may faves

This whole weekend was a blast i hope everyone had as much fun as i did.
okay my faves for the weekend in no particular order.

playing a pooka, not once but twice. he he he
waylaying someone friday night as one of the lizards. i didnt take anyones stuff though because when i waylayed that person, they had been in a small group.

one of the plant peoples on sunday during the day was great, especially when mike came back with a collection of weapon tags. /giggle

the mod with the rose queen and the animals in the grove, i was playing a wolf and ben a fisher cat, mike a bear and, there was another wolf, sorry i forgot your name. i kept trying to play with ben the fishercat. role playing that was so much fun. he kept snarling at me and i would yip at him or growl back.

the wave fight with dan as fever grey and sean as vapor on saturday was awsome. during that fight, when sean had albert (vry) and was doing the puppet master with him i laughed so hard. then he looked right at me and growled "GET OVER HERE!" i ran over and he said HEAL ME!" I was like "uhhhh." "your arcane parinoia's" he snarled. "arcane parainoia." "AGAIN!" i felt like i couldnt reach in to my bag fast enough, i was actualy scared for my life. "arcane parinoia." i said when i got the packet. "GET OUT OF HERE!" he growled at me and i ran. then later sean popped in next to me and snagged my shoulder scaring the crap outta me and making me scream a little :eek: . i tottaly didnt see you coming at all sean. sean rifted and pulled me into the circle and rifted back in, as we walked forward, i knew i was dead in a matter of seconds but it was so awsome.

the last fight on sunday was great too, i found i also like playing a red cap this weekend, thats fun.

watching the saydean moor battle on the upper mod path was so intense. especially when i watched sean rip the shard out of his chest and then plunge it into the ground :eek: end as he did the count everyone went "NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" and knowing they couldnt do anything because sean was in the circle. :lol: and then what happend afterwards.

going out with ben on sunday morning as his ever faithful bacon golem again. watching people eat food and all the role play is just so great.

kay, ive started now other people add to this. im sure i will when people jog my memory a little.
First off, thank you all for a great weekend. The last few weeks in RL have been intensely stressful, and this weekend's event really helped bring me back to myself. It was a good time all the way around. Here are some fav's off the top of my head:

1)Seeing the Stoneroost plot come back around in a big big way to involve the entire town.

2) On a related note... Mirna! all jokes about our biata babies aside, the rp during the ccrypt mod actually brought Nic close to tears, and trusting him with what you did brings a huge sense of vindication to his heart.

3) Utieties!!!!The best part was how long it took me to realize he actually was attacking me. We stepped through the portal from Authenria, joking as old friends, and from nowhere he chucks a confine into the gorund at my feet. He quickly threw a second which again came nowhere near my actual person, so in and out of game I'm just staring at him with a quirked brow asking, "are you serious???" When the third one blew my spell shield I decided it was time to take flight. Thank goodness for the rain and your wet cloak, or I might be a very very dead necrobird.

4) Getting my robes! Nic has held his post for several months, but man was I eager to actually put those colors on. :D

5) Writing the last chapter of the Queen's story in the middle of the final wave battle. Pure awesome.

6) All things biata mind plot, Malblik, and Emilio.

7) Super secret story-teller machinations. Muahahahaha

And finally, Talon, we may not get along in game. In fact, we may hate eachother with unyielding passions, but I will be glad to stand in the field, or sit in the tavern, and argue philosophy and law with you anytime you like.

A huge thank you to all the npc's that made the weekend such a blast.

So I'm busy as hell today between unpacking college things/packing for Italy/finishing up stuff for the Caldaria weekend, but here's a few favs while I still recall them:

- **** talking Void. Seriously. That was one of the three moments that totally made my weekend. I don't think most people get the opportunity to address Void head on, but I tried to make the most of it, lol. Thanks for rolling with the punches, Dan.

- After failing to go on one mod, I walk into the tavern and abruptly get shoved by a werewolf into a gateway. I love Johnathan.

- Plot blowing my mind. Seriously, that whole Ti'lekk and Fevergrey shenanigans? I had no idea, IG or OOG, that all this was tied in so deeply into plot for so long. It's really strange to see your personal character history from five some odd years ago grow into something this epic.

- Realizing Ator was Love #9'd to me.
"But Ator, I'm a celestialist."
"We can fix that. We have a spirit forge!"

- Glorious Red following us into a wave battle? Lol, what the hell. The whole time I kept thinking "WHY ARE PEOPLE STILL SAVING IT, IT'S A GOBLIN!"

