Shin frowned, thinking on it as he considered "Who did you have in mind...?" He said, worried he already knew the answer.
Shin considered a moment "I suppose the other question is - how Close are we on our Plan for defeating our Enemy?" he said, biting his lip with a fang.
"If we can get there first. Get the Blood. Cast the Ritual. We might be able to beat It to the culmination of it's plan. Our plan is a good Plan. It can work."He said, then looked to Plue.
"Sorry, we have a Ritual that would allow us to divide our Enemy into... more deal-able fractions, that we can defeat piecemeal. Actually, in almost the inverse way we defeated Otto. Rather than draw all the elements of Their being together, we separate them, and eliminate them each at a time. But to do so is the tricky part. It is not an easy ritual and the required Catalytic reagents are complex."
"I can think of a few people who are Experts of the Void with the power to Aid us, but they are on other Shards or otherwise Bound to other Shards."
"There is... Silence. But They are also somewhat indisposed with their Vigil. A direct intervention would be... complex. But if you wish it, I will ask."