my most sincerest thanks

To everyone that helped me find my Neolani and Circle Master Marsters and rid them of their....condition the first night of the gathering, I thank you with every inch this heart of a stag has. Words cannot describe how thankful I am, but I had to at least attempt to put into words my appreciation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank several people specifically, most of which I admittedly do not know your name or simply do not remember your name, my mind isn't exactly thinking at higher levels right now.

Squire Foss, or Squire Siril, not sure which I am supposed to call you, or if either works. I want to personally thank you for finding the big piece of the puzzle to helping cure both my Neolani and the Circle Master. It couldn't have been done without you and your efforts, and for that, you have my sincerest gratitude.

Members of the Research and Development Department of the Healers Guild. I unfortunately never caught any of your names, however, I cannot thank you enough for testing the piece of the cherry tree I had brought you, and using your resources to help us find a cure.

To the pair of casters, both of which I admit to have forgotten your names. Thank you for your spells that cured my Neolani. I know I was able to repay one of you, I intend to repay the other at the next market.

Until next market, be well, stay safe, and enjoy life to the fullest

Warrior of the Tribe of the White Tail