May Favorites

Lanna Rose

Okay so I am super tired but figured I'd start this off.

NPC's You guys did great. So many new faces! I'm glad you all were able to handle everything plot threw at you! You guys were amazing!

So here we go.

Playing the 'pretty one' who was a bard that couldn't sing cause she had to learn how to play the....ummmm....stringed instrument. Having Nathan running around trying to find some one who could play it.....All the ways people played it were wonderful.

Having to role switch and becoming an Amani counsel representative. It was really fun. I'm glad it went over as smoothly as it did.

LADY OF THE FOREST!!!!!!!! ZOMG! The makeup was amazing!!! Tracy thank you thank you thank you!!!!! I was so excited about this role since Tom said it was mine. I planned and plotted and.....Well I think it turned out better than we were expecting it to. Even though the entire time I was in there I was shivering just the hum of excitement coming from all the PCs that were sitting in front of me kept me going.

Walking through the forest with Ezri and Rori. The great RP that happened. It was nice. And then I was feed!

Coz play just cause.....Oh my god! The fact that we had MOST of the PCs rolling with laughter after a SUPER HARD wave battle made the night. There were so many good laughs. A few freaked out reactions but all in all everyone took it all very well. I loved playing Alda! It was a blast. Everyone got a kick out of it that I did it to....except maybe Tetsu.....

Being a benny......I just could not sum up the energy or stamina to pick up a boffer this weekend. I felt really bad. So I went out as my counsel woman just to help the town. I think it turned out quiet well. Thanks to Tom for allowing me to do something. Cause i was pretty drained from the cold.

Tom! Our little "Oh god the PCs just grew wings and flew" pow wow....It was a rough road but we got it.

NPCs....Thanks again for managing to keep the closet clean for two events in a row! :thumbsup:

This weekend was a lot of fun. Thank you PCs and NPCs alike. Now I am going to bed.

There are no words in my vocabulary that can sufficiently convey my feelings about this event, the people who made it possible, and those who shared it with me. I will post a much more expansive list of thanks and favorites in the very near future but for now, in my still-exhausted state, please know that this was an event that I will truly never forget.
I was going to wait to do this until I slept more, but I'm going to do it anyway :)

- All things Ezri... from puncturing my ear drums to dancing with my wet-noodle body, to letting me resurrect her, to elf yoga in the Ash Forest - she rocked my world! Thanks Mich -- it was AWESOME!
- Qualin, dude. Lia and Qualin completely hit it off, the interplay with the two was so incredible - even if poor Rhys had to excuse himself during the "marrying a human" conversations :)
- Gareth - Sean, I love you. I missed hanging with Gareth SO MUCH - I'm so happy to see that both characters have kind of evolved in ways that still make them compatible as friends :)
- Staying up talking to Henry - I've missed hanging out with you WELL PAST stupid o'clock :) I'm glad we got to bunk together :)
- Shay & Barrus - thanks for letting us dragging you along -- and for having fun with us! ;)
- "You've gotta know when to walk away".... "And you should know when to run"... "You, know - you should never count your money, when you're sitting at the table..."
- Barrus's first waylay!
- Drak's coaching through post-amnesia Lia
- Starting the weekend lost as to how to play Lia at this point, and leaving feeling like I had a complete progression and understanding of who is FINALLY is.
- Trying to explain that just because you can't see my ears doesn't mean I am any less of an elf and the ensuing explanation of what makes an elf...
- Elf mod! Apparently, I LOVE to ask questions.
- Poor Alor and Ezri having to make the ultimate decision on whether or not I should remember what happened in the fey realm -- and Tom for just saying "Roll with it"
- Spending the entire fey mod trying to determine exactly what she remembered -- only to get amnesiaed once it was perfect! lol
- Baroness Ezri!
- Organic character growth and letting the character lead me there :)
- Not my moment -- but seeing Caiohme's letter after game.... SO AWESOME... lol - poor Rhys, this always happens to him.
- Getting to hang out with so much of the "old crew" and remembering the old days in NPC camp :)
- Monster philosophy discussions
- "Weaponized Autism"
- "Lia the Completely Un-Famous"
- Walking out of the circle to turn over Ezri's resurrection after being asked to leave, and having her spirit cling to Lia
- Doing my first ever resurrection and having it not suck :)
- Talking to Tetsu and reminding him why his wife chose him
- "Elven Blades" ... "4 decades in adult diapers" ... "You were gone for 3/4 of a human life span!"...
- TEA TIME! Thanks Craig for bringing all the stuff :)
- "Wait... that would be... 601??? Holy ****!"
- Qualin and Lia's amazing discussion about Questions, Answers and Paths that basically solidified what she needs to do next.
- "Grown up Aara"
- My long lost brother, Amaranthus! ;)

I regret that the weekend ended to fast for me to get to hang out with all the awesome people I wanted to spend more time with! I know I probably have 10,000 more that I can't even find the words to describe... and at least 1,000 more that I shouldn't post at all -- but thank you to everyone who made this event amazing!
Had an AMAZING event, fun times all around! Great RP opportunities, great fighting, great mods, awesome overall. I had a blast meeting everyone and there really wasn't a LICK of bad RP over the course of the weekend. I applaud you, HQ people! You'll probably see me return as an NPC, I'm going to try to make it as often as possible!

