Meet and Greet Info

We will be setting up and starting this at our normal Dayfaire times.
Set up from 10 am to noon
Noon: Meet and Greet ON!

Here is a short list of the things that we plan to cover during this event for our new prospective players. They might not be done in the order listed and we still might add a few topics to talk about before then.

1. Welcome to the Alliance
2. Explaining the world of Fortannis and our chapters realms
3. Brief overview of the Policys of Alliance Traverse
4. How to build safe Alliance weapons/spell packets
5. Safe Combat
6. Roleplaying in our Fantasty Medieval Society
7. Magic, rituals and magic items
8. Build and Experience
9. Backgounds, plot submissions and personal plot
10. Goblinstamps
11. Dues, event fees and what we do with them
12. Battle scenerios/modules
13. Closing ceremonies and an invitation to come back

If you think I missed something important, or wish to add your support of this event send me a PM.

We are having the Meet and Greet at the State Hospital grounds.
For those who are unfamiliar with the area there are directions on the website. But please feel free to ask questions if you are still uncertain on how to get there.
