the panthergast on Friday night. I dove behind a bunk and hid under the bed because I was so nervous in and out of character!! (freaking great job, NPCs!!!)
- MY BROTHER!! I think I would have been dead without another Child of Autumn to cling to. I learned so much from you! :D
-Amelia playing Ari, the little girl whose brother had the plague, pretty much broke my heart and spurred some really awesome RPing to try to find a cure!
^Following up on said drama by going into the forest with an awesome group of people to find herbs for the cure. That was great and totally dryad-friendly :)
-MY MWE TEACHERS!! Balls and Kat, you guys both role play some extremely awesome teaching!! Thanks so much!! Alda learned a lot from you both!! :D
-Ryven (Sp?), my other MWE friend, had a most inspiring conversation with me. It was inspiring in and out of game, to see someone fight passionately for what is right and role play it with such intensity! (props to you, Henry!!!)

I LOVE ALL OF YOU AND CAN'T WAIT TO GO BACK ASAP!!!! Again, everyone is so supportive, and thanks so much! :) :)
Duke Frost said:
Khorwyn Brey said:
#7. Having the command of Blythedale for an afternoon, even though I didn't really get to make any serious military decisions. :shock:

That's okay, no one has made a serious military decision while commanding Blythedale in years...maybe decades. ;)


Absolutely not true! Maybe you don't see it 'cuz you're usually all "elfy" and stuff.......

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
I had a great tie this weekend with everyone I interacted with. I enjoyed the plot the pacing and the overall feel from everyone who participated.

* The NPCs were fantastic. You guys were energetic and I enjoyed fighting against you and RPing with you.
* The Storm Bringer against the Vacarran Navy. Storm Breaker: 4 1/2 Vacarran Navy: 0
this was a great mod and was fantastic in every way. Bill's rendition of what was going on set a fantastic scene and I lost myself in the moment. I was our only archer, trying to shoot the bad guys full of bolts before they were on board was frantic; and the fighting once they were on deck was even crazier. (if that could have been possible). That mod was an A+++
* Skittle learning from the adventurers.
* The Longest Wave Battle in History (well my history anyway :P )
* Political Plot :D
* "Are we taking the box or not?"
* Sneaky mission to go get the Queen's Sword, not being so "sneaky" rather a lot more "fighty"
* Having the only rain happen while we are on study break. AWESOME!!!
* All Things Storm Blades.
* All things Laura Weand Thank you for trying Alliance out! Thank you for taking so many fantastic photos of us!!!
* The shiny naga down by the fire.
* Dark Elf Cookies
* Having a full team for an event!
* Alchemist/Rogue/Crossbowman+Earth Aura = FTW
* Izer and Kayden best loud frontmen a rogue could ask for. I will fight facing you any day :)
* Bill being such a good sport and I am really sorry about that hit down by the creek.
* Khorwyn, as beautiful as ever. (it's the hair products!!!) I am +20 Jealous.
* Awesome duel between Dennis and Bill. Great fight guys!!!
* The flogging of Toddo and all things that can come from it.
* All things Blythdale (at least those that were there!) We love you guys.
* and so much more!!! Thank you to everyone who made this one of my favorite events for a long time to come.
IvanDrake said:
Duke Frost said:
Khorwyn Brey said:
#7. Having the command of Blythedale for an afternoon, even though I didn't really get to make any serious military decisions. :shock:

That's okay, no one has made a serious military decision while commanding Blythedale in years...maybe decades. ;)


Absolutely not true! Maybe you don't see it 'cuz you're usually all "elfy" and stuff.......

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

Rushing into the enemy lines and getting tooled down within the first ten seconds of battle does not qualify as a serious military decision. :twisted:

Oh more stuff!

* hanging with Kevins dryad again kinda cool I have now been playing long enough to have friends...
* "Alda... Flower stays closed...*
*" no Darkan I dunno if they are soft inside.. prolly brambles and thorns"
* The light ballista funniness
* Hanging a bit and rping with Kime. Never got a chance to talk to him much before very welcome to have him around.. though he just never seems to have the right spell at the right time.
* Best qoute from amanda ever though i can;t repeat it.. and yes amanda we are totally like them and less like them at the same time... join us.
* Being semi popular.. nice to be known
* Not being tooled down every combat...getting better folks getting better...
*Riven and his antics.. his monkey flip out when he got feeble mainded didn;t make sense till later.. bad ***.
* using the little logic puzzle thing for the lock to camulous.. guys it's the cool abstract fae stuff that i dig.. thank you.
* Skittle. I gotta keep thinking that all the niceness to that fae may pay off... eventually
*There was no were-bunny mod..
*Being afraid I'd die. hasnt happened yet but keeps getting close
* HEALERS THANK YOU ALL A TON!....seriously.. folks were really on it this weekend.
* potions.. life savers..
* The ladies in the tavern were really cool and gave it a bit of a foreign aura.. Too bad flint wasn;t around I think I coulda hooked him up with the inn keeps daughter..
*being semi useful in smithery as all the shatters were flying.. i dig that

Ok prolly more.. but sheesh wow.. fun diferent awesome.. yarr etc
In no particular order other than the first which is, as always, thank you NPCs, Staff, and other players for keeping the game immersive, entertaining, and enlightening for me! Thank you very much Laura for taking so many wonderful photos!

