Misty Inquirys


To the Residents of the Crossroads,

I am soon to be attempting to traverse the mists and visit your fair land and lend my skills to its defense from your enemies.
I have been having these dreams lately that are directing me to help, but I am unclear about the kinds of creatures that are presently threatening your lands. I am hoping that my dreams will tell me what I can anticipate so that I may best use my skills.
I am also concerned about my personal safety while in a rest state and hope to find a warded sleeping place, as I am not as young a human as I used to be; however I am wiser than I used to be!
May my dreams help all my questions be answered.
Greetings, traveller.

The Crossroads are normally a friendly place. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Andar is currently at war. Our enemies span from the mortal races that constitute the Empire of Llantry to the undead legions of the Undying Isles. Offers of help are much appreciated; truly, any assistance would be useful. Due to the many varieties of creatures that comprise our foes, however, it is difficult to advise you one way or the other as to what you might encounter during your time here. It is probably safe to assume that any defensive capabilities you might have will be useful here.

I would not advise sleeping alone. There are several groups that put up Wards regularly; in addition, there are also some (such as myself) who sell Wards should you wish a more private arrangement. If you are interested in staying with an existing group, the Earth Guild often offers space to travellers. Private parties might also invite you to stay with them if you know someone from Andar already or show interest in staying with a group outside the busy Earth Guild.

-Seneschal Polare Lissenstine
Ambassador of Andar
Greetings and Salutations Traveller from the mists,

My name is Diego Salvetore. In my recent travels to the crossroads, we came across a lot of differant "monsters" as some people might call them. Some that were on the list were a bit "out there", but we managed to fend them off. To list the 2 that I saw as potential continuous threats were:

-Trolls: As we all know, at least it should be common knowledge, trolls are vulnerable to fire. The ones we encountered seemed to think it a good idea to threaten some of our dwarven friends, so we were in turn, forced to "beat them down" as someone said. They could be a major threat this time around, but it is unlikely.
-Finfolk: Much is to be said about this race of underwater peoples. They look much like a cross between a shark, an elf, and a lizard folk. I personally only fought one myself, but others fought many more. They have a nasty habit of not staying dead. Perhaps some regeneration effect? If this is the case then perhaps some magical spell can lay them out for good. Now I know that the Sea elves in the area are vulnerable to fire (or at least they dislike the heat as they are constantly drinking water). Perhaps this can be a valuable tool against the Finfolk? Since trolls are common in the area, perhaps fire could be used against them? If this doesnt work, I know that lightning based spells, when used in water, have a certain way of killing many things. How did that old proverb go? "The Lightingbolt wanted to take a swim with his fish friends, and promptly killed them all."
-Undead: I personally know nothing about killing the undead other than a very offensive earth caster. I do know that it is cold here, and wet. They dont seem to bother undead in the slightest. Heat and earth do the most damage to these things, so again perhaps fire based spells would work the best here. Also, please note, that necromancy is always illegal here. Any attempt of controlling undead, I believe, is punishable by no less than one death.

Ive not spent much time here in the city of Crossroads, but I have already fallen in love with our Magistrate, and the kindness of the people here never fails to amaze me.

If you are in need of a place to stay, well... so are my fiance and I. Perhaps we could all work together in establishing a place. I hope this message of the dreams reaches you...

Diego Salvetore
Diego_Salvetore said:
Greetings and Salutations Traveller from the mists,

My name is Diego Salvetore.

Now I know that the Sea elves in the area are vulnerable to fire (or at least they dislike the heat as they are constantly drinking water).

Diego Salvetore

How many sea elves did you encounter during your time here? Hmmm? As I'm curious as to where your source of your knowledge of my people came from. We are no more susceptible to fire than you or any other (nonmagical) race and please indulge my curiousity and reveal where you learned that we must constantly drink water, you make it sound as if we do nothing else or would perish within hours without consuming it.

Do me a favor and honor my people by either learning of us if you wish to speak on our behalf or speak not of us and if you choose to learn of us, learn of us from one of our own.

Daughter of the Ocean
Dear Daughter of the Ocean,

Please forgive my brother if he has committed an made a mistake, he just could be miss informed on what he saw. Also please forgive him (this is the part where I pick on my brother), for it seems that he can not count, my dear brother, Trolls, Finfold, and Undead are three potentiel continues threats, not two. Myself personaly have never seen or heard of a Sea Elf and when I arive in town would be more then happy to sit down and talk further about you and your race. But for now it seems the dawn comes so I must wake and continue me travels, untell we meet face to face, may you stay safe in this time of war.

Demitri Salvetore