- Kainen and Sevaria, supersquires! And by super squires I mean proof that the Deadlands nobility is so ridiculously weird it's hilarious. Insane golemized snake-kin, racist wild elf, STFU-and-go-away Justicar. It makes me giggle.

Now in no real order...

Mr. Silverspoon and Chang, and the town folk's reaction to him calling his visit "slumming"

Goblins stealing out weapons, I Love a good hunt thanks guys.

Being pinned bound and then cut up in the tavern... and then actually having someone come up to me after and saying sorry for it happening. I always thought it was part of every day life :) Glad to see some people don’t feel that way.

Charm: it's like the dominate you want to be hit by.

The Minotaur was awesome everyone's reaction when we first saw it was priceless.

Rock's addition to the fey book, giant fey eating snake, it was a great picture.

Theme songs and Thomas. That kid is going to rule the world some day.

Sun being hit by bind and berserk, then just head butting me over and over again.

Red’s reaction to tinker setting off the trap under her box. “DON’T MATE WITH MY BOX!” Shortly after Red on the town mod OMG!

as always seeing old and new faces, as well as having a much needed break from the real world.

I am sure there are more, I was so fried Sunday night from the action packed weekend, so again thank you NPC's and thank you plot for an amazing weekend! I can't wait for June!
Taking 5 minutes now to write these because I don't think I will get another chance between now and when I leave on Friday. So if I miss something and you are for some reason offended then... whateves.

-Friday night was actually just insane the whole night. I was mostly tapped on spell before I went on my crazy mod.

-Killing fey! If you don't love doing that then... whateves.

-Crazy Jountanhiem(sp?) mod. Not being a barbarian and taking cold damage every couple of minutes sucks. It is hard not to be rude and say "kill your tortured fallen," when people are just standing around talking things out.

-Brain Bender and Ted. Those guys are the men! I am so glad they missed HQ to be there.

-A Muggins- when someone spills a drink across a table.

-"When it comes time for boar fightin' time, and I don't look like I am into it. It's not because I don't want to help. It is because I am not into it."

-Jeff. I hijacked Nic's solo little plot mod and just get him alone to kill him. If my cloak wasn't soaked those packets would have hit him. Then chasing him into the tavern and beating him down. I thought I had dropped him then he proceeded to start talking so I had to go back to attacking him. I would have felt like an a$$ if I had permed Nic though.

-People showing their real feeling towards Nic when I attacked him. Everything from "why did you stop?" to "Whatever Nic, why don't you go cast some drains."

-"F*ck that one arm having motherf*cker!" I did love that they told Sean's NPC that it was ok to do it to Dryaids and when people are being dicks.

-Finally using my cloak greater command after having it for 6 years. Granted 5 years of that I didn't play but it was still awesome.

-The minotaur fight. That was both the best costume and fight I have ever seen at NERO. It was brutal and amazing.

-Finally when the Queen of Thorns died and everyone was standing around where she was, all said I yelled "YAAAAAY" thinking we had come and done what we needed to.. I had no idea we were trying to change her back.

That is it for me. I will see you all in about a month at the next event. Thanks again for the awesome plot team and hard working NPCs.
"F*** that one arm havin motha f***er!"

Going to Jotunheim with the Vansir and drinking beers and wine till the wee morning hours.

Getting Sevaria drunk, making Tinker press his button and other Muggins mischeif.

Giving Asharra a big chain mail hug. Sorry :oops:

Being the only one in town who could pick the traps and then setting off a massive explosive trap. "Ow!"

Attacking Squiggles the cerebal devourer!

Spending time with my new buddy Jonothan the werewolf drunk. That sh*t dosnt even phase me anymore.

Taking care of Francis Teawaddle.

My new team: Red and Black (The Hunt, House Nemesis, House Sunderdragon)

Tracking Shadow Gary through the woods with Talon, Air Raksa and Gareth
Muggins said:
Tracking Shadow Gary through the woods with Talon, Air Raksa and Gareth

- Nearly getting killed by said trio after they came bursting out of the woodline, thinking I was Shadow Gary.
As always thank you everyone for giving me an excuse to get away from my real life, even if it is for a weekend at a time.

