Mod Day 2016 Favorite Moments Thread


I wanted to go ahead and create this thread for people to leave comments on their favorite parts of mod day. I'll start.

Wow, what a great mod for Thorgrim and the Warchester crew. Thorgrim had hit a bit of a rough patch during the October gathering and was feeling down on himself, but he couldn't have asked for a better adventure to st himself right. A few highlights:

Big thanks to all of my Warchester brothers and sisters and Moria for coming all the way to the Frostfang Mountains to help their wayward dwarf. Thanks for agreeing to go on a mod that was largely focused on Thorgrim and his backstory and being such good sports about it.

So glad to see and interact with more dwarven NPC's and glad that plot stocked up on the beards!

Grateful for being able to use my black smithing for role playing purposes. I have been pretty down on the skill, but I had taken it for RP reasons and it was great to be able to use it for such.

Trolls! Thorgrim has only encountered trolls one other time in game, and most of those he wasn't allowed to brutally murder. No quarter was given this time (with one notable exception).

I am normally not a fan of time travel in games, but I have loved my encounters with the Spinners so far.

Getting to meet Thorgrim's grandfather from my backstory. He was Thorgrim's hero and it was great to actually see him again in person.

Facing off with my nemesis, Maalik the troll (played by Miguel) who had slain Thorgrim's grandfather, and getting some much needed revenge. I'm looking forward to our next meeting.

Back to back to back "50 flame slay" "50 flame slay" "flame eviscerate" :)

Recovering ancient family heirlooms from all the way back in the giant wars.

Celebrating our victory in the Hall of Heroes, the greatest tavern in the world with my comrades. We drank, we fought, we made our ancestors proud!

Big thanks to all the NPC's who braved the elements and the treacherous terrain to come out and NPC for us and special thanks and get well soon to Rachel who took a nasty fall during our last fight. You're all awesome

Last but not least thanks to Jesse and the plot team for all of the attention to detail and doing such a great job of incorporating my backstory into the game. Thorgrim is one very happy dwarf. You guys rock!
I also wanted to thank all the ( seemingly endless npc's lol ) staff and players who made my mod possible. It was a deeply personal mod for Faren and rung me out emotionally. The highlights for me were the messages left for Faren to find, the always wonderful and cruel Dia playing the dryad who tormented me most cruelly with her taunts, and the cathartic ending to the mod. The fights were brutal and scary and everything I could ask for and just slightly more than we could handle but it is a wonderful thing to be challenged in that way. This is the first time in any game I have played that I walked away from the course emotionally exhausted , which is rather a cool thing.
Thank you all.
A big thank you to the NPCs and I am soo happy to hear Rachel did not break her arm, I wish you speedy recovery as another person who hurt themselves while larping. (Mine was a sprained ankle.)

I had so much fun. It was great getting out again, I missed my Warchester peeps and loved being able to mod with Moria. It was cool seeing and experience more of Thorgrims backstory, I feel like I understand him much better now and I am just happy we have our happy dwarf back. It was fun RPing in the beginning and let me say Thorgrim can throwup :p Also it was great seeing so many dwarfs in one area, felt like we were in a Hobbit movie :) It was also fun getting into an arrow throwing fight with some Trolls and us trying to dodge each other throws. Time traveling back and getting to pretend to be dwarfs was fun, I still prefer being MWE but at least we both know how to party :) Also soo glad I did not get in trouble with the Time travel cops..... And of course a great ending where the Spinster is like I can travel you to any place and we all are like, lets go drink and celebrate!
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Such a great kickoff to our LARP season. I wanted to thank all the NPCs and staff that made it possible. It is rare that all of Rivervale gets to adventure together but it was particularity meaningful this weekend with the task that we were faced with. As many know, we were heading to the Harrowwood in order to find our landbond stone and have Darius (first non-human to bond to a landbond stone that we know of) bond to it. Some highlights of the mod:

  • Talking to Mosshead and Treesap about the origins of Dreadrot and the artifacts he made along with Doomwing. Great lore and backstory given out.
  • The berserk gas trap going off in the cave and the cries of 11 poison shields and one person who started swinging (Brom, why didn't you have a poison shield on??).
  • Cries from Connor when he found out one of the undead he was facing was his father.
  • Fun times magic storming from the doorway. Sorry Brom when I hit you! :)
  • Dame Katherine's Epic Speech getting us all pumped up for the initial fight.
  • The look upon our face when we found the desiccated body of the child underneath the tavern.
  • How well we functioned as a group and team. I felt like the fights were easier than I was guessing because we were super prepared for pretty much any eventuality. Hopefully Rivervale will be able to group up more often in the future.
I'm really pumped up for the full season to start. Thanks again everyone who made it happen.

River - VALE
River - VALE
River - VALE