Movies and NERO

The unreasonable things quote, I can't be sure, but every time I read it I hear Bruce Campbell's voice. One of the Evil Dead's perhaps?
Terminal Invasion = Bruce Campbell movie. =D
"I have a feeling we are about to embark upon a most unprecedented expedition."

"Bill and Teds bogus journey" :D
Just thought of it..

"Look, I'm a reasonable guy but I've just experienced some pretty unreasonable things."

"Big Trouble" ??
jpariury said:
[*]What's she doing?
Think she'll remember to come back?
Hunh, I dunno. Let's see.


JP...that was when I was scouting..right?
All right, I just want it acknowledged that I have never seen that movie but I just knew it had to be a Bruce Campbell line. Lead with your chin, baby.
jpariury said:
Alabaster got the last two, good job.

Yes, Jacquelyn, you nailed it. :) Gregor and Slice, watching much amused, as Aeris danced around the poison spit.

I was dodgeing the poisen so well!