My thoughts on you...

I've been accused, unfairly, of getting a bit long winded and I figured if your gonna be accused of a crime you might as well commit it.

Some thoughts to share with you as the snow’s thaw…I wouldn’t want any of you caught unawares:

Duke Rassh- Tick Tock Tick Tock. How are you feeling boy? Ready to join Kashina?

Selmy- Give up the sword and live out the years you have left in you old man. That's all the quarter I afford you.

Ganavan- The faithful basset hound. More bark than bite…Once your lord dies you will be of no use to anyone...will you lay down at his grave and wait for the end or will you bring us your garrison to destroy?

Falling-star- You are worse than useless, your father should have dragged you back home kicking and screaming and made you into an Elvish Courtesan for that's all your worth to anyone.

Sera Zanabanath
- You're a foolish young girl playing at being a Knight. Knights aren't heroes of fairy tales. Your sword is too slow on, your shield hangs too low on your shoulder and your left foot is an easy reach in a fight but you think you have spells but your unable to hit the broadside of a barn when your angry.

Enan Bluewater
- I think there is more yellow to you than your name suggests
Enan. We had a deal and you broke it, we had another deal, and you broke that too. Do you think they don't know you will turn tail at the first sign of trouble? Do you think they don't hate you? None of them can stand you because you are smarter than them and you love to lord it over them... Deny all you want, spin how you want no matter how this ends, you still won’t be one of them and they will still hate you for it.

Eve- Take away the magic sword and all the items your guild gives you and what’s left? An inept tavern employee? Well down here the pay is worse and the hours longer...but at least you will be put to a use commensurate with the worth that you provide.

Shadows Light- Your name should probably be shadow’s puppet. How good does it feel to be a 3rd rate guild behind the cowards of Azure’s Keep? How troubled are you that you have so little clout that you warned and warned of the corrupt threat and were laughed off by Enan? Your guild brother is lost to you and you spew forth venomous words and that’s all they shall be. I’ve been challenged to a fair fight by one of your number and she died before we even managed to lay a finger on her. Your whole guild is falling apart; everyone knows it, do you?

Raven-Borrowed sword, borrowed golem, borrowed honor. It’s far past time someone set the wrong that you are right to this world. If ever I see your ugly face here again I will make it pretty by smashing it on a rock till you crow.

Kealit- I name you a Blowhard, you take well after your master but you persist in being an Orc when you really should be an elf or maybe a bunny-kin. The at least Bartholomew would be able to sew his kids a new cloak when you meet next. You haven’t forgotten your challenge have you? Will you be there or act as I expect and stand in the back where it’s safe?

- You are to Enan as Ganavan is to Rassh. ..have someone help you connect the dots and don’t invite me to dance and stand me up…I can’t handle any more rejections from you.

Tarqaq- The sneak fox; you knew where to hurt us last year and you told them but that path is closed now isn’t it. No matter how much good you do you still are ignored by your betters.

Pandora- Your voice is often heard loud and clear, no one can contend you don’t do a lot of good for the troop’s morale. The only issue, from your perspective perhaps, is that you tend to give heart to my troops more than the other side. Still, thank you.

Jehan Wyldweaver
- I hear tell from Enan in our private chats you are the one responsible for the circle’s destruction. Good move, how many tricks do you have up your sleeve wolf? Perhaps I can “talk” to WhitePaw and see…No matter, you storm through life at a pace that will have you a bigger enemy to these people than I am and you will be no closer to anything but a pathetic pup, your mother should have done you a kindness and put you down like the sick dog you are.

Marsters- I haven't heard from you much but you continue to astound with your power grabbing. What group or guild will you climb the ranks of next dear man? Who else will you cast to their deaths while you gain power for yourself? I daresay you are a valuable ally to my people and you will be rewarded with rulership over a slave territory. Contact me we can discuss the details.

Badwolf- The man, the legend! I cannot wait to test you in battle boy. If you show me true strength I will spare your life and train you myself. That is your path to glory…not following the weakness you see plainly now.
The Englishmen- Loud and Fast...I appreciate it but it by no way means your end will not be the same. I will grant you a good death or a place in the slave pens. I give you the respect of making that decision for yourselves. Your blades and bravery have earned that even if you continue to waste them serving the Knights.

