National Event Player Policy--READ IF YOU ARE ATTENDING!!


We are hoping that a lot of players come to the National Event. We are after all an Alliance and I know personally I would love to meet a lot of you that I have spoken to over the boards or through e-mail. This is truly going to be a wonderful event and hopefully will foster and strengthen new and old relationships with in the Alliance.

The National Event will be held at the Faireplay site,hosted by Alliance HQ.
Event Date : August 29,30,31 & Sept 1st
This event is a long weekend!

To Pre-reg Magic Items,Spells,production etc ( and to make sure we get your character card!!) go to ... mailer.php

To Pay for the event go to
To reserve a cabin, you need at least six people pre-registered!

Note that this event will have THREE breakfasts and TWO dinners.

Be sure to leave a note if you are paying for more than one person or if the name of the player is not the same as the name of the PayPal account. Mike will be posting an updated list of everyone that pays here : viewtopic.php?f=50&t=1934

Event Blurb : "Sand, Sheiks and Shackles" (Long Weekend) Pleas for help distantly sound throughout the mists: A call for prophecied heroes to liberate an ancient land. Or is it a plot by a mysterious race of conquerors to escape The Hourglass Prison? Can the combined strengths of warriors from across Fortannis hope to prevent the destruction of their own lands? Can these heroes muster the courage to break the bondage of the peoples? Will prophecy be fullfilled?

Player Policy:
A. Three LCO Items- Players will be allowed to bring in three LCO items. These items may not have any plot effects on them and may only possess a limited amount of charges.
For example : Spell Shield x 3, Bless x 3 all on one item– This will not be allowed. Preferably we want to allow LCO items that are less powerful such as Spell Shield x 2 allowing players to utilize their goblin stamp items that are normally LCO. Exceptions will be made to players that have spirit linked or locked weapons/items on them. Plot effects on such weapons will be void at the discretion of the Alliance Chair. (No Funky LCO stuff) All LCO magic items will be thoroughly checked and can be refused if they do not follow the guidelines or intent of the policy. Items will be refused if they do not have a tag, properly marked etc.
B. Unlimited Restricted magic items
C. No Ritual scrolls will be permitted to enter the game for any purpose (spellcrafting,casting,trading etc). Ritual Scrolls will be supplied to the players for the purposes of spell crafting.
D. Players with the appropriate skill will be given evaluate item lists only listing items they will find during the National Event.
E. Players will be permitted to use labs only on Friday night of the event. Further use of labs must be found or discovered thru In-Game means.
F. Players will be allowed to use goblin stamps for production purposes. Players that wish to use goblin stamps for production must make the request before pre-registration ends and their home chapter logistics team must approve the charge.
G. Players may also trade in their Dragon Stamps for goblin stamps to make production at check-in.
H. Each player attending will receive at least 25 dragon stamps for their participation (NPC & PC).
I. Players will have all the same options as NPCing including utilizing their production pick for the weekend as well as gaining a teacher card.
J. Players that are unable to attend will be allowed to use their home chapter goblin stamps to blanket the National Event.

-Renee Iovino
Alliance Chair
This look awesome, there is just one little thing that probably isn't an issue. Those who are going to the HQ and CT events the weekend before the national event will have to pre-reg before they have finished playing those games. As such until those weekends are over their characters cannot be sent (due to getting build from that event). When are you looking/expecting to get character cards from all the chapters and especially characters who go to the even the weekend before?

One other sentence is also just a little bit vague "Ritual Scrolls will be supplied to the players for the purposes of spell crafting" but perhaps I am just being thick headed. Does this mean that players will/can get Ritual Scrolls IG during the event but that there will be no spellcrafting for the first logistics period? Or does this mean there will be a library of Ritual Scrolls available to all PC's who want to spellcraft during all the logistics periods? And if that is the case will there be more details on that?

Thanks Renee and this looks fantastic! :)
Dreamingfurther said:
This look awesome, there is just one little thing that probably isn't an issue. Those who are going to the HQ and CT events the weekend before the national event will have to pre-reg before they have finished playing those games. As such until those weekends are over their characters cannot be sent (due to getting build from that event). When are you looking/expecting to get character cards from all the chapters and especially characters who go to the even the weekend before?

Character cards go out ASAP when the earlier event is finished, just like anytime there are events on back-to-back weekends.

Dreamingfurther said:
One other sentence is also just a little bit vague "Ritual Scrolls will be supplied to the players for the purposes of spell crafting" but perhaps I am just being thick headed. Does this mean that players will/can get Ritual Scrolls IG during the event but that there will be no spellcrafting for the first logistics period? Or does this mean there will be a library of Ritual Scrolls available to all PC's who want to spellcraft during all the logistics periods? And if that is the case will there be more details on that?

Probably not Friday night. Probably FOIG on the rest.
Mike E got it right!

Pre-reg deadline is for payment. If you are going to PC CT or HQ make sure you tell them you need your character card sent to the National Event.Typically we have players write this on the back of their life tag when they hand it in at the close of an event. I have already spoken to Mike E and he knows that I am going to need these cards ASAP. Any cards that are sent after Wednesday evening I won't have access to. So bring a copy of your card with you just in case.

Lira said:
I. Players will have all the same options as NPCing including utilizing their production pick for the weekend as well as gaining a teacher card.

Could you elaborate on this?
Lira said:
Mike E got it right!

Pre-reg deadline is for payment. If you are going to PC CT or HQ make sure you tell them you need your character card sent to the National Event.Typically we have players write this on the back of their life tag when they hand it in at the close of an event. I have already spoken to Mike E and he knows that I am going to need these cards ASAP. Any cards that are sent after Wednesday evening I won't have access to. So bring a copy of your card with you just in case.


Every HQ PC who is going to the National, let me know at the HQ event just prior. You will get a CC'd e-mail when I send your updated character to Renee. If you don't get the CC by that Monday night, let me know.
Togashin said:
Lira said:
I. Players will have all the same options as NPCing including utilizing their production pick for the weekend as well as gaining a teacher card.

Could you elaborate on this?

If you NPC you get your production pick and an NPC teach card.

Lira said:
Togashin said:
Lira said:
I. Players will have all the same options as NPCing including utilizing their production pick for the weekend as well as gaining a teacher card.

Could you elaborate on this?

If you NPC you get your production pick and an NPC teach card.


Thanks. I was confused because you started it with players.
** ATTENTION Logistics teams **

Please send all character transfers for the national event to


Players please don't forget to pre-register for the event, this includes both paying and filling out the pre-registration form on the website. The deadline for this is Sunday August 24th
Link to fill out form


Alliance Logistics
We will start logistics around 7 on Friday. Typically people tend to arrive late to the site and with labor day traffic I expect that will be the case this weekend as well. Not sure what time game on will start depends on the amount of people we have i guess.