May Opener Favorites


Tell me what you thought of weekend.

I liked it very much. My favorite part was when all the NPCs went and hit all the PCs with swords.
stonegolem said:
I liked it very much. My favorite part was when all the NPCs went and hit all the PCs with swords.

mine was when all the pc's hit the npc's with swords
Wow... Still foggy, but wanted to start the list off. I hope there are many more following this.....
First, Thank you Evan, for a weekend that brought completion to years of work!
Deadlands staff and NPC's Thank you for a great job and a FAN!@#(&#$&TASTIC weekend.

Griffon Guard- Always so much fun to play with my favorite people. Welcoming a new member.
Winning a war. Destroying the Horde Wall.The culmination of a plot we have been working on for so long.
Bittersweet consequences. Getting Marcus back where he belongs and losing a dear friend in the process.
Roleplay mods and the consequences. Saving a warren full of Kin with Sir Kainen.
Going toe to toe with Einharr, way past the point of common sense. Channeling Homicidal rage. Knowing I was probably going to die and being perfectly fine with that!
Coming out on the field for the last fight and hearing Tova calling to the GOTEC to stand with the Griffon Guard. Just like old times, even if I am in a different body:)
Mage guild shenanigans. Coming into game and hearing from Deborah that she "accidentally" moved the Mages guild. What did you do!?
The Dwarven Thanes, Rom and Vansir Elders.... We are ready to go to war.... What an awesome moment for the Guard.
Such a busy weekend. Probably one of my most active events ever and loving every minute of it. Although I am paying for it this morning:)

Thank you all for making this a return to "just" playing that will never be forgotten.
I was SHOCKED and SO EXCITED to see SO MANY NPCS!!!! You guys were amazing!

So excited to see the tent Gary bought for NPC camp and the way Kate, Morgan, Chris, Brian, Mike, set up NPC camp. SO MUCH MORE ROOM!!! Looked awesome.

Evan - seriously - what a great weekend!! You did a great job.

Getting to go on the mod to get the acorns as Tempesta that I had made!!! So neat!

"He smells good" (about Thrak)
Tempesta: "He had a bath last month!"
"You smell good too"
Tempesta: "I had a bath yesterday!"

Getting to kill undeads!!! I never get to get close enough to things to kill them but I got to kill them this weekend!!

I LOVED that while a large portion of the town was on mods, the rest of us were still getting attacked by undead and we were so excited to actually get to kill them!

Drunk Stone Elf. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

Coi, Tova and Tempesta times...these are usually my favorite moments in AND out of game. so much fun ladies!

Deborah's celestial guild getting slammed into a different building. Poor Reinhard

The Ravenous...wasn't sure how to role play my spirit being ripped apart so I just got depressed, walked into the tavern, put a circle around unconscious Thrak and Tempesta and sat there...being depressed.
Thrak: "Kill me, just kill me"
Tempesta: "I can't kill you! You're my guardian!"

Although Tempesta hated it, Jena thoroughly enjoyed watching the mechanical armed SM come in!!

Did I mention all the plethora of NPCs????? JUST AMAZING! Let's keep it up!

Keely: "Didn't you see Heresy's eye?!"
Tempesta: "No I don't look into heresy's eyes that much. But I'll look the next time he comes in."
A few minutes later he comes in and Tempesta looks at his eye.
Tempesta to Keely: "what is wrong with someone to get a cat's eye while doing a ritual?" (Heresy standing right behind Tempesta.)


Baby ogres on the way! So exciting.

Tempesta seeing Mr. QuiJin again.

Sevaria is dessert and has a creamy filling.

DragonKin arm wrestling

So many more things but I can't remember them all. Still in a menopausal blur but what fun!!
Oh gosh, May faves...Here I go...

Meeting ol' Iron Joe. It's nice to have one of each flavor Pure Lord in game now, there's a nice spectrum. Sean, your mechanical arm was SICK. When you started loading gasses into it, it was a real "oh, jesus..." moment.

Aisling giving Joseph Maka's wee giftie. The tavern going silent as Joseph punches the table. The fallout from that will be interesting. We'll see how it goes.

Aisling and Constance plotting. "Were you guys plotting?" "uh, of course?" Love having someone to plot with.