1: I loved the goblin mod. As if being a fantastically psychotic little greenskin wasn't enough, the addition of the tall grass made that mod 100% more amazing. Both parties gave us a great fight and I'm glad we could put a little pressure on the Hunt
2: Absolutely loved being given the opportunity to play a few of the big monsters! The last big fight where I got to be an assassin was amazing! Such great fighting from everybody! I really learned a lot and got a little practice for sword and board in.
3: I loved RPing a ranger. I felt really honored to play that kind of role and to be told that I pulled it off half-decently. I know that almost 100% of people only saw me glower at them angrily but I loved it :p RPing with my fellow rangers was awesome. It was 100% worth the effort I put into understanding how the order worked and everything else.
4: Being threatened to be kidnapped/hired for a five gold per hour, and generally approved of for giving massages. I haven't had a lot of "real world" experience (though I'm not sure if LARP counts as the "real world" :p), but it makes me exceptionally happy to know that I've helped a few of you out with a couple aches and pains. LARP is rough on your muscles!
5: Rockin out with the HORDE of newbies we had! They were all champions and helped a ton. I hope we see their smiling faces again!
7: Getting to know all the characters in HQ was great. There are some awesome characters and awesome players out your in neck of the woods!

Overall I had ana amazing time and there are too many personal shoutouts for me to list, but I feel like I personally thanked most of you. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING
Wow... still have a bit of a LARPover in addition to being kind of sick, but here goes.

1.) This has to make number one because I felt like absolute crap OOG for most of the weekend and resultingly slept through a lot of it. Freaking Frisco playing nurse as need be... I really appreciate it. Same goes for others who checked in on me, he just had the skill to do more.

2.) Tom Haswell letting me go PC shift for plot reasons. Just... yes. Thank you. So much. Especially considering I was effectively useless for so much of the event because of #1. On that topic, RP with Garathon. Yes. Happiness. FATHER-DAUGHTER ROLEPLAY. THAT. Just, all of that. Thank you sooo much, Robb. Ah! Seeing Vicky actually be forced to mature in some ways and totally get stinted in others is way too much fun. (also a little scary, but fun)

3.) Watching all the terrifying cards go out and get played out. o_O; Going out as my Fey and scaring Ezri. Running things to people as they needed them since I wasn't quite up to combat. People who tried to help me remember weapon skills when I was up for it.

If I'd been more conscious, there would be more. Sadly, I'm kind of zonked right now. See ya in June!
This Favorites post brought you to by caffeine, without it I wouldn't have the brain power to remember things.

--- Thank you NPCs! Completely rocked it from the vets to the newbies, you all were very receptive and eager and put on a great show!
--- Thank you PCs! High levels of sportsmanship, great RP, great combat! Gotta love it.
--- Paladin-ness! I think I successfully intimidated everyone :twisted:
--- Following the warp trail. Nobody likes death elementals anymore.
--- Post-ichor stress disorder.
--- Watching the 2nd Elemental Beserk By Voice from just below the balcony.
--- Roasting the shadeboar.
--- Mirador! One tough Amani Ranger.
--- All the assassins! How do I love thee, let me count the ways...
--- "Pick him up, fix him, it'll be more fun that way"
--- Papa Shadeboars.

There's too much more but it was an awesome weekend and I can't wait to come back and do it again!
And the nominees are:

Ash Forest. you guys are wonderfully fun and i am proud to be part of a tgeam of such quality.

Promotions and new court members...some of them twice in one event! Simon is glad it is settled. Now i really have to break in my new head noble.

Room clearing with Will...and the rest of the mod team.

Holding the hill with the Phalanx. "Hey guys...what do you all have for the next Berserk?" Paolo "nothing" RIDDICK "nothing" Gareth two feet away "nothing" and they all turn and smile. glad i had a cloak and 4 awakens. points for presience.

Drum circle time.

Hearing there was a charnel assassin calling my name and hoping it was Colin. getting a great fight and pretty much soloing mine.

My second charnel assassin in the woods and simo eviscerates. Simons rule ftw..."what do you have?" undead "" "that will be a parry sir"

See you soon....on the darkside!
This event marked my 11th anniversary of playing Alliance. My first event was the 2002 Ashbury Memorial Day event / tournament (in the alternate future timeline). When I look back over the years I've been playing the game, some events stand out more than others, and lead to the epic late night tales we swap in the Tavern. This event will forever be one of those events, leading to some of the better of those stories.

Where to begin:

Thank you HQ staff, from logistics, to the GM/AGM, to Plot. I came up with a half baked idea to chain together a couple rituals to try to get back a friend who by all reports was dead and gone. Not only did you work with me when I came to you, put you picked up the idea and ran with it. I was honored that with such a populated event you found time to run a side mod to allow a few friends rescue another, even if it meant changing the time table on a plot line you had scheduled for later in the year.