Favorites (in no particular order)

Thomas: going out as my 9 year old npc and acting out, joking, singing, being happy/smarmy/funny/weird/gross is great.
-A song about Daisy!A Song about Ator! A song about Kinen!
-talking about sneaking out of Grog's house!
-talking about the deadly and tragic disease of "horn mouth"
-all things Daisy
Pooka fun
-danger-ears, fast ears, caution ears.
Goblin Fun
- stealing stuff
-crunching with Mike and Sean
-losing stuff in the woods
-having to out of game roleplay to follow my steps to find said missing stuff
Children of Autumn...
-Teerin arms being torn off. Roleplaying with Mr. Bender as always. Roleplaying with Mrs. Bender. Roleplaying with
-The volcano, and planning "'rok's little dip."
-Rifting in and out to get the things for the mod
-the entire fragment mod. It ruled. The arguments put forth are truly some of the most well thought out and iron clad
arguments I have ever heard. My favorite part was:

"Have you ever had peanut butter and chocolate? Separate they are pretty great," I nod behind Kinen,"but together they become something that is truly amazing. Its like the 2 of you, your like chocolate and peanut butter"Kinen says seriously gesturing to both female npcs
The dream elemental responds "No we aren't its more like chocolate" she gestures ti herself and then points to the erth being across the room" and a$$holes."

Always love playing this game with you guys. You all rule. Can't wait to pc next event with you all.

ps. I love you NPCS!
Yeah that was awesome.

But you forgot the part where I said, well some people like that too, but that is a different story.
First, THANK YOU NPCS!!!!!!!!!!!

Thomas and Dasiy. Love them

Ator's song. "Too Big"

So Sun is finally in charge of the circle and what happens, dead bodies start popping out of the portal. Yep, that's about right.

Void mod. I got to go on one mod and luckily if I had my choice of any of them, it would have been that one. Employing the Ghostbusters logic of clearing the mind just incase.

Showing T my dragon doll.

Glorious Red yet again. Realizing she got pulled into the battle with us and Sun watching out for her. The search for her box after.

Tinker and the music box.

The Minotaur. Soooo badassed. Loved that costume.

Ocean telling Sun about the frog from last event.

Sashi in the tavern when people went into the Void shard. "shall we continue"

My last payment for casting a rit last year. Always willing to do it again :)

I know there's more, but oh well. See you all soon!
Good event everyone. THANK YOU NPC's, especially the new ones. It can be a lot to come in brand new and learn all them rules. You guys gave it your all and we all appreciate it.

Here are some Fav's

Muggins letting me use his Ice Sword most of the weekend. Thanks a bunch, those Ice blasts were fun.

Finally having archery and getting to throw arrows at NPC's.

Children's songs in the tavern... Ators theme and all the YEAHS!!!

Void Mod. Watching Savaria smack talk void. The RP was awesome.

Stoneroost wave battle. during the retreat getting dropped just as i am about to hop back through the portal, and think as i hit min 3 of my death count, oh great im gonna rez... again, because there are people standing right next to me and have no idea i am dead, and then having utietes life me FINALLY around min 4.

Avian's perpetual bad luck continuing and getting abducted by the cerebral devourers. Being Marked with a number. Sucks for Avian but i love character development.

Standing up for Tinker, and yelling at people telling them they are not allowed to push the button that had been grafted to his neck. Having Tinker thank me afterward, for being "The only reasonable person in town".

Dream Mod to kill the prince. Great mod, with excellent RP. The battle with all the Sprackta was great. I blew through so many potions that fight, and most of my healing.... then after the battle being told the enemies had acid skin... well there goes even more stuff. LOL. Great Fight guys. Props to Mike as the prince.

The Minotaur. Sean you played that creature perfectly. You were an awesome Beast. I had fun dodging your massive attacks, jumping out of the way just in time to not get hit with the giant claw, and getting chased when I shot you with arrows.

Insane Fey in the tavern battle. Watching Sun get beserked and start head butting and biting Azerith. I almost didnt want to awaken her it was so amusing.

Poker on sunday, and getting told I was pretty good at it. I hope you get that tournament set up Tommy.

Great event Guys.
Thank you NPCs!

Glorious Red is Glorious!!!

Playing Medb and Meave again and all the things that happen when we get together...

Getting to be on a super sneaky mod! That never happens! Urging KC to take the mirror and then belatedly telling him not to look in it.