Sadeen Moore is pretty much a nation of shady bastards

Related: I love it when shenanigans go off without a single hitch. Seriously, it was as if God looked down upon us and said "it's OK. It's supposed to be this way"

Getting to PC with Gary was pretty great. It was nice to see him able to play his own game.

The lead up to, and subsequent Ravenous fight. Loved it that we had a bunch of badasses on the initial mod, but when we got to the Ravenous and everyone started screaming to run, there was absolutely No Hesitation. Yes, we ran. We ran hard.

My absolute number one favorite: Getting to see all of you. Seriously. Love you folks. I'm sad I don't get to play again until September.

That's all for now. Back to the real world.
What I've got so far, considering I'm at work and really shouldn't be on the forums at all:

- Having a very real NPC army. You guys are the biggest rockstars EVER. Special thanks to our encounter heads and everyone who lent a hand to make said army function extra smoothly. Seriously, thank you.

- Evan, who was primary writer on a bloody awesome event. Well done, sir.

- Bringing new NPCs and watching them fall in love with the game. When I'm exhausted and cranky and stressed, it's often the enthusiasm of new players that gets me going again.

- The Ravenous is my absolute favourite monster in all the Deadlands, and this encounter had a particularly amazing setup with the shamblers during part one and then the undead horde storming onto the field...
(during the descriptive hold)
"Do I recognise a Ravenous?"
"Yes you do"
"F*** me"
"I intend to!"

- PCs choosing to jump down the rabbit holes plot creates

- The varied reactions to pregnant Nivek: silent shocked pointing, "UHH, WHAT?!?" "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH" "Ona what did you doooooo?!?" and Ona's reaction "Look what I did!!!"

- Pretty much the entire time I was out as Nivek, really, especially Laa as Hoja, the GOTEC's pledges to watch over the babies and Ona and Nivek's plans to make baby-carrying backpacks (and high-fiving over their success)

- Everything about the Iron Joe encounter, from Aisling and Constance walking on eggshells to the other PCs sneaking glances from around the corner... and that poor teddy bear

- The fact that every Cerebral Devourer battle comes with ridiculous roleplay from the freaky hybrid critters: the cockapine, the fire antelope, the sabre-toothed bunny, the hawktopus, the frog-ferret and more

- Rosie, who only wants to learn to fight because she has a crush on Tukuul (thanks for being patient Dom! packets I can do, pipe I'm still very much learning)

More later as I remember them. Thank you all for coming and we'll see you next month!
I spent a good part of the weekend in NPC camp when I wasn't getting killed by the PCs, but...

Dice and dinner in the tavern as Hoja might have been one of the high points of the weekend for me.

Also, the Ravenous set-up battle. That was the one time I could see what the giant army of NPC's shambling in the dark might have looked like to the PC's, and it was kind of sweet!

And finally getting to meet PC's out of character at the end of the weekend was very gratifying and awesome.

You were all so INCREDIBLY patient with me, both when I was figuring things out and when I made mistakes, which made the whole weekend much less terrifying. (This was Dio and my first time at an event like this, and we had no idea what to expect!) Thank you for that. That is the best thing we could have taken away from this.
I almost forgot a favorite Ravenous scene.

Sean is telling everyone what they feel etc. I realize I'm somewhat close to Kainen and think "he's gonna eat us all". Scenes from Anaconda were playing in my brain.
The whole weekend was fantastic! I had fun on every mod and wave battle. Two highlights:
The Wylderkin mod was a lot of fun; it was cool to see the PCs patiently negotiate, and arguing about drawing sticks amused me greatly. Also, pretending to think a cold potato was the best thing ever was absurd.
The final battle was cinematic to look at even while being actively on the field. I kept going squish and didn't spend much time actually fighting, but that meant getting to watch and dang, that was a lot of people.
Wow, what an opener!

In no particular order, these are the things that stuck out in my mind after having to return home and catch a plane to OKC for work ><

- Sean legit putting fear into me with the void sword. I was trying to cough out a mouthful of dust and activate a prison to save Saru after being engulfed by what was quickly dubbed Greater F**k worm and the next thing I knew there was a storm of "20 shatter spirit" headed my way. One magic armor, 1 successful blow to armor, 6 parries, and one sprint for my life later I somehow made it through that. Sean, I still don't know how you ghosted up on me like that.

