Mid Winter IBGAs!


Alliance Rules
Chicago Staff
We're happy to announce that Chicago is now accepting IBGAs for Mid Winter!

Please submitt IBGAs by 2/11 to plot@chicagoalliancelarp.com

For this round of IBGAs everyone gets either a Primary Action OR a Group Action. If you have aquired a boon that allows for an additional action (such as the one aquired at the January 7th game) this also applies.

Please remember that COs (craftsman other) do not generate additional actions but may reveal additional information within your Primary Action.

There is one group action available for this round of IBGAs
  • Aid the Kingdom of Wayside in preparing to combat the Great Leader of the Olothan Empire!
To clarify, we only get 1 action total correct? No secondary or multiple unless a specific item with a duration/boon.

So if I normally got an Anret action due to my shop, that wouldn't count this time. But if I had a Great Library Pass which offers an extra IBGA that could be used, right?

Just making sure.

A source which otherwise normally generates a secondary action will still generate a secondary action for this round of IBGAs.
The vast majority of IBGA responses have been sent out. If you have not received your response, it should be sent within the next day or so.
All IBGAs have been responded to at this point. If you haven't heard from us, please reach out via our email at plot@chicagoalliancelarp.com

See ya'll in April!