The Rescue of Sir Amaranthus Landcharmer. I deleted a detailed blow by blow of the entire thing, as I'm going to be talking about this one for a LONG TIME (sorry people). Suffice it to say, every aspect of this endeavor was amazing. From gathering the components, to my heartfelt plea at dinner, planning and executing the plan, the CRAZY mod itself, and the fallout from the death of Grim. This story will be swapped for a long time. A few specific moments to highlight from the adventure:
-The dinner plea. I'd almost given up that it would be possible, but the outpouring of support from everyone was amazing! Thanks!
-The "round table" planning session where we outlined what ACTUALLY was behind the enemy lines, "Folks I am planning on taking you to a zone, where there may in fact be danger" (the smiles on the Hunt's face made that line worth it) - and watching the looks of "what are we doing?" cross so many faces as Grimm described what exactly was up there. Then when I said "who's still interested?" Nobody backed out.
- Sean, your elemental portrayal was spot on, my favorite moment with you was at the very end, after rifting into the tavern, and I asked you to go back, when you told me you could not, you did so without breaking, but you could see the look of sorrow in the life elementals eyes. I did the only thing I could do at that point, gave a respectful bow, thanked you for your service and allowed you to leave. Back and forth at that moment, though only seconds long, meant a lot to me.
- The heated argument over who was going to sacrifice themselves for Grimm, Shyaa pulling the "i'm regen'ed trump card took all the wind out of the sails of any argument I could muster up, Avain pulling me aside for 30 seconds and letting me get my head on straight. Realizing how far the character has come that I actually could.
- Telling the story of the Battlle of Aiolia, why I have a Jade ship on my door, and why Grimm dying brings it all back again, to Aikitza, and seeing that she really understood and enjoyed the story. I'm glad we were both able to get something out of that .
Anyways, thanks again to all involved. Thanks for the Amaranthus is alive plot twist... thanks for the great epic tale to tell.

Moving on....

Tea! Several years ago I started bringing a Tea set to HQ with me (actually the first teapot was a gift from T'Noah of the Stormblades), and Tea kinda became my HQ thing. Well, tea shenanigans reached a new high this month with the addtion of Lea's delicious teas and my newly expanded set. Everybody wanted some, everybody had some... it was amazing to share the experience. Having the dwarves be skeptical about it but even they got into the "F'ing tea party!" (said with glee, not disdain) on Friday night. Having the party last all weekend, including Shya adding a cheese platter Saturday evening. Some people have banners they hang to let people know they are in town, I have a teapot I leave in the tavern and I love every second of it.

Phalanx reunion! Between kids and life, it's nice to get together when we can! Paolo somehow becoming the face, and doing it amazingly.

Vanguard story swapping! Learning about Thomas. :p

Support from the Vanguard, even if they didn't know why.

Telling Ket to read the paper more :)

Mike Strauss and his Galanthian, and my interactions. First walking away from him thinking, "just let him walk in the forest so the Rangers can take care of it for me"... the later when he was petitioning to join the rescue mission, making it perfectly clear why he was not invited.

Speaking of Hating Necromancy, Finally getting to speak to Alda about the Jade Skeleton. I planned a little story out in my head to share, but once it happened, it had a sad ending, so I felt it was almost a failure. So we ended up commiserating poor decisions more then me helping cheer her up, but it still seemed to work out ok. Then we moved on to Zelot sharing hating tips with other Zelot time. I don't get enough of that, it was refreshing.

Qualin inviting me to the Ash Forest walk on Saturday. Offering to go back and Ezri pretty much saying "NOPE, you'd not have been allowed in if it was an issue"

Music floating around. From the sounds of song and flute in the forest from Alda, to Simon's flute in the tavern, to the drum circle Saturday night. I really enjoyed all of it.

The "Elf & Friends" Nap Mod... Being So Confused... then being told who She was... feeling honored, then realizing I was on an extremely short list of mortals who have met both the Lord and Lady of the Forest.

Serious talks with Tetsu and with Alyssa about their children.

Fighting Snores Friday night... silly fight, but it got tough.... Gareth misbehaving and getting scolded by a round of BAD GARETH before he was confined.

Fighting Super Snores Saturday... hard fight... lots of fun.

Defeating the Ichor Saturday night, I missed much of the fight due to helping out Amaranthus in the tavern, but the second Beserk wave set of Aisling... never show her your back... EVER....

Bills Tavern keep... "you just knocked over a chair... that's not a thing with you is it?" :funny:

Almost forgot: Zalinarik. When he showed up watching people panic a bit, but knowing enough not to be worried. When it was confirmed to me that he was the Ash Forest's one dragon mage, having to continually bite my tongue and tell myself "don't be smug". Helping set up an impromptu privacy area around the earth circle, and giving a brief pep talk to the Dryad helping me set up who had just been invested.

Also, not asking Zalinarik for help... explaing to people that "I'm sure Dragon and Shadow mages get asked for help from people all the time for everything, I lost my puppy, my kitty is stuck in the tree, where are my house keys" and I will not further that stereotype because I don't want to be bothered like that when I become one. However, once he because the Court Wizard to the Duke, and the Duke had offered full support to my plan, I had to at least ask. While asking I explained I was almost embarrassed but because of the position and pledge, I felt it was appropriate. The brief conversation we had was great.

And many more... I had lots of fun and hope to be back soon.
I loved the whole set of interactions around the death of Grimm, especially knowing that I really started the sacrifice fight.

I had a total blast this event, the tea was great, and even though I can't play on the site really, I still got to have a good time. And teach Ezri how to tango. And offer to tango with the Dragon Mage. Dude, JP, if you'd said yes, I'd've even let you lead. :p

-Geoffrey, the player of Nicolai Terellian. You know. Shya's son. That hasn't happened yet. Or so they tell me.
Crap in a hat what a time!
Npc's you folks were awesome and my 4 or so hours npcing were a blast. thanks for everyone old and new for showing up and making awesome. Tom you did a great weekend. Donna the set dressings and your rp were totally great. Collin you continue to be a reason i play this game and akiva you are coming into your own.