The entire weekend was really solidly put together and run by plot. It was interactive, and had a clear story, as well as lots of interesting vignettes of the arc storylines. The Kelani visions and elemental/nature magic was really fun to be a part of, and I appreciated how the story was Child of Camulous centric and at the same time could include MWE’s from other chapters.

Amazing wave battle - it felt like a battle campaign and I loved every moment of it!!

Finding a use for nearly all of my craftsman skills. What’s that, need a ship captained? Sailor. Question about a map? Cartographer. Damaged fleet? I got your Boatwright right here. Getting in legal trouble? Bam! Barrister. Sitting down by the water’s edge? Yeah I am a Fisher.

Sunderdragon coming to our aid! It was really awesome to have people drive from VT and CT to help out a probationary member of the team in a very important quest. Touching In and Out of game. Plus, I had a 40+ level character in a golem as a minion.. muh hahahaha

Singing “I bet you all wish Qualin were here right now!” OOG during holds during two “kill the undead” modules. Holy cow, going on 4 modules?? And being down by about 20 gold in materials and coin by the end of the weekend.. hehe.

Less than an hour into game Commander Logan comes in looking for ship captains and Ryban steps up as the first captain of the weekend. Putting together a team and picking Kerrigwen and Katyreena thinking that we’d have plenty of healing, only to find out that they BOTH memorized binding and protective’s over healing! Archers and casters in the back, fighting effectively, and knowing full well that if Qualin (my elf PC) were there that we would have handled another 5 waves.

Hot Spring vision module! It was really neat to come back from one module and get immediately rifted to another module, getting a really cool vision (and adding to it with stuff that ended up being true!!).

Save Katyreena’s family module: “I’m Ryban Weatherlight, I’m here to rescue you!!” I have so wanted a reason to drop that often heard Star Wars line on someone. Loved this setup and execution. The previous night we had received a vision that we would be freeing CoC slaves so we were ready with anything we thought we could use. Our preparations included getting some armor, making sure we had protectives and gas globes, and bringing a bag of food. We rift in and immediately the marshal says “You recognize Kat’s brother and sister.” From there things got real. The NPC talent for Kat’s brother and sister was AMAZING! Especially considering how new to the game you both are – I thank you so much for such a real response to the situation!! Waiting for Kainen to be ready and then walking into the room and gassing everyone down myself, getting eviscerated on “I rift out two..” and falling down in town. Kainen having no idea that the Children we rescued were actually Kat’s family until an hour later.

Super Sneaky module which ended up being “watch the Ash Forest and friends bash undead”. Ryban stayed near the back, helped out a little bit, and mostly just made sure we didn’t get jumped from behind. “How was the quest to rescue the Queen’s sword?” “Expensive.”

Mike Strauss’s Crazy old man, searching for epins. Good gawd, man.. that was epicly entertaining. It was Coggins level amusement. Wild Mongoose chase!
Simon’s playing. I saw Alda had a recorder but didn’t get to hear her play. : ( Music adds so much to the atmosphere of the game, and in this case, hearing Simon’s flute was akin, in my mind at least, to the sounds of the sea. Actually, there was a lot of musical entertainment – the crab luring, we also got to dance a bit, (and I did a victory dance!). Speaking of victory, Victory Wine shared after rescuing Kat’s family.

Getting feebleminded, two events, 4 feeblemind effects! Yes!

The drama surrounding Logan’s torture of the Vacarran pirate. Tackles, honor combat, waylay, arrest, honor combat again.. Spartacous’ victory! Only to find out that Spartacous didn’t even know that Ryban used to be his old little buddy Enko!! Good guy, that Spartacous. Conversations with Queen, er.. Dame Darlassia.. (Whom Ryban now respects immensely.) Rorii getting PISSED at me.

All things Katyreena (Kirsten)!! Kir, you and I play the same game, and that’s always been wonderful about our characters interacting. (though I like combat more than you do) Character depth and clear motivations, history that matters.. these are what makes your character so believable as a person, and so easy to care about. You rock. From painting your toys just prior to the second most epic fight I’ve ever been in, to taking care of your IG brother and sister (who used to take care of you!), to epic level bind-o-mancy spells. ; ) So glad she got to be invested in the First Free Earth Circle of the islands!

Alda (Susie)! And Laura! And Maggie!! Yay for new people who RP!! New people make us old farts remember how amazing and starry eyed we used to be, and it refreshes our ability to RP. Teaching new characters/players about IG history and skills is so much fun. Alda and I had a long and detailed conversation where she got to know the person that Ryban is and has become over the years. I hope we get to hang sometime in Caldaria (CT)!!

