
Dramm a'dan

I do have to appologize for some of the meals falling short amount wise. We've been having to many left overs, so I've been cutting back on the amount purchased. Then suddenly we have a huge influx of new players, with slightly different eating habits. Not to mention Mike and Brooke are aloud to eat again. Example: we would go through 1 to 1.5 loaves of bread for toast over the span of the weekend, last saturday alone we went through 2. How do you plan for that? :zonks:

Now having said that. Yes my cooking can be damn good. BUT ONLY TAKE ONE! :mad: After everyone else has eaten, then you can go back for seconds. Yes you have paid to eat, so have the others, BUT it's not an all you can eat buffet. One reason I don't like putting bacon on a buffet, actually a couple reasons. One: it's rather exspensive, two: people love it to much, three: folks like to take more then their share.

Believe me when I say, I hate running short on food (it is a constant fear of mine every meal) :sweat: . This is also why I try and provide extras like the fruit, granola bars, cereal and fruit bars to help give a variety. We dropped the yogurt cause no one was taking any and they would spoil.

So if you're still hungry after a meal and the food is all gone, let me know annd I'll see what I can do.
Love ya man!
You rock, Abbey / Artii / Dramm.....which one is the cook, anyway? :funny:
Thanks for the clarification post! That's why I asked on Saturday morning if that was ALL the hashbrowns left, because I knew more people were coming in. I like hashbrowns, but I was content to 'skip' them if there was a shortage for everyone. (My eating habits are also a little weird anyways, I can't eat a 'full meal' all at one sitting - partly due to my regular metabolizim and partly complicated by my meds reducing my appetite further., and actually have to graze throughout the day, which is why I REALLY appreciated the wrapped fruit bars at breakfast, I could take one of those to eat about an hour after.)
Yeah those fruit bars saved my bacon as I am currently adjusting all my Insulin levels again so with all the excercise found my blood sugar crashing, and let me tell ya that's not a fun trip. I'll be picking up a box to donate next time to make up for all that.
If it hasn't been said enough thanks all the same for the food preparation. Finally bought into the food plan, and while my dairy allergies (It's annoying how it tolerates all but about 30 items) can be obstructive, the food available was more then enough! :cool: