My Return to Kaida Sanu


Hello Friends and Adventurers of Kaida Sanu, I will be returning to these lands after quite a hiatus from adventuring and a short stint of helping Rathfall.

I have grown as a warrior quite a bit since I've last seen some of you, and have made a declaration of loyalty to a local Rathfall adventurer. During this time I have not neglected to think about Kaida Sanu and the struggles it had been and likely still is experiencing. To speed up the process of my return and immersion into the issues that plague the land, and so we can get down to business as soon as possible, Id like to call upon those who wish to speak, to tell me what has happened since I was last in the mistsphere.

The last market I attended was the first one that happened this year, and I believe we dealt with the elemental plane of fire at that time. any updates relevant to that market and beyond are greatly appreciated.

I am unsure of how often I will be travelling to these lands in the future, as some of you may know the mists can be fickle with me, but if the upcoming market finds me a purpose in these lands I will try and travel this way more often.

On a side note I am looking for an Eternal Forest ritual, and or Catalyst that travels or is usable in Rathfall, as my newfound friend and one who I swore to further the goals of is looking for one. Any help on that would be appreciated as well.

I look forward to seeing all of the familiar and new faces in the town and fighting alongside you.

come find me i might have what your looking for
Hey Tarikk,

Good to see ya, buddy. So uh, since you were gone we killed a dracolich. That was fun. And the orcs won the annual hunt between them and the ogres, which was probably for the best (and I can explain why in person). And uh, some people have started to learn how to manipulate the time-creation-destruction magics. I can't think of much specifics otherwise. We can talk this weekend for any questions I can answer.

i should be at the next rathfall market
were are you going to be at next mouth
**Gaawwp** (Followed by vague proud father gestures toward a healthy and very large egg)
Hi Tarikk!

I hope you're still doing okay! I'm excited to see you again. Let me know if I can help you at all!
