May Event thanks and announcement.

Tom Andary

I would like to take a moment to thank all of the npcs and staff members who make our events possible.
You are one of the hardest working bunches of LARPers I have ever seen.

I very disappointed to have to announce that approximately $100 was taken from the folks running the tavern this weekend. Words cannot describe how angry this makes me.

I want to give the person responsible an opportunity to return the money anonymously, before I start to try and find out who they are.

My address is:

Tom Andary
17563 Rolling Woods Circle
Northville, MI 48168
Yikes. I don't know how I'm going to follow that announcement, but I'll try.

Just wanted to thank Josh, Matt, Asa and all the NPCs for working hard to give us a great time. I know you're running on fumes by the end of the event when Joe looks tired :)

There was so much to do, we were never bored. Barbarian spirit mod was awesome. Newbie mod was awesome (but not for the poor refugees, oops!).

See you all soon.