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Morrigan walks through the Breach, along the cabins and heading towards the tavern. She is hoping to run into one of the members of her investigation team, like Evo, Kaja, Nydranis, or Isawda, to discuss plans for the winter and the research that likely needs to be done. Some have left through the portal already and she wasn't sure who was left in town to leave with the caravan tomorrow morning. Then she plans to take one more trip into the ruins to ask a question of one of the guardians before heading out for the winter.
Evo is still packing, bringing as many notes as he can with him for the winter. Occasionally he pops over to the tavern for a bite, but isn't interested in idle chatter.
Spotting Evo heading to the tavern, Morrigan calls out "Evo lad....can ya spare me a minute of time?" She quickly catches up to him. "I ken your packin so I'll make this quick, I'd like ya to write down a few notes for me to send to those of us investigatin the bracelet ruins. Just about plans for researchin over the winter. Would ya be willin to do that for me sir?"
"For you, most certainly." Evo leads Morrigan back to his cabin and digs out his writing implements.
Morrigan follows Evo and quickly gets down to business once he is ready.

Finishing her dictation, she waits for Evo to finish writing out the other copies so she can take them to be delivered. "Thank ye Evo, I'll get these off to the others and once I find Jager and Stig in person I shall tell them the plan since they canna read. See you soon when the caravan heads out."

**the notes will be in PM
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