Missing Ring

Hail friends of Imladar,

During my mission to Fairedale this past weekend, a ring was taken from myself during the fighting I am lead to believe. Any information about said ring would be greatly appreciated, as it is my (permanently) dead mother's ring. I have provided a description below. Thank you all for your assistance in this matter.

OOG: Here is a link to the description/picture of the ring Alto posts, http://www.joann.com/blue-moon-bead...isProject&start=628&q=ring&sz=90&prefv1=false
OOG: Please report the theft to plot please, as mentioned in closing ceremonies. Thanks!

Altohtaro Armand of Imladar
Border Guard of Outpost 67, Northern Imladar Regional Command
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Goodman Alto,

It saddens me to hear of this theft, most especially considering its significance to you. I will keep an eye out for it in my travels.

-Gwendara Alanik
Irregular of the Vanguard
Councilwoman of the Fairdale stone
If one happens to come across the lost ring, or one looking similar to it, please deliver it to my Court.

If Altohtaro Armand does not identify it as his heirloom, it will be returned to you. If he does identify it as the one belonging to his family, you will receive five gold in compensation.

In Honor and Valor,
Count Ulthoc Crownsmith
Thank you for assistance in this matter. It is greatly appreciated.

Count Ulthoc,
I am most honored by your generous help in this matter. It will not be forgotten, I assure you.

Altohtaro Armand of Imladar
Border Guard of Outpost 67, Northern Imladar Regional Command