Tadron- I know what kind of man you are, you still have a chance to walk away. Simply do unto your wife as her father should have done and make her retire from this foolish deadly war. You have a great deal of strength to you man and can accomplish many a great thing…but even you can’t fight a war from another land without your guild to back you. Our quarrel doesn’t have to be, you’ve already proven yours and gotten what you deserved, let my people stand up to their oppressors for to see you fall would be a waste of a good warrior.

Gnot- My officers and I like to play a betting game when you take the field. How many life spells per market can the town waste on your foolish heroics?

- A promising girl...Not really. Really just a girl, a very dangerous foolish girl, bound to get someone in the list above killed and soon. Oh, and for the rest of you she is a traitor to your people.

If you are on this list, its because I recognize who you are, some of you will have a problem with my words, I invite you to make something of it not just blow useless words back at me about how you can face me in single combat or how you are better than me. I just don't care for it. Just remember I didn't want this war but I am going to finish it. If you've somehow escaped this list, then consider whose words you follow and whose side you are on. Remember kids, you can lose this war without ever losing a battle.

I will see all of your soon. Very Soon.


There are a lot of things I can tolerate in life, and even in your words. I can tolerate you insulting my friends, I can tolerate you belittling people I care about, but I can not, and will not tolerate you degrading my knight and my duke like that. You want a fight, lets fight. You pick the time and the place and I will destroy you. I will wipe you from the face of this planet. When I am done with you, your name will be forgotten. When the historians write about this conflict, you will be know as just another dwarf. I know once your dead, your generals will step up and take your place. So you know, what bring them all, bring your whole clan. I will bury them all in shadow, strangle them all in darkness, destroy their spirits and make whole nations weep when they see what I've done to your people. If you think for one moment that I'm scared, think again. You are looking at a man with nothing to lose. I will kill every last one of you if it takes my last breath to do so.
But until we meet, stay out of the shadows as they belong to me.

Foss Siril

I refer you back to my last paragraph about people not carrying through on their threats. Meet me outside your master's keep 200 yards into the treeline to the northwest and look for the purple torch. I will find you there tonight until midnight. My soldiers will allow you to pass safely.

For the record, you will be the 4th person overall, the 3rd in your guild, to offer me an empty promise. If somehow you show and somehow you manage to win you may send me to the circle once and I will send my apology. If I defeat you, you will visit the circle, acknowledge the truth in my words and I will have no personal quarrel with you. This is a good deal one squire for one General. Think on it, I hope to see you tonight.

You will find that I am nothing like those who reside in that keep. I'll be there.
Foss, Goren, should we be looking for either of you in the Circle?

I have no killed him yet. Soon enough though.

Goren, I do not look for a Path of Glory, I walk a Path of Protection. I see these people as my family.
For I no longer have a Clan, and with these people I find myself needed for them. I appreciate the Complement Goren,
I long to see you in battle as well, to test my shield against your forces. And if I shall fall so be it but I have dedicated
myself to these people and will take out as much as I can before I fall. I have no delusions of myself being powerful,
perfect, indestructible. But I know my Will, and it has seen me through a lot in my life. I don't give empty threats as well,
I will be there to fight your armies, I will fight my hardest to force your army back, and if need be I will die trying.
So Goren tell your army to be prepared for I walk against them for I am prepared for your best and expect no less from
you and your men, and we shall test each other on our strengths and find who is wanting...
Normally I would ask if you are just amusing the audience...then I realized that you are not joking. Youth and inexperience is very understandable when it comes to a heart full of pride and an eagerness to have an excuse to attack. However I do believe that you should let it be a joke and stop this folly. Lately there has been too few to help heal and bring back those slain. The numbers continue to go down and for some reason more and more battles are being waged without taking in consideration of your actions. If you want to fight, at least have a good (Great) cause and not just because your pride or ego say so. My heart and mind get torn asunder when so many young seek their demise over such trivial exerts.