ok the list

1. Grim and Ketemycos rp. From Arguing on the field about tactics versus ego to what happened after grim Died. Ket is learning and its awesome how things change.
2. Super awesome secret stuff working out.....then.. super awesome secret stuff reprocussions....
3. suicide mission fun...still think i was touching... rezzing successfully.
4. Humbling moment... hearing people fought over sacrificing themselves for grim.
5. The grim cosplayer. The new guy was a great sport.
6. Mouse and interacting with her as her fan
7. there are times i get lost in grims head. On sunday morning i think it was. I was on the porch looking at thee " ash forrest" and Grim was thinking over whhat it represented and the people whom came from it. what they have done and sacrificed and the whole " thou shalt love the people of the land to which thou hast sworn fealty" thing was in his head and he fell in love with the people and land of the ash forrest.
8. doing at least 120 earth to Morganna.... more to come lady.. i know it didnt hurt but its a moral victory
9. Vanguard. yup you rock
10. Effin tea..
11. the team after grim rezzed. You guys are amazing
12. Seeing qualin and ket rp the ichor.
13. Ash forrest and the new players..
14. Former Baron rori.
15. The whole paladin Balok situation... this will be a thing...

i will forget a few things im sure. but i had an amazing time. thanks for everything everyone.

It felt great feeling like I was Tetsu again. It's sort of a tough feat for me to achieve these days, but the HQ team and its players made it happen.

-Donna: Without her I would not have played this weekend. Also, did you see the tavern? Though the set is static she did a great job making it 'feel' like we weren't in Fairdale anymore. The table arrangements and pillow palace party corner were aces. The Counsel member she played was so much fun too. I totally ate so much boot in her presence haha.

-The Hunt - I do not get to play with my team enough! I'm very glad they made the trip. It's a different game when they're present, and we always have fun together. Some highlights: Gebous Jedi mind tricks ("You don't see a Hobling!" "Wait...really?" "NO of course you see me! *bamf*). Various unusual golem dance-offs. Shadowing Aisling into combat. Ocean puts the motion in his moniker! Ona is a thug you can always count on. Sex golem.

-Kate/Alyssa - I had a moment after the 'we all fall down' mod of dreamy tree lady things. I didn't participate in the rp that lead to Alyssa making her sacrifice. Later, this would highten the drama, and cause me to organically question things about my character that I had never even considered in game. That's development baby. That's a reason to play. It's what I've been searching for, and Kate is the one who lit the fuse. I had so much fun supporting her being epic. She was a super hero, and it was so cool to witness. Hers was the most 'real' ressurection I've ever done, I think. After all the really emotional stuff got out, the line at the end was my favorite: "What do we do next, my love?" I asked. "We obliterate the Ichor." She replied. <3

-Hanging with the Phalanx. Very happy you guys made it down!! JP pep talks. Riddick giving me the ‘just in case’ speech. Paolo pulling me aside to tell me some wild stuff that got me super excited to return to Caldaria. Sean/Gareth basically being the man. Jin Wu opening my eyes to a whole new perspective on in game child rearing, and what certain events may mean for my character’s future. Thank you guys!

-The food! Bill and the crew who helped in tavern get limitless props. No limit props. All of the praise!! So tasty and awesome.

-Amaranthus is alive!? I had not really given that a whole lot of thought, but I had my suspicions. Amar is one of those characters whose epic death should be on stage. He’s a real hero character whether or not Bill will ever admit it.

-Observing the Ash Forest grow, and change. Sometimes, you realize you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, and made promises you can’t keep. It’s cool when you can realize that as somebody else for a change, and then make it okay again through rp. That’s what happens when you’re dealing with the high caliber players that make up the court of AF. I was particularly proud of Michelle for her in game honor. I remember seeing Ezri in game for the first time ever. Boy how things have changed. It’s pretty awesome. Also gotta give props to Sino for his pledge. Kid’s got moxy.

-Eagle head man! (Not Dave his evil cosplay alter ego) But also Dave as head of rules and a really awesome amazing looking eagle kin.

-Dave’s Paladin getup. That HAT.

-Charnal assassin! Great, fun, clean fight with Frisco. You’re an MVP man.

-Watching this weekend affect Henry in game as Qualin, but out of game too. He is a really great friend both in and out of game. The HQ team really hit one out of the park for him, I think. This was great to see.

-IG Pep talks from Kielani, Anna, and Lia. That Earth Circle was teeming with emotion. SO MUCH EMOTIONS. <3

-The Tenebrous fight was REALLY REALLY cool. I didn’t actually even fight that much. It was freezing, and I was fog-eyed and a little miserable before this went down. I was SO HAPPY I didn’t bail on this.

-Garathon kept making this wayward high orc feel really welcome in ‘Icenia’(?) again. I hope the Blythedale festival goes off without a hitch! At least, you know, within reason of course.

-Grim not perming!

-Reminiscing with Nathan Westwind of our epic jam sessions! Man I wish we had a chance to do something like that again. It's hard to force a moment like those. I'm glad you came to the event and had fun Robb!!

-Really fun RP with Cole as her barbar. I really like quiet moments of cultural exchange.

-Bonito just being himself and watching Tinder waylay fools. So awesome.

SO excited for June and more Dwarven shenanigans. This whole weekend was really nice seeing so many old and new friends. Thanks to everybody who made it!

Friends, Ashbans, Countrymen! Behold, my favorites for our little jaunt really close to the Ash Forest!

#1. We had a great turn-out on both sides of the fence. A great big thanks to our NPC’s, both veteran and new! It was also great to see such a big showing of PC’s, especially for an event that wasn’t an opening or closing event.

#2. Bill’s delicious meals! I am notorious for going off-site for dinner on Saturdays, but I stayed and enjoyed the beef stew so much that I had two servings!

