Mercator's Mercantiles' Grand Reopening


Dearest people of Tarndale,
We here at Mercators Mercatiles suffered a loss in our family some months ago. We very much appreciate all the patience you have shown us and our sporadic business hours. Well my friends, there is a time to mourn and a time to work. With the blight on our doorsteps, if we wish to survive, it's time to work.

With all the help we have been receiving, Daybreak farm is flourishing. If we band together, we can make it through this blight. Let it be known that we will not be raising our food prices. No Tarndalian will starve as long as we have something to say about it. That being said, we cannot open our food stores to outsider who do not contribute to replenishing our food stock, for any price. Any outsider wishing to access our supply must have a Tarndalian vouch for their contribution. All those who have helped on Daybreak will be vouched for by me personally.

Without further gilding the lily, Marla and I would like to announce our grand re-opening:

Store hours:
Monday - Friday: 8AM - 5PM or dusk.
Saturday: Market Day
Sunday: Closed

Market Days will be held at the Meeting Hall from 11AM to 1PM. We will have limited stock available for trade and sale. Any special orders should be inquired through Rufus or Marla Mercator.

We will also be taking goods on consignment for a 15% commission on the profit. Please speak to the Mercators if you wish to take advantage of our consignment.

-Rufus Mercator