Monster Camp Dos and Don'ts


Hello All! As stated, this post is all about Monster Camp Dos and Don'ts. As I will not be around this weekend, I wanted to pass on a few nuggets of wisdom that will make everyone who's participating as an NPCs (you're all awesome, by the way) have a more enjoyable experience. I am also sending them to the awesome plot staff for this event so they can have a nice list as well. I feel very strongly about keeping monster camp neat, organized, and clean so YOU can have the best possible experience while playing our game.'s WAY easier to find things. Though I am not playing this weekend, I will be available for questions about props and their locations all weekend by phone, though it should be easy to find anything as I typically keep the space neat, organized, and clean! :) Thank you in advance for reading and following these dos and don'ts.

Personal Items
DO clean up after yourself. Throw away water bottles, throw away old food items, keep all cups in the same place, etc. etc.
DON'T leave personal items everywhere. They will become a part of NPC camp.

DO use the make-up at the sink and the prosthetics in the green and purple kaboodle.
DO place the prosthetics back in their proper place in the green and purple kaboodle when you're done using them.
DON'T leave the make-up out after you used it. It has a drawer on the left side of the sink. Put the cover on, put it away.
DON'T leave make-up residue on the sink. It will stain so clean it up IMMEDIATELY.

DO use all the amazing clothing, tabards, and props we have in the clothes closet.
DO hang all clothes that came off hangers back up after use.
DO place all props back in their proper place.
DO fold tabards and place back in their spots after use.
DON'T use clothing or props from the hanging area directly to your left as you enter the closet unless you have permission from a plot member. These items are for specific NPCs.
DON'T put tabards or clothes back if they're excessively dirty, sweaty, wet, or otherwise gross. Please place well worn items in the BLUE BIN to be washed by me before next event.

DO sort all packets as you return them. There are three separate places for orange, blue, and multi-colored packets.
DO put the weapons you use back in a neat and orderly fashion
DON'T throw weapons into any pile or otherwise mishandle them. We want them to last.

Clean-up On Sunday
DO empty the trash and replace the garbage bags.
DO vacuum with our newly donated vacuum.
DO sweep the floor.
DO clean the sink and put all make-up and prosthetics away.
DO make sure all dirty clothes are in the blue bin and that the closet contains folded tabards and hanging clothes.

DO have an AMAZING event this weekend! Your hard work, your creative ideas, your ability to be flexible, and your love for our game is ALWAYS appreciated and makes everyone's experience extremely rich and meaningful. We could not do this without you and for that, you have our extreme respect and gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

:wub2: :wub2: WE LOVE OUR NPCS!!! :wub2: :wub2:

Have a great weekend, players and NPCs alike! I'll be thinking of you all as I wade through junior high band curriculum and write world music lesson plans! :)

Best wishes to all for a wonderful weekend,
Kristin Gates
SoMN Staff - G.O.T.S. - General Organizer of Things and Stuff (I made that one up...kinda catchy...? Eh? No? Ok...)
Now where the heck is the 'Like' button when you need it? Great post, Kristin! :thumbsup:

- Tim S.
Y'know, if you want to make sure we actually follow all these rules, you should just cancel your plans for the weekend and come to the event.
Ya'll are sweet. I wish I could play, but alas, the disorganized, cluttered, and in-desperate-need-of-love classroom beckons. It's good to have a job. :) Have a great weekend! :)