#3. Super Mini-Staff Meeting. We were able to pull everybody together for a swift (and fairly stealthy) staff meeting on Saturday night. I love the fact that we have creative, positive, and cooperative people working together to make our chapter run smoothly. Thank you so much for all of the hard work from our dedicated staff!

#4. Faerie Princess Khorwyn FTW! Okay, so drop the “princess” part, but being imbued with powers by the Lady of the Forest was awesome! To be called “racially impaired” by Alyssa only to later stand beside her and Ezri as comrades was a great twist. To be chosen by Ket as his champion against the Black Ichor Beast was an incredible honor. Hopefully the sacrifice of a shard of my spirit is proof enough to the Amani elves that I’m not such a bad guy after all, even for a human. And holy crap CLAWS!

#5. Charnal. Assassins. Everywhere. I think I survived some of the hardest fights I’ve ever had during this event, thanks in no small part to the aid of other adventurers lobbing healing spells and protectives at me just to keep me on my feet and slashing.

#6. I bought a Paladin his breakfast. He was shiny, and appreciative.

#7. Nathan “Walking Mages Guild” Westwind. It’s great to have our old friend and waywizard back among us, and sporting some Blythedale-esque colors as well. He added an awesome amount of evocation and elemental firepower to our smaller squad of the crescent moon during this event.

#8. Private conversations with Duke Kendrick. Having a multi-layered relationship with the new leader of Ashbury makes for great role-play, and it’s exciting to both be a bigger player in the overarching plot of the game, as well as having pieces of my own personal plot mixed in.

#9. Teaching Esten the Eviscerate skill. The man gives me oranges. How was I to say no?

#10. The archery competition!!!! Oh wait…(sobs uncontrollably) Ah, there’s always next time!

Okay folks, I’ll see you next month, Cheers!
Tetsu said:
I remember seeing Ezri in game for the first time ever. Boy how things have changed. It’s pretty awesome.

Dude -- I remember NPCing her first lowbie mod! ;)

PS - I owe you a massive apology for attacking your coffee accidentally. I deserve to be obliterated :sweat:

I feel like I have recovered sufficiently. I didn't want to go early and forget things because this even was "kind of a big deal."

I have had a lot of trouble playing Riddick in the last couple of years. I have been wandering listlessly from plotline to plotline not really understanding his place in the story. This weekend drove it all home for me and showed me how much fun it can be to be the supporting character in everyone else's story. Thank you to everyone who roleplayed with me and fought with/alongside me. This weekend may have kept Riddick from being transformed into 180 someodd build.

Now on to some specifics:

The staff: I have played for a long time. This was one of the most well run games I have been to. Big props go out to everyone who helps make this game great. Keep up the good work!

Lia: It has been a pleasure to watch that character grow up again after her little reset. I can't wait to see what comes next.

The Phalanx + Eagle Dude: The Phalanx frat house was hilarious. I love playing with you guys. This definitely needs to be a yearly trip. It recharged my batteries and got me pumped to play again.

Paolo: Yup. He gets his own bullet point. Paolo is easily my favorite character in this entire game. It has been amazing to watch him come into his own over the years. I dont know how he did it, but he managed to become the Phalanx Ambassador.... and you know what? He did a pretty awesome job of it. Attn Mike: Get ready for that to be more common.

Combat shenanigans during the Ichor Fight: Guarding that hill and holding back the avalanche of monsters with only a handful of people was amazing. It took a lot of energy and a lot of creative tactics, but it was one of the most rewarding fights I have ever been in. I came out of that fight COMPLETELY tapped and I loved every minute of it.

Saving Amaranthus: Holy. Freaking. Crap. Hardest. Mod. Ever. Craig didn't want to give a blow by blow... but here is the short version: We served them. They served us back. It was on. We had to bring our AAA+ games to make it work and every one of us put it all on the table. My only offense came in the form of a packet explosion on David's death elemental(?) The rest of the time was a panic stricken race to cast magic armors and life spells. Well done.

Baroness Ezri: I knew you had potential kid. It has been amazing watching that character grow. I still remember her first event. Every time I come back to HQ she gets a promotion. I swear eventually she'll be queen.

The food: Bill... my man... the stew was insane. I had never had cornbread with stew before either, but it was a great addition. I loved it. Thank you!

The tavern: HQ has a history of having taverns with great atmosphere. This was a great example. I loved the books on all the tables, the bulletin board, the signs about study hour, etc. I thought it added to the game having a sense of place. I really felt like I was on a university campus.

Healers Resolve: I need to go on record as saying that I REALLY love this new High Magic ability. I was dissapointed with the numbers when I first saw them and compared them with Elemenetal Burst. But, I'm over that now. I was very happy to have it, and can't wait to have even MORE. The look on some of the newer players faces when they saw me use it was amazing. I am not ashamed to admit that I didn't take the time to explain how I did it. The mystified mutters that were spreading through the crowd as I walked away were too awesome to squash.

Charnal Assassin: Scott was obviously mentally prepared to charge through a storm of spells since he logisted me and knew my column. But, I was pleased to have a chance to show him that I have a little bit of fight left in the tank. My support team was also amazing. Long range magic armors and purifies. Missy's dryad giving me directions so I didnt break my ankle and fall into a bush. It was great. Thanks for the fight Scott. We'll have to do it again some time!

Thank you HQ. It was an amazing experience. Hopefully I can make it back later in the year!



I am determined not to wait so long that the thread dies before I can post my fav's this time. So, despite the computer eating my first draft, here I go....

