May Favorites


Wisconsin Staff
Please post your Favorites from the May event below.

Mine in no order:

1. The string obstacle course mod(a favorite mechanic of mine);
  • setting up the scenery of the farm house as Sid was in the small building - - - - me:" As you walk, the floor squeaks." - - - Sid: *takes an actual step and the floor squeaks super loud* The plot team really stepping up these mods with acoustics now! Perfect timing!
  • Just watching y'all struggle over and under the strings in different ways. Including using the poor prisoned elf as a bridge across the strings on the way out.
  • The reactions to the last string!!!! HAHAHA
2. The scarecrow reactions when I turned around with the mask on and when I rifted!
3. The new site outdoors locations we got to use, seems much more 'LARPY' to me.
4. The circle mod mechanics and the fight; good, intense, clean - all the good stuff
5. Frozen pizza for late night NPC Camp
6. Having so many NPC's that I took a nap
7. Ritual castings and my mind being blown
8. Seeing the tentacles come to life!
9. Playing the old retired caster only to get asked for a spell shield. Try to give one to Deslyvia and Carrie OOG said 'what's the incant?'(cause I'm not a caster) - - then trying to remember the incant directly after that only to get 2 of the 4 correct....I walk away laughing...(I'm a fighter til I die, I can't change, deal with it .... LOL)
1. Glen: "****!"
Group sitting a ways away: "Oh **** is Glen ok?"
Rook: "Baaaahaha!"
Group: "Never mind."

2. Meeting with the Sulinari Merchant and being able to do trades that didn't require coin to get things.
3. 2 am Jesse's Girl...or boy...or both...not picky! Apparently I am going to be a wing man for a Unicorn.
4. Surprise you're in a ritual. *shakes tiny fist at Shen*
5. The look on Euthimiya's face when I told her someone was trying to sell Biata loadstones.
I really like the new side and look forward to being on that side but using both sides for mod space.

The lightning lt dude of annoying rifting (tm) the whole mod was very clean from what I could see. It was a new experience to be a PC helping plan/design an aspect of the mod based on Shen's efforts and working how I could come up with something that involved the most people while also entirely the "shen side" and not know anything plot was planning.

I personally loved NPC Lilith's reaction to NPC Foreman Oliver being kidnapped. Knowing the interaction & history between the two NPCs I felt it was exceptionally on point. Especially the adventurer nonchalant "Oliver's kidnapped well that tracks.." and Lilith having absolute no patience for it.

I equally loved the "Oliver portrayed by Morgan". And having Morgan dressed as Oliver... Ainsley grabbing Morgan and running to a bush, during monster Monologue to ditch costume at said bush, and put on Elemental outfits waiting for them to re enter the field as the Flame LT finishes his monologs and summons his forces.

Good brief monolog that served a specific story purpose, npc staging, and still filled with ramblings of a crazy npc who can't possibly be killed (...2 hours later... um actually....)

I loved my negotiation with NPC Emissary Kordon. It was both helpful as well as a method to gain information about which Kingdoms tend to have extra or need various things. Learning more about the Empire of Night. All while still exchanging pleasantries and negotiating for the best deal possible but "within reason"...

This is a red mod... you have no idea what is there. The mod is pre determined and you find what you find, who or what you bring does not alter the mod or mod stats. It could be a goblin tea party.... it could be an annoyed dragon.‍♂️. I have already found the annoyed dragon... Finally found the goblin tea party. Morgan using a Gravel Falsetto while Nate attempts to pour tea not using any thumbs, preen, shake and gesture with his unicorn horn and tail swish.

Stealth mod and watching Sid just disappear into foliage despite 5 people looking right where he was at, in broad daylight. Our distraction triggering because they thought we were spotted and they were awesome - turns out the NPC was just packet policing.... but it was still very good and allowed the stealth to be less stealthy for a solid 5min. Then just going f* it... time to RP outta this.... helping the NPCs come up with a cover story of how & why they shouldn't get blamed for what happened and walking away casually with my Kynn friend, despite the NPCs of the Empire currently at war with Kynn.

The frustrating art gallery

"It hasn't even been a month... why are you here"
- in my defense, I was both left unsupervised and... it was an accident...
"So, as far as anyone can tell, there isn't any reason I shouldn't BEGIN RITUAL CASTING"

My favorite way to start a ritual.
Ainsley joining me for a mani/pedi!
Kelly and Dan being there
The beautiful weather!
adopted capibara
Alex‘s accent
Seeing faces/costumes
Meeting new players! NPC jingle skirt was perfect Skirt!