Ator killing me! While I was trying to aviod a fey suiter. Holy crap that was shocking, my only thought was "but I'm not npcing this event"

My wand getting broken and then getting chewed a new one ;)

My first event of the season, its always a good one!
As always in no particular order:

Having tons of NPCs, thanks everyone!
Going on a bunch of mods: "OK we can only take one of you, wait can any of you heal?" (I love having healing spells.)
Jumping in front of all of the arrows so Medb didn't die. I figured I can't life her so I'd rather sacrifice myself than watch another family member die.
Mug and Rock, you guys are hilarious.
Bringing the last Johnston kid to NERO. Next event we're going to try and bring our dad too!
Going on the shard of void mod, Shane looking at me saying "welcome to your first resurrection."
All things Deborah.
"Push the button with your spear, you'll be far enough away"
Kelly's RPing as the queen.
Loved the Queen's first dream mod, hiding everything in my cloak and still "It's like we had an 80% success" "More like a 20% failure"
Glorious Red. That character is absolutely hilarious. Watching her cowering in fear during the battle because someone rifted her in with us.
Owen. "Your name is Owen" "it's written on your hand"
Watching Muggins blow up. "I'm a Hobling, how am I supposed to reach up there?"
Same mod, "Well he's going to be pissed off anyway so we might as well take all of his stuff"

I loved meeting new people and seeing one's I knew as well. I can't wait til the 26th!

Thank you NPCs and Plot for a great weekend!
- Bjorn/Sashi Funtimes!

- Having enough NPCs in camp to run two mods at once AND have crunchies for the rest of town!

- The fact that I played three different girls under the age of twelve this event. Typecasting much?

- Horn-mouth, a terrible orc/ogre affliction

- Brian asking Sean if he accepted physical roleplay as the Sadeen Moorian spider-mount. We all knew what could happen... and we're maybe a little disappointed that it didn't

- One of the new NPCs going "wow, Xena!" after I beat the crap out of him as Asharah :) It's fun to be Big & Strong sometimes!

- Intense roleplay with Ator as Myca

- RPing with everyone in the tavern as Sashi while their friends were inside the Void shard I was holding. Watching Rock bug out trying to figure out how to deal with me

- Sean in NPC camp acting like an elven wino: "Naaawww man, being an elf sucks. I can't make babies and there's this Mourgrymm guy after me... I wanna race change. You got a race change? You got a race change? You're lying to me... Just kiddin I love you man"

- Interacting with Kelly as the restored Queen of Roses at the very end

- The Earth/Dream aspect mod -- Lauren and I knew that it'd probably turn into a chick-fight, and that if Kainen was there he'd probably let it happen just to watch

- Hearing what happened to Ray's Child of Autumn and desperately wanting to give Rock a tongue-lashing, only to discover Brian left Saturday night. Damn you!

- Daisy and Thomas writing Daisy's theme song and afterward deciding that all songs required a "YEEEAAAAHHH!!" at the end (including SNAKE HEAD MAAAAAAAN)

- Ciaarah and Ocean helping Kayla deal with her losses, finding her teddy and then convincing her to let them borrow it

- Bonding with Muggs and Deborah as Francis Teawaddle. Free drinks forever in exchange for alchemy? Yes please!

- Pure Lord Samuel obviously having no idea how to deal with young children, much less an utterly traumatised little girl. "Child!! Are you hurt! Do you want to come with me! I can help you! Don't go with her she's a monster!" (all spoken way too loudly with an intense black-eyed stare)

- Writing Ator a theme song:
Ator is so big (too big! too big!)
He fights with a sword (too big! too big!)
He falls down a lot (no he does not)

- Asharah: Lord Galloway, do you always go around touching glowing green trees?
Galloway: Well the whole town was missing and they'd mentioned something about fae, so I figured I ought to try
Asharah: You walk a dangerous path, sir

- Chocolate and peanut butter

- Chocolate and a**holes

- Amidst the chaos of NPC camp, having George's serene presence prepping me to hook mods was amazing

Thank you NPCs, thank you PCs, thank you plot. This chapter is, as the cool kids say, "ballin".
-spending a town battle in a circle with my hands over my ears, rocking back and forth, singing to myself. And being told that I play "crazy" well.

-Sean realizing that Gary playing the tempter card basically made him Edward Cullen (from Twilight) and how ANGRY it made Sean :)

-watching Gary and Dan try to out-arrogance each other as Edward Cullen vs. Dragon.

-hitting Kainen with a carrier attack, then pulling the carrier... then watching him go "OK, maybe this won't work so well..."

-the look on PC faces when a "20 elemental body" packet hits.

-being a redcap.