First off, the big thank you to Tom, Donna, staff and NPC's for a fantastic weekend. The story was absorbing without being overwhelming, all parts well played, fights clean, etc., etc. The set decorations were awesome. At no point did I feel like I was just having to pretend that I wasn't in Fairdale this time around. It really did feel like we were somewhere else.

Thanks to the PC's as well. I love it when more and more people come in that everyone else knows that Mouse has never met. It's like I get double the NPC's in many ways. It was great to meet all those new to me, and to see those that I have met, but aren't around all the time.

Ok, here's the list (in no particular order)

- No rain. Just saying. Yay!

- The buzz. I don't think it was just me, but there was a special energy about this event coming. I've been to well attended events before, but it wasn't just that. The anticipation for this one was electric and it kept up through the whole event.

- Qualen's return to the Forest. I'm too old (and human ;) ) that I couldn't keep up with all the elves as we headed off to talk to a centaur (Oh, and yes, that is one for Mouse's story book.) so I figured I'd guard the end of the line and catch the summary from Alda's notes later. So, instead, I got a front row spot to watch Henry's personal, in the moment, amazing roleplay of being back in his home. The man laid sticks back to their correct places, caressed the young ferns as they curled up from the forest ground, and finally took Anna's hand as he showed her the place that he loved so much. He told me later that he had no idea that I was watching; I believe him. I don't know if anyone else was, but I'm glad that I did. It was beautiful.

- Zalanarick. Ok, so talk about a story for the book. Kathy knows him from the past and I was able to RP the jar-dropped- duh-huh moment of him being there (and not in his tower) since Mouse is from Tyrra and has read the papers over the years. And THEN I get to actually have a quiet personal conversation with the golden one. I figured I'd be dismissed (being, ya know, just a smelly round eared gal :p ), but our conversation about home and loyalties was great. I think it went well, anyhow. I'm excited about the next round of Zalarnarick vs. Morganna. The rift chase was fun to watch too.

- All the conversation about home. I have a had a few of these over my coming back to the game, and what the word means to Mouse. This weekend there seemed to be more or maybe that they were weighted slightly differently, I dunno. But, all of them are awesome. We are where we come from, shaped by what we experience.

- Ash Forest team. Just awesome. I like our team, I really do.

- Baroness Ezri. Yah; just all kinds of yah. I tagged in late in the watching of Ezri's growth, but have been pretty much fully committed since the sneaking up on Lochaber. Finally being able to hand her a tabard and pledge an official oath to her was wonderful. Having the arrogance of telling one of the consulates that I approved of their choice and being told by her(Angel's character, can't remember the IG name), that I was talking to one of the few that my comments (depsite the human citiness of Mouse) actually meant something to. (Yes, Ezri, I DID speak respectfully!) Yah.

- Thanks to Angel for finding my lost sword phys rep. It had gotten knocked under the cabin, so I never saw it. At first I was bothered because I like the phys rep, and didn't care about the tag. Then I remember that it had actually been given to Mouse by Baron Harrison in recognition of our Dockside connection. I would have been really bummed (both IG and OOG) if it had actually been lost. Also thanks to those who kept finding my hammer "Keg Breaker". I really need to get a better frog for that thing.

- "Mouse is definitely a dude." Kyle, that whole thing was too hysterical for words. You have given Traevor loads of ammunition for my torture for many months to come.

- Midnight grilled cheese sandwiches. So glad I didn't forget the bread this time. Yum. Here's to new traditions!

- My Charnie backback. While I'm flattered that I got one of the charnal juggernauts all of my very own, what really stands out (other than the affirmation that Kathy isn't so great in 1:1 combat - line fighting yes, sparring no!) is the whole crowd of support that I had around me. From the healing and protective verbals that I couldn't hear over my panting, to the magic sword that Raven put in my hand, to well, just about the whole thing. I wouldn't have survived without you. I think it was the Phalanx that I owe the bulk of the gratitude to, but as I suck at names, I'm not 100%. If not, let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.

- People understanding that there is a new class of player - the old FARTS division. (I can't remember what someone said the acronym will actually spell out, but I think I may need to make a headband that declares my membership to this group). Between my inability to remember tweaks in rules for calls, to remember that I need to adjust my weapon blows when handed magic weapons, etc., etc. Thank you to everyone for not jumping all over me and just sort of patting me on the head, correcting me and then sending me on my way. I'm not much of a rules person (even when I began playing D&D centuries ago) - being more into the RP and story of things, but I promise to try to do better.

I'm sure there's more. But, it's all summed up in my FB status post when I got home: 'Exhausted, but satisfied." In all the best possible ways.

Thanks to everyone for this hobby/escape/calling/community. We all know the good getting away for these events does in so many ways, so I won't run on and on. I truly appreciate it all.

Now that I'm done traveling and am back in California, I wanted to come back here to say thanks again for a great weekend.

It was my first time out of my home chapter, so it was cool seeing another site and meeting a whole new group of people. A few highlights:

Balls saving my life with only about 15 seconds left on my count during the unscaled goblin mod, and then RPing teaching me about celestial magic for a while.

Tetsu- I didn't interact with you much, but I loved watching you interact with everyone else. You brought an energy to the room that I wanted to specifically call out, and I thought it was great. Especially, perhaps, when you were chasing the coz-player with the eagle head around the room. :)

Simon, thanks for helping me differentiate my sword and board style from my previous single sword style. I think I'll have a few surprises for my companions out west at the next event.

I really loved both the final battle Sat night and also the undead hordes on Sunday. Kudos to Plot for a well done story, and major props to the NPCs. And then those again and squared for the "coz-play" sequence- that was one of the funniest things I've seen in Alliance yet.

