My Sincerest Thanks and Triumphant Announcement

Strava Plot

Gettysburg Staff
*This notice is posted throughout the area of Geistbadden and is proclaimed into the Apsuudi/Dream*

To those who gave their aid,

I wished to announce the triumphant reclamation of Geistbadden! I am moved beyond words at the kindness, compassion, and selflessness of those who gave their service to our effort! I am truly in your debt.

Now that our city is freed from the grip of death and decay, we can rebuild and bring Geistbadden back to the Lands of Pryderi. I welcome the Guilds of the Land to send your representatives to recruit and your members to assist our efforts to make the city whole again.

I call the refugees and displaced persons of the Kingdom to make your homes here. Come, settle in our Lands and return our proud population to its proper number. I am offering the deferment of levies for the families that migrate to our lands; my own coffers will pay your tithes and taxes for the first season. Please register yourselves with my aides, Barons, and Burghers and I will see to your proper dispensation.

I call the adventurers and friends of the Kingdom to assist our Land and our people, to bring their needed skills and perspective to our future plans. I still have need to address the rest of my Duchy, reaching from Bonn Lake to North Mountain, where I am certain ruffians and worse yet linger.

For now, I invite and entreat our citizens and our guests to make themselves comfortable here in Geistbadden. May our joint efforts bring us great bounty.


Duchess Maebh nic Siobhann, guardian of north-western Pryderi, humble servant of Islan Tel’Nava
It's always good when things are going well!

Um...If anyone needs it, and it's okay for me to offer, I got some builder guys working on getting my workshop and crafting hall kind of deal up and running, although it'll be a couple weeks before it's really all set. It should have a common room, upstairs sleeping quarters, kind of a camp out bunk room I guess, and it's got workshops for just about anything except making traps.

I'll be here for a couple more weeks before heading out, after that Maph will be here to help you with things, and I think the adventurers guild will also be helping people know that it's there.

Um on that note, I've heard about taxes and stuff, and I dunno what that means, but it sounds like I need to pay some coins, can anyone help me out with how to do that?

*A smooth and sensual voice echoes within your mind, with each carefully pronounced word you feel as if the voice is caressing your flesh*

Don't worry darling, the royal Younger are not as bad as other tax collectors. Instead of an arm and a leg, a foot will do...

*the voice disappears back into the darkness only to have a velvet, throaty laugh echo across the dream*

Dephara, Anan'ta Purple of the Ehursag, Lady of Wahina, Queen of Darkness

I vill be able to cast ritualz for a zhort vile before 'aveing to leave. I make my ability availible for you iv you can provide ze items needed for ze casting.

Alzo iv you have ze guide for casting vis ze zands and candlez I vould very much like to learn zez vayz alzo.

Lanna Rose
I'm allowed to help a little too... really