- Playing archery Ping Pong with Heresy. A couple times during the weekend I remember being on opposite sides of an NPC from Heresy and we both lit up whatever poor soul had the misfortune of standing between us.

- THE LEGION OF NPCs! It was amazing to see that many NPCs present for an event and really helped add to the feeling of dread as seemingly endless numbers would come at us.

- NEW BLOOD! New blood is always a welcome and exciting thing both in and out of game. It's awesome to see new players come in and go for broke when it comes to trying the different aspects of the game. I hope we can continue that trend.

- Statting. The statting this event was amazing. I know that it has to do in part with the large number of NPCs present for the event but the fact that casters were able to have hero moments, one in particular involved Cho Jin Wu chain casting 3-4 destroy undeads and a couple purifies to save a group of people refitting, really was awesome to see.

There are more that will come to my mind long after I hit submit but regardless, well done to all Deadlands staffers and NPCs. I cannot wait till the next event.
There are few times when I feel like a wave battle captures exactly what its meant to be, and so I say kudos to the staff and NPCs about everything involving the Ravenous wave battle and the encounter leading up to it.

I was expecting a few undead leading to a plot herb and spice that I was interested in out of helping the town. A few undead quickly became "a lot of ******* undead" and even when they're shambling and you've got a PA 4, it's pretty easy to get overwhelmed by sheer numbers. We don't often get the opportunity to see what the Deadlands is really like ("this is my ******* day job") and that moment was a cool reminder.

A reminder that quickly turned into hysteria. When I lurched for a sword buried into a corpse on the ground, and Dan shot up into a sitting position my first thought was "oh awesome, a big undead to come screw with us." That soon became an "OH GOD NO WHY" moment when two plotlines crashed into each other in a perfect cacophony of PC brutalization.

Not a single PC on that encounter hesitated running which is a testament to how effect and perfect the Ravenous are.

The wavebattle that followed was a thing of beauty. Kainen skirting in and trying to catch his next meal, trying to yell at Parzival to hold the line while he hit a mental breakdown, the ogres going insane and the elves not giving a **** about anything in the world any more. If Crowe was anything other than a Barbarian, we probably would have been screwed.

Perfect battle, perfect statting, perfect opening. I don't have many of those I can list in my LARPing career. Well done, Deadlands.

And now that I'm done gushing about that fight:

- New NPCs. Keep coming back. You guys are killer. It was a particularly pleasure watching Laa and Dio roleplay and fight basically anything.
- Justicar Crowe's "we're done screwing around, it's the end of the damn world" speech to Avian and Sevaria.
- Avian and Sevaria's discussion of the "I'm paying attention" face. I love how Avian ha developed over the years.
- Buying a mod. As soon as I saw the Void Spirit swinging charm, I noped the **** out of that one. In memory and items, I was carrying nine prisons into that mod, and every single one of them went into Bill.
- Watching Evan's first full weekend go off without a hitch, and not without a note of pride. It was maybe a year and a half ago that I brought him to this game, and he's quickly becoming far better than me at it. Pretty cool.

Good weekend, good game, good start to the season. Can't wait for the next event.
finding a pair of boots that fit me...

SERIOUSLY PEOPLE ... these are nice boots. Please check the lost and found section
I have to agree with the masses that the entire two-part undead battle Saturday Night was a highlight for me. From the eyes of an npc, that bit was the most like watching a horror movie. The confidence of the adventures as they slowly hacked through the shambling masses ripped away by the discovery of the true antagonist. (the "I intend to" almost made me lose it). The PC's rebuilding their strength to stand against wave after wave of terrifying creature before finally taking down their foe. Truly epic.

Overall, though, I was more impressed with the event than I had anticipated. This was my (and Laa's, as she mentioned) firsts LARP ever, and I was thankful for how welcoming everyone and how patient they were as I attempted to figure out what the heck I was doing. It's been just over a week now, and I'm already getting psyched about going to the next one still six weeks off. Just means I have more time to get props, costuming, and makeup together to step my own npc game up a notch again!

Look forward to haunting you all then!