My dreams have taken me here


Public Relations Committee
Salam! Sabeh el kneer,

My dreams have taken me here and I do not know where here is. I think that since I am here I should stay, where is here? And where can I stay? I have but, one camel and can not sell her for she carries me across the great dune sea. But, I can work, if needed. If someone hears me dreams let me know where there is a safe haven.


You shall find safe haven in the city of Horn's End or on it's outskirts at a place called Outpost Northpoint in the kingdom of Valdanis. The magistrate of this place is named Sir Garoth. He is a worthy individual and you should look him up upon your arrival. His wife, Lady Gwen, runs the local tavern and if you have an interest she is always looking for help. Even if you don't have an interest, look her up for some of the best food you may ever eat!

I wish you luck in your travels, and may you arrive safely.


My heart is overwhelmed with the warmth that I have found here. Many thanks to Celest and Marci. I look towards our meetings and the many fine memories that we shall share.

