OOG: Ethan Rath (he/him) Human Chemist
IG: Ignathis Nachtfeuer Human Fighter
Ig: Kettle Croquet Flank Kolrabi of the Guilderncage III of his clutch, Vulturekyn Apothecary
Hi I'm Lacey (she/they)
I play Calliope (she/they) a former Oathsworn Fighter now Sylvanborn Earth Scholar in Chicago and maybe Minnesota here and there hopefully
And have a backup of Socks (They/she) a Opossumkin Alchemist no pictures yet
In Game:
Amos Bartholomew Cuthburt
Rose Warden
Carpe Diem Publishing: The ABC's of Adventuring
Race/Class: Human/Spellsword
Chapters: Chicago, Wisconsin