More Zombie Stuff


First: thanks everyone for the great time we (Nandi/Kris & Crane/Edite) had at our first Alliance game! You made us feel wonderfully welcome and included. Looking forward to seeing you at future games!

And second: we want to invite you all to come join us at our other LARP, Zombie!
There's a Facebook info page where you can find out more.
OR, the main website can be found here: L.A.S.T. Games: Zombie

It's survival horror with Nerf Guns, terror, running, hiding, and definitely some dying (Zombies need to eat after all). Eric P's other Zombie post has info as well if you are curious.
Kris and I are both staff at the upcoming game and would love to get a chance to kil...I mean see you there! :twisted:

There was also a new video posted, which you may recognize some faces from.
Zombie attack!

Thanks again!
Edite ^_^
Yeah, Facebook (et. al) can take a long walk off of a short bridge.
Here is the main website L.A.S.T. Games: Zombie.
Some of the website is still under construction, but all the info you are looking for should be on the Events page, and the rules are also available for download.
The real RSVP is the pre-pay option. No need to go to Facebook for that either. :D
no age limits?
I had to dig a little bit for the information, but it looks like their event is at Camp Brinkley (it's not on the 'Events' section where it lists the dates, which is weird). It looks like the age limit is 18.
Yeah, I'm a slacker and need to update the site. Too many projects all running at once. :D

The quick and dirty info:

Event Date: 22nd of October
Event: Zombie!
Paypal Pre-pay/reg- $20 (​games/index.php) [Entry into Raffle, IG Bandages, Only Guaranteed Admission]
At the door - $25 [No Guarantee of space at the Venue by paying at the door. We max out the site before hitting the # of those interested right now.]
Age Limiti: 18+
Venue: Camp Brinkley
25600-B Monroe Log Camp Rd
Snohomish, WA 98290

I've gotten the chance to game with a lot of you before, and it would be great to see you all again. And if the crew that I run with keeps using their thumb screws on me, I'll likely see you out at an Alliance event very soon.
