
Nainala tasar
Miste lanta olvallor
mir i siirenna,
caarala telemna nencormar.
Sinoome nyerin, O maivoine,
ve i Siqilisse.
Avaanielye. Namaarie.

Marcus of Freeport was a man of extraordinary goodness, kindness and charity. His loss is unthinkable, and I know no words in any tongue to ease the pain of this. He was the best of us, and we who remain can do nothing but grieve and remember.

Alcarò adan ind awarthé.

He was a man most honorable, an icon of his race; let his memory go untainted and his spirit burn bright amongst the Deadlands, and any lands we may travel to.

Hail the glorious dead.

- Sevaria of Goshawk
Some day, we shall stand side by side once again Marcus.

Until then, I'll remember you always. Your memory will help me be strong.

Rest now.

-Darius Trollsbane Silver
The words of my sorrow in this are written plainly on my heart. For his spirit alone, are they said aloud.

He was my friend, my Brother, my Guardian.

He was all that is good and strong, with a gentleness unparalleled.

He will never be forgotten.

And never again, left alone in the darkness.

~Squire Paladar