Monster Camp


Hey guys,

I was just talking to Shane the other night and he let me know about the movie that was filmed just before I moved back. I even got to see myself cross the camera for a split second in the preview! (woot as the kids say). Anyway made me miss Seattle something fierce and I just wanted to check in with you guys and see how things were going. Hope everything is great!

Hey hey,

The chapter is going well. We're all reminded of you whenever Vanyel whips out his magic sword. When are you flying out here for an event? :D


I got a career going out here last April so I have been working hard an hardly playing Nero (trying to buy a house, bought a puppy... the madness never ends). Once the year review lands and the big projects are put to bed mid summer it is my intention to take a week off and head to Seattle. I will be doing my utmost to make that week line up with an event.

To call my urge to play is relative to calling the Sun warm. Once I arrive I will prolly be all blood lust and insane so I will need a point and click man. Just point me at your current projects and I will... uh "Click" them.

Either way I hope all is well in Mundainia as well as Nero.


ps- is that healing water bottle still around? Never been so hydrated in my life.....