But most of all, getting to finally LARP with Rhys. Long enough ago that the dinosaurs were still cold blooded he was my college roommate, and we've been fighting with boffers for nearly 20 years, playing D&D, Amber, Cyberpunk, UO, WoW... and now, finally, FINALLY, we got to LARP together, and it was a blast. And while I haven't known Lia for nearly so long, she was instrumental in getting me to arrange my schedule to get me to drag my lazy carcass down to PA, and she's totally obviously an elf, amirite? It was great to get to do that with you, too.

I'm in New England not infrequently, so I hope I'll get the chance to join you all again. And if any of you get the chance to come out to the San Francisco area, come check us out!

There was a lot more to like and a lot of great people and interactions that I am leaving out here, but so it goes. Until we meet again, hello and goodbye, as always...
Hey Adam!

Thanks for the compliment, and thank you so much for giving the game on our coast a try! I hope we have another chance to interact some more next time. I gotta say your armor was awesome. It's super rare you see someone in pretty much a full, matching suit like that.

Glad you had a good time! I hope to get the chance to visit the west coast and give SF a try one of these days.

Warning… incoming novel. This is an insanely long compilation of thanks, favorite moments, nods and just generally, the event through Ezri’s eyes. Thank you, ALL of you, for the role you all played in the single most epic event in my 10-year career.

I need to start by specifically thanking Tom Haswell. Few people know me, and especially my character better. This event reminded me of all the wonderful reasons we play this game. Between what plot threw at us and the gobs of PC-initiated roleplay, I was literally described as a tetherball. But it was glorious.

Donna, the set was fantastic. I’m always amazed at what thoughtful props can do to transform that tavern. The pillow pile next to the fire in the corner was a particular favorite, but the little notes all over, the books… it all just was top notch. And thank you for the very personal touches of Koshi’s jacket, and Daralassia’s shield.

All Things Court of the Ash Forest. Dan L, Missy L, Dan B, Kathy, Joe, Erika, Sam, Jordan… I love each and every one of you. The team is really coming together, and each of you brings something special to it. From fights with Ashrik to all of us helping Cyno defeat his first Charnal Assassin, you fill my weekends with wonderful memories. Thank you.

Akiva, Angel, Chad, Donna, Scotty… All of the Council envoy NPC’s were amazing; well studied, and felt very organic. It wasn’t hard to tell which council member each of you represented, even when I couldn’t remember the character’s names. Well done.

Special props to Dave DeMartino for playing my brother, Mirador. The disbelief that his little sister had grown up so much was so cute, and a lovely compliment to the badassness of being an Amani Ranger.

All things Qualin/Henry Hart. From over-the-top craziness as the jester, to the subtle roleplay in the forest, you always make my event better, and set the bar ever higher for roleplaying standards. Thank you.

The fey mod of crazy music. Handing Lia back and forth between Alor and myself as we handled various aspects of the mod. And then having an unexpected character breakdown when Kelly’s character history and mine collided spectacularly. OOG Mich knows that there is no connection, but Ezri is just a little broken now. I can count on one hand the number of people who know that part of her story in-game. Thank you for the absolutely beautiful roleplay surrounding all of that. I’m not sure if you were tearing up IG or OOG, but I was having a hard time fighting it back. And thank you for all the awesome roleplay all weekend long.

This weekend felt like a celebrity tour of the Amani packet. We came sprinting down the hill, chasing after Ket, who had sensed the ichor in Miertholas, only to run into Ophion the Centaur Lord. Tom’s masterful storytelling, along with the subtle horse roleplay (tossing of the mane, shifting of weight from foot to foot) was truly fantastic.

A little while later, cue the dream mod. We all fall asleep and end up in the underground cavern. And man, there really is something to be said for shared illusion. I know we were just in the basement, but in my mind’s eye, we really were in an ethereal cavern. That mod was a wonderful mashup between kindergarten story time with all of us sitting on the floor, and a near-religious experience. Alyssa (Kate) and Khorwyn (Dave), I could not have asked for better co-champions. Alyssa getting to be a part of it as the “prodigal Amani” was awesome. Angel, your portrayal of the Lady of the Forest was beautiful – the perfect combination of regal and loving, yet dark. The way in which you bestowed the gift to each of us gave me chills.

Return to the tavern and all of the sleepy PC’s wake up – except we three. I could hear the voices of panic as Alyssa and I fail to awake (not sure where Khorwyn had been placed, but Kate and I were in the same room). I finally drop my things and go to resurrect, but first a pit-stop to NPC camp for a slight makeover and a tweak to my character card. Insert squee here. Arrive in the earth circle and there are three people in there that Ezri would normally be happy to have resurrect her. No offense to Kailani, or Larien, but due to some previous roleplay, she REALLY wanted Lia. Waking up to find I now have claws, Natalia and Ashrik hand me Asitikir. BAD/GOOD idea. I think I really scared them with the maniacal laughter.

Fast forward a bit to the attempt to rescue the Duke. Having Jeebus and Aisling come running when I called for help was awesome. We were sadly too late, but returned to have Natalia come running – skittering up the hill even, to tell us that there was an elven dragon mage that nobody recognized creating circles in the tavern. Jon-Paul, I loved your portrayal of Zalinarik. The character is literally a thing of legend in race packs and the player’s guide. Those were some big robes to fill, and you did wonderfully. “Can you see the bruise on my chin? That’s from where my jaw hit the floor earlier…”

And then during dinner, Paolo Oscarot literally saves the forest. No seriously. He articulated to the council what I couldn’t. That was a huge factor in their eventual decision not to close the borders. Ezri will never forget this.

