Muggs campaigning for steward

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The upcoming elections should not be about the humans vs. the non humans. It should be about who can serve the town the best. In the past 2 years the current steward has done an amazing job with many unexpected problems that have arisen. I myself voted for her prior to the goblin incursion, but times have changed and there needs to be a new bridge between what was and what is. So much is going on that little things that have changed are slipping through the cracks and this needs to stop. I was hear before the current adventuring community moved in to save the town and now I have traveled with the current adventuring community fighting along side of them bleeding and crying and even at times rejoicing with them. I want to bridge the gap between theses two groups make sure that if the adventurers have information it gets shared w
ith the common folk of the town. In the past I have been a bit of a drunk as we all know but now I have seen something to fight for a reason to not be drunk. Things like the disease and the cure not being talked about will not happen again. I have worked the tavern for quiet some time and have ties too many local families and to just about every group of adventurers. Many a time’s one group has what the other group needs and I have been the one to make all groups happy in the exchange.
If I get to be steward then I will help bridge the cracks that things have fallen through since the event that changed this town forever and allowed the goblins to invade.
This is Raavna, and I vote for Muggs.
Crap in a hat woman! Where ya been.. good ta see ya but afraid this votes been done a while

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