I have seen many evils in these lands, faced all but a few. However it is the actions like these that hurt the most. Ask any of the knights or anyone else who have wondered these lands what goes on. I have tried to stop a duel to the death over pride and it still happened. I tried to stop a woman from being stoned to death and failed. Seen many friends get dragged off and slain because we couldn't stop it. Lost many friends when I was not there. These were not from WARS! These were from feuds that run so often that most think it is a War. Sister and Brother of another plane of existences brought a fight over to us. Creatures lurk and wait to grab us from the side of the road. Undead presence was blamed on a species because one of its kin was turned into a vampire and wish nothing but malice on them all. A tinker made golems of all shapes and sizes because of his hate. The land get so saturated in blood, death, and pride that creatures of nightmare like presence spawned, germinated, and devoured innocents.

I take great pride in my friends because they understand what their lives mean to me. They all know I would give up mine for theirs' without even blinking an eye. They also know I don't put myself in that type of harm if I could help it. I have died once, it was to save all the people that we promised to save as well as the people that went to go save them. My actions did rob a friend of this choice, yet I believe she has done a lot for us and this should fall to me. Because of that, we also toppled the tower and at least did enough damage to the "enemy" that it will take them a while to come back to that type of force. If you make a sacrifice like that, to stop death of a friend, save hundreds of lives, and take them all home safely. Then by all means lay down your life, NOT because some calls you chicken. That is the action of a fool.

Whatever your choice is, others will have to live with what comes next. I adventure to help young ones and teach live and survive. I hope you do too.
hahahahahahahahahaha Sae, if that was quoted to me I feel you mistake my thought then,
I was not thinking of it because of my pride or ego, I do my duty to the people and see them
well protected. Before winter hit, I had helped most of the people with their farms and making
sure their supplies and duties were done before winter came. My reason for fighting is
for these people and seeing them safe from this war. You say this land is saturated with blood, death, and pride
and it has spawned nightmarish creatures and done worse to the people. Well I want to try and stop it,
I know you think me foolish for wanting something like that but is a Cause I think fighting for.
Just because I am Youthful and Inexperienced...
do not think me blinded by pride...
do not think me fool...
do not think you know me... :mad:

He was talking bout the dead man...

I'm not more blind than you boy, In fact I see a lot more. One day you will learn to fight in such a way to kill your opponent long after you lose.

Badwolf vou are a defender of the people, vou may rest assured in that. It iz vour vest quality.

Goren I know that vou are a defender ov vour people and that I vrespect vith much honor. The sad thing iz in Vwar most of the suffering iz not on the varriors, it iz the innocentz on voth sidez. It iz the true horror ov var. Az a healer I do vhat I can to mitigate healing, vut az an adventurer I have found myzelf on the frontz vhich vill have a lasting imprezzion on me, that iz certain.

Fozz vou are zick my friend, vut ve all know thiz. Ve vill zpeak later and in perzon. Temper vourself vith memories of vour loving vife, of Kat, of vour general store and farm. Thiz iz vho vou are.

Sae Azaka, vou are a gentle kind hearted zpirit and unique in these landz for vour vow of pacifism. I have izzuez vith thiz vow, vut respect it. Vour vords are mostly vise vut I think vou should ve careful to not vy accident call someone foolish vor living there veliefs vhen zome vould call pacifizm foolizh. Ve all velieve vhat ve velieve for better or vorse.

Kitaruen Kopanari
Such an interesting tirade.
I'm glad I stumbled upon it.

I think I may sit back and watch for a while.

continue to amuse me.

Hmmm..... We posting thoughts now? ....... Me thoughts....... Me wake from long nap to find odd note on tree saying Gnot uses lots of life spells......mmmmm.......... OK............ What me thought is........... Has anyone seen me crown? ..... Better yet.... Has anyone seen me stash of nuts? .. They seam to be missing... Not in the spot me thought me stashed them........................... Oh... As for Dark Dwarfie guys.............. No worries..................... Last me see them they was scared for some reason.

im sorry I don't boast dream realm muscles, I live by my deeds . Borrowed honor? really? The only thing that's going to happen with my pretty face is stand over your corpse as I watch you dismembered.