Brandon Mintken
I feel like there is a certain degree of vocal forum personalities making their very specific voices heard, often in ways that I'm embarrassed to have played with several of them in the past. When individuals are pushing their personal views as "what's best for players", it reeks of the initial iterations of the 2.0 rules that were so atrociously received when they peeked from behind the velvet curtain the owners maintained for much longer than was prudent.
While I have no doubt that there are interpersonal interactions that need severe attention, and as others have put it, 25 years of previous damage done, perspective on "What's best for the players" of a continent-spanning LARP seems to me has been lost or discarded in favor of personal differences on what they want out of a game -- again, something that came up through the 2.0 iterations that saw multiple owners in singular chapters through that process.
Again, that there is a vocal subset of players and owners (One is not inclusive of the other, sadly) within this thread and that led to this crisis of management of this game that has seen friendships and more flourish for years intent on further dividing what handful of players even view the often-viewed-as-toxic National forums. That some of these voices seem intent on weaponizing themselves and others towards division rather than communication is shameful.
Your phrasing itself seems to attempt to speak for other players. Perhaps those same players you claim others are weaponizing. Perhaps it's best to keep opinions focused on your own beliefs, rather than trying to incorporate others.
What's fantastic about this, is that this is the first time (that I've seen), a conversation like this happen in a public forum. Previous comments about voting and removing people from positions of power makes it clear much of this is normally done behind closed doors. Some people liked 2.0. Some people hate it. No one will ever agree on everything, so in a public forum such as this, lets let people speak for themselves.
If the intent is to be open, and perhaps work towards making the Alliance a better community, lets work towards that. Here are some things I personally would like to see.
1. To the new owners- publicly post your action plan. You say that you hope to make the Alliance better. What are you currently doing to enact change? What are your long term goals for the Alliance? How do you plan to achieve and pursue these goals? What are the issues you have identified in the Alliance? What steps are you taking to accept accountability for your past actions, and to ensure those things don't happen in the future?
2. To the owners, and any national staff, I'd love to see a list of who all is on the national staff. There have been several committees mentioned, and I don't even know what all of these committees are, much less who is on them. What are their goals? What are they doing to achieve their goals and purposes?
3. As with any governing body, people should know what those representing them have positions on. What are things being voted on? What is my owner voting for in these things?
I would ask to make the owners forums, and votes public to all players. As players, if we do not know what changes are being talked about, and our owners are not bringing these to our attention, how will they know what their players want? Making votes and the owner discussion public will open dialogues that couldn't happen before.
4. There are things you know, things you don't know, and things you don't know you don't know. The last of these is what the National level of Alliance feels like to me as a player. Lets fix that. I'm sure there are a plethora of issues that I don't even have the knowledge to know exist. If you truly want to make the Alliance a better place, and "have the best interest of the players" at heart, lets give the players the information needed to voice those opinions. Having the bylaws available to all would be a great start here.
Alliance has never been a transparent organization at a national level, and for there to be trust, and accountability among the players, local owners, and national staff, the organization needs to be more forthcoming and open about the structure, and discussions happening at a national level. If the new owners are going to be making changes. Lets see it. As someone else said, actions speak louder than words. Tell us what you are planning to do. Show us the follow through.
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