-"I need someone who can play an a$$ well. Be totally arrogant the second the Prince is born. He's perfect!" *points at my Mike* LOL

-When the aspects of Dream and Earth shook hands and the hold was called, Jesse going "alright, now hug. rub her back... now smell her hair." Samara and I were ready to throw down and fight, perhaps even throw in a few Yo Momma insults. Too bad Kainen got her in one corner and Ciaara got me in the other so quickly.
Epic. Barbarian. Plot. Thanks, Ray. Friday night was amazing and my loathing of Draugr runs even deeper now that he's got buddies.

Flyaway Bird said:
- Intense roleplay with Ator as Myca
This. Except backwards.
It has been many, many years since I was as in-character and emotionally invested in roleplay as I was on Friday.

"F*** that one-arm-having mother f***er!"
"Yeah, f*** 'im!"

Pretty much every conversation ever with Rock, my favorite orc (and probably favorite non-team mate in the entire game to roll with).

Jonathan of the Legion of Typhon, and everyone's friendly reaction to his presence. Best werewolf mentor ever.

Ator and Sevaria slowly becoming pretty good friends, despite her celestial inclinations. Feeling the need to grab Akilae and join a mod group just to make sure she didn't get killed. Getting Love 9'ed to her near the end of the event was less awesome (I despise Love effects), but I am thankful that it happened to a friend that I am comfortable roleplaying with.

Minotaur. Also, being one of the two guys pretty much focused solely on said minotaur while the majority of the town fought off the fey.

Did I mention Epic Barbarian Plot? Honestly the best plotline I have been involved in for a long, long time.
Wow, what an awesome event. I don't think I've ever actually been as afraid as I was sometimes this past weekend without faking it. Friday night was brutal. I had so much fun that I don't remember everything, but I'll try my best to.

When the Fey things attacked the Tavern Friday night, I ran outside as soon as they arrived. Then, getting blocked off from going back into the tavern, I ran off into the woods and hit my head on a branch, and blacking out for a minute. Then going back out to the field, finding Koi and bringing her through the woods all the way back to her Ward and then running back into town.

APL 24 Barbarian Mod, being level 7! And actually not dying! Also, using one of my Earth Blades on Ator. 30 Earth kills undead something quick.

Wolf being the man.

Fighting morning crunchies. Always a blast.

Utieties interrupting me refitting Az's armor.

The first town dream mod fighting Fey. Attacking Sean, getting taken down, killing blowed, rifted out, and being used as a puppet. I was so scared he was going to rift me into the woods or out of the dream or something. Also, getting life'd with 30 seconds left before I dissipated. (Sean, sorry I instantly ran after I was life'd, Albert was just getting on edge because of how much time I had left)

Finding pretty much no money all weekend. Apparently other people found all my gold. :( I was searching stuff too!

Defeating the Breakfast King in honor combat, and becoming a Squire of breakfast. Also, finding it funny that he never offered to give me a mark. Probably because he knew I would decline that fey crap.

Stupid Goblins and their stupidness drinking my Purify potion. And shattering my Spear. :(

Getting knocked down during the final fight on Sunday, then getting healed, then immediately getting knocked down again, then healed, then knocked down. It happend about 5 times.

The Minotaur! Finally seeing it being used was awesome. Also, fighting it and dodging the massive swings was fun. I loved how when I got hit by 30 massive a couple people were like "You just hit by 30 massive! You got that right?". Were people surprised that I can actually take 30 massive?

Sun trying to teach me how to resist command, and how to call no affect to death. Then Grugar and her Yo-Yoing me with deaths and lifes. I died 6 times in 20 seconds.

That's about all I can remember. I'll probably post more later, as I think of them.
I had an awesome time NPCing again after so long, so here’s some favs……….

Sang eun’s (our exchange student) performance at his first LARP ever, he went all out!

Actually taking Ator out with a slay, as my Fay archer.

Kelly as the rose/thorn Quean, Jamie as Red, and Rachel as the wolf.

And it’s always nice to see FevergGrey .

Coming out as Jones Silverspoon , the first RP part I ever LARPed from about nine years ago.

Lord love a duck!
Ben W
Sir Wynn said:
Sang eun’s (our exchange student) performance at his first LARP ever, he went all out!

was that the kid doing S.sword and Long bow (the green long bow) last fight on sunday. Holy Crap that guy was awesome. He one quick guy, at one point he was fight off 3 pc at the same time and holding his own. I wanted to tell him how awesome he was but I couldnt find him at the end of the event.

Hats off to him.