Forgive the tardyness of my showing of gratitude, my host Marcena insisted we go to an after feast party and I failed to take into account the duration such a party might continue for.
It was indeed a rare priviledge to dine with so many august persons, and rarer still to be present for a knighting, Sir Jehans actions during the feast and auction certaintly show his heart for the people who fight alongside him, and his words struck near my heart to hear him remember those he's lost in recent times. The chance to run an auction for the cause of the less fortunate was also a pleasure and I enjoyed the chance to meet, and visit with those I had already met throughout the dinner.
I will likely stay in the area for not less then a month at least as I have much research to do in the library, a wonderful prize for a competition if ever I've encountered one, I look forward to serving all those in need of my humble offerings in the future.
Barrister Enan Bluewater
It was indeed a rare priviledge to dine with so many august persons, and rarer still to be present for a knighting, Sir Jehans actions during the feast and auction certaintly show his heart for the people who fight alongside him, and his words struck near my heart to hear him remember those he's lost in recent times. The chance to run an auction for the cause of the less fortunate was also a pleasure and I enjoyed the chance to meet, and visit with those I had already met throughout the dinner.
I will likely stay in the area for not less then a month at least as I have much research to do in the library, a wonderful prize for a competition if ever I've encountered one, I look forward to serving all those in need of my humble offerings in the future.
Barrister Enan Bluewater