Grim!! You are so frickin’ entertaining, thanks for playing your dwarf true to character all the time. I’m actually SAD that I had already gotten another shield when you came up with the one you made for me. And the beard looked GREAT!

Fizz!!! Now here’s a girl that’s got it going on – so entertaining and fun to be around, like hanging out with a rational version of GIR.

Hanging with Delaldur and Anna. I think Anna talks more to Ryban than to Qualin! Anna discovering that the plague seems to have initiated in her estate and grabbing the bull by the horns on the quest for the cure. Glad that the Dryads and Kat were involved in that as well.

Aishling making me feel like the young, but wise, kid that Ryban is.

Avalon snapping at Ryban about her relationship with Kainen.

Having no idea what an un-marriage party is, but wanting no part of it.

Using all of my break commands on 2 fey who didn’t have any actual command effects on them. LOVED that Camulous needed a BUNCH of them and I was at first disappointed, but then really pleased that I didn’t do it all myself. My character is all about inspiring people to do things.

Assaulting a noble and telling half the town they were greedy and dumb… causing trouble just like old times as Enko, only people were behind me on my actions this time! Finding out that Kainen was going to jump in at any moment and start tearing things up!

Failing to find a hood that would not mess up Mike’s makeup, but being rewarded for the attempt with… DARK ELF COOKIES!!

Tavern owner’s daughter for the ultimate WIN! Loved this character!

Duchess: All of those Vacaran ships belong to the Evorrian navy now!
Ryban: Shouldn’t maybe one or two of them be given to the Children of Camulous? (Activate Jedi mind trick)
Duchess: All of those except for two, which will be given to the Children of Camulous, belong to the Evorian navy now!
Duchess throwing bun-bun, Katryeena's toy bunny into the faces of the pirates.

The strength that is Kerrigwen. All of us children have done so much growing up over the course of the past few years, Kerrigwen was really the leader of the Children (Along with Ashling) this weekend. It is so fitting that she became land bonded to the isle of the Dolphin after her consistent efforts over the years.

Being made the Captain of one of the first two ships in the Children of Camulous’ new navy. Not bad for a chimp. ; )

Oh, and certainly not last, but the last one I’ll post here (Sorry, I know I must have missed a BUNCH) – landing a little off balance on the log that is built into the staircase, and rolling down the embankment without getting injured. Whew! I felt myself falling and remembered that there used to be these big nasty rocks on the side of the staircase and waiting for the pain to come.. but Fairplay continues to improve the site constantly, and their last round of improvements included moving those rocks. Yay! Saved my spine, that’s for sure. I heard the deep inhalation of 2 dozen people about to yell “Hold” and flashed the double thumbs up gesture “I’m OK!!!”. What’s great is that I know if I had been hurt that 40 caring friends would have been by my side.

Henry the Mad / Ryban (Enko) Weatherlight
Aggravain said:
Oh more stuff!
*Being afraid I'd die. hasnt happened yet but keeps getting close

On Sunday, Ameila was playing an NPC trying to hawk some vaccine for the plague and Luka was suspicious which made Loken suspicious of the intent. As Ameila was walking away she yells back "Its your funeral gypsie." My reply to that was priceless "She must not know adventurerers very well..." I turn walk away "...we're all destined for the funeral pyre sooner or later." Granted that very day I went down on the frontline and the pirates overran where my body fell and all I could think was "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap...wait am I at 25 or 26...screw it..30..31.." lol
My turn!

--Brownies. And how even though they are the same thing, Balls thinks that "Larien's taste better". Auw...
--Laura coming to my rescue!! Like an angel straight from heaven, she showed up with bagels and coffee for the morning. Love you, hun! I'm so glad you joined us and can't wait to see you again!
--Speaking of help in the tavern, thank you to EVERYONE who helped me out. Tim and Marissa, you are both such great people. Thank you for giving me a hand and keeping me company Saturday afternoon.
--Henry's MWE. Adorable.
--Finally getting to talk to Bill a little more. You are awesome, and I really appreciate the second opinion on my arm. Considering my doctor won't tell me what's going on-- it was great to talk to someone who ANSWERED questions.
--Watching Andros on the battlefield on Sunday. So much sexy.

--This was my first time NPCing, and I'm thrilled to hear that people enjoyed the character I made, Helen. I really appreciate everyone interacting with me, because it turned a potentially sucky weekend into awesome!!! Drew actually wants me play her again and make her into a PC, and I'm actually considering it (or at least figuring out a way to NPC her again), now if I can just figure out how to make a boffer into the shape of a frying pan, I'd be in business!

Things that Helen learned this weekend:

--Her virginity is something that can, and should be, "fixed."
--MWEs like to talk about food...
--And then she quickly came to the conclusion that they were no longer talking about food.
--Variety is the spice of life. If she should ever try to get fixed, she should try a Sampler Platter.