Saturday night drum circle. With all of the politics, danger and craziness, it was a much needed release to beat on some drums. The asitikir might have helped a little too, LOL. Shya, Larien, Simon, Ket, Rorii, Alda, Tyviel, Aikiza, Ashrik, Nikolai, and yes, even Zalinarik, all sitting around, singing, drumming, drinking and generally enjoying life. And then being taught to Tango by Geoffrey/Nikolai was hilarious – with the rose in my mouth and all. I would have LOVED to see you dip Zalinarik. LOL. Somewhere in that euphoric haze, the phrase “I have starlight in my hair and fire in my eyes” was coined.

And of course, there was the Battle of Darkness. It was not lost on me that we were using dark power to fight a bigger dark power. The fight was long, and hard and glorious. The first primal roar issues forth from Tenebrous, and half the field yells “RESIST!” Khorwyn runs him through, then myself, then Alyssa. But as he continually reforms, the number of people calling resists dwindles, and the berserks start wreaking havoc. Two people never left my side in that fight – Lia, and Sir Garathon. You sir… I lost count of how many blows you literally jumped in front of for me. Finally, Tenebrous is dropped for the final time, and I hear the call of “Forest Fire,” and I run. The synchronized killing blow from all three champions, followed by a roaring “NO EFFECT” to his obliterate vengeance was exhilarating. According to some, the emphatic synchronicity of the “screw you and your obliterates” was amusing. Of course, this was followed by all of us being flung out ten paces, and bleeding out. I’m told this was quite a spectacle to behold from the aerial view of the porch.

Then the celebration. Asitikir flows and Alyssa and I laugh in the corner. I hear “Can I have some of that?” and I turn to see none other than Zalinarik with his hand out. I got to get drunk and laugh with a living legend. Yes, please. Enter the cosplayers. OMG too funny. Simon vs. Simon! And poor Chris as the impostor Grim, getting berated by Ket (poor guy wasn’t aware that Grim was currently MIA).

Somewhere in the midst of the drunken, euphoric tomfoolery, I look up and see Bill. It takes me a minute to realize there are feathers on his face. All I can think of is “Those crazy sons-of-bitches did it. I don’t know how but they did it.” Kudos to the Phalanx, the Hunt and everyone else who pulled that off. I look forward to hearing the tales in-game.

At breakfast the next morning, I’m approached by Baylock, the paladin. I’m not sure if I was supposed to kneel or not, but I don’t think I did. First task from the Ordo Aurum is in place. Good luck there, Grim. Shortly thereafter, the Duke, the council and Baron Rorii are meeting. Qualin decides to insert himself into the conversation. I am told in no uncertain terms that I’m not needed. Alrighty, then. So I take a quick trip to the privy and then spend some time hanging out with Tetsu. And the call comes from the porch “Dame Ezri! You’re needed… now!”

So I come running up the stairs and see that the entire town is assembled. The council representatives announce that we will not be closing the borders and I sigh with relief. Then Rorii sternly calls for me, his face very serious. My heart was hammering in my ears so much I couldn’t hear much of what he said, other than “you are no longer my knight.” I reach down to remove my belt – I almost have the knot undone when I feel the coronet placed on my head. Kudos Dan for the dramatic delivery. Then to find out that we are going back to the tradition of the Baron also sitting on the council… I’m floored. My character is a racial elder. Holy crap.

The oaths from my court were heartwarming, but especially Mouse, who until now had not done so. To finally have that moment was truly something special. And then there is Tetsu, who earlier in the weekend had apologized for not being a good court member knelt before me and admitted that he truly had taken on too much, and would not be able to renew his oath. That moment of pure honesty and humility was touching. Thank you for that, Justin. Tetsu will forever be welcome.

The court and friends head down to the forest for some meditation. Qualin is beaming as he enjoys the woods again. He looks at me, smiling and says “All is as it should be.” Quite literally, we were doing yoga when three sharp tweets on Simon’s whistle summon us back. Ophion is in town, and before addressing me, he falls to his knees (which is how a horse would kneel) asking why we’ve summoned him. We’re all confused, when Zalinarik rifts in, and a fake ranger takes off, running up the hill. Qualin and I give chase… until Morganna, Raziel and company rift in. EEP!

The ensuing battle is chaotic, undead sprinkled with Charnal Assassins. One for each of us. Oh goodie! Frisco treated me to a good solid fight, started off with the claws then I remembered, “Wait, I’m a caster! Why am I doing this the stupid way?” shatter-shatter-shatter-confine-confine-mort-mort-mort! LOL. All throughout this, Morganna and Zalinarik are rifting in and out, jumping dimensions, chasing each other. It reminded me of the scene in Disney’s version of Sword in the Stone where Merlin and Mim are changing into different animals, one-upping each other. And yes, I saw what gigantic magics they were hurling at each other. Kind of insane. Brilliant spectacle in the middle of a wave battle. Drive-by Dragon Mages!

Three days later and I am still exhausted and my voice is still hoarse. I am beyond flattered to see my name pop up in so many people’s favorites. I’m glad that watching my character grow from an itty bitty scholar (why won’t it just die?!) to the Baroness has been entertaining. I know it has been fun for me, but this is all one great shared illusion, so I’m glad my character’s story has been enjoyable for others as well.

Thank you again, everyone for a story I will never forget.