Phew! I feel like I finally have a brain again (at much of one as I had to start with?), so here come the favs!
-Collin and Mich as Baby!Broomis and Jillian. Holy damn, was that one intense scene. You guys worked up legit chemistry, and I loved being able to watch it. Also, the bit at the end had Luka straight up crying. Curse her motherly instincts!
-ORCISH ABCs. Oh God, we were all losing it so hard. VESTACHA.
-Meeting Tarkay (sp?) all grown up! And seeing Gorka again! It was so wonderful to see folks from the last National event and to hear how they'd grown and adventured in the meantime. Kids, never forget - Rom family bonds are unbreakable! We WILL remember you! (Is that a threat or a promise? Who knows?)
-The opening and closing mods were BEAUTIFUL. Such wonderful tension, especially in the closer. Blowing skill stores as Luka sprinted past the terrifying mistwalker line - losing her shoes on the way - was the best way to end a weekend EVER. Not to mention watching folks desperately say goodbye to their loved ones and begin to form groups to protect one another - fantastic.
-A HUGE thank you to everyone who came and played with Moose (special props to Dave and Paul)! He adored all the new friends, and it really put him at ease to get some love in a new environment.
-Guys, I am making a new word, and that word is RAMA. ROM DRAMA. Holy bejeezus, I never thought I would see the day when Luka needed to be the big girl and counsel people. It is certainly a new experience for her.
-Elf-Ket, you are quickly growing into one of my favorite people. I was so sad when we 0-ed on your bow! But you were a good sport, and you always play clean and RP-invested. You are aces in my book!
-Obviously I cannot forget to mention WEDDING! And everything that led up to it as well, of course! Thanks to Kevin for all of his research into traditional wedding practices. I've gotta' say, I loved being bride-napped. Poor Ren! And his face when he had finally done all he needed to do and Dmitri just threw up his arms and bellowed, "Brother! Come here!" - PRICELESS. A big thank you to Zat and Larien for standing as our approving family! (Also, Zat's, "This doesn't drag me into anything, right? I'm not, I don't know, a member of your family now, right? I don't have to do anything?" was delightfully biata.)
-Wait, Mike V has a PC? IT'S A ROM?! YESSSSSSSSSS.
-Getting to chat with folks who just wandered curiously onto the site. Hearing later that two of the girls had both said that they wanted to play gypsies after our encounter = biggest goal in life attained. EVERYONE WILL BE ROMS.
-Moon-bridge time with seer, seer, seer, satyr, psychic, stone-elf! I love when plot folks use IG abilities that are NOT solely combat-related!
-Naturally, seeing all of you wonderful, wonderful folks! I haven't been able to travel much this season (alas!), and so getting a chance to catch up, even briefly, with folks from other chapters and states was just a fantastic feeling.
-THANK YOU NPCS! The game does not run without your enthusiasm and energy!