Permanent death can't keep me down! Apparently the heat can though.
-Major Thanks to everyone who checked in on me when I went down. It really means a lot to me and I truly appreciate it all. Love all of you.
-Thank you NPCs! For the time I did fight, I enjoyed getting death'd, create'd and beaten down by all of you.
-Thank you PCs! For all the saving of my corpse. Seriously, you guys should just tie me to a leash so you can pull my dead body back!
-Behaving like my Sister would want me too! And making new family in my weird human ways.
-Deadwatch : We Refuse to Hide - I'm going to make this a thing now.
-Sugar Sun Festival! I don't call them Locust Tribe, I call them "Cousins of Malrohiren" like it's some kind of NA group of elves. Even though he was totally a different tribe >_<
-Calling on the Lady even if I was very reluctant to. Kantil's not a talker so he did what he could. Start out nice and calm and then really let loose and add in a few choice swears.
-Saving the ogre! I <3 me some Zara.
-Murders, murders everywhere.
-Prison Storms : When it absolutely needs to come back alive.
-Lakeside fun with everyone. The spider paint job.
-In-depth discussions about Chaos and Necromancy and the difference between the two.
-Watching Cuar shoot down an undead from his bed.
-Susie Lee Special Mention! Playing her little hobling townie, we gave her weapons, coin, taught her and her sister to fight and I think I managed to get her an actual town guard job. It's easy to take adventuring for granted, but there are those little moments like chatting with a small town townie that let's you see the bigger picture.
-Ocassional BA Laguna. Discussing rates and invoices.
-The food. Always. Food. <3
That's all my poor cooked brain can think of for now. Thank you again so much. Without my LARP family, I'd be nothing