National Event???

How is gobbying the event going to be handled?
Lira said:
You would get credit towards your character same as NPC'ing for any other chapter in the Alliance. There will be a sign in sheet for you to specify your character/home chapter. Same goes for PCing. You will get the build the same as if you played an event in any other chapter in the Alliance.

That does not answer her question as far as goblin stamps, etc. are concerned. In NH you have to NPC an event to be allowed a magic item/ritual scroll purchase. Other than build credit, what chapter/chapters does this count as for other forms of compensation?
Shane said:
Lira said:
You would get credit towards your character same as NPC'ing for any other chapter in the Alliance. There will be a sign in sheet for you to specify your character/home chapter. Same goes for PCing. You will get the build the same as if you played an event in any other chapter in the Alliance.

That does not answer her question as far as goblin stamps, etc. are concerned. In NH you have to NPC an event to be allowed a magic item/ritual scroll purchase. Other than build credit, what chapter/chapters does this count as for other forms of compensation?

We are discussing possibilities with the owners now.
Yeah, that's what I was more curious about. Thanks for clarifying for me, Mister Shane.
Shane, and to any one else it may concern,

I clearly can't speak for any other chapters, but if someone NPCs the National Event and has the max out sent to a character whose home chapter is NH, I will award that person 45 gobbies in NH and count the event towards the number of times one must NPC to purchase any particular NH LCO scroll. You would just have to email to let us know what you're doing.

youthculture said:
Yeah, that's what I was more curious about. Thanks for clarifying for me, Mister Shane.

Hopefully we will have a definite answer for you by the end of this week. I will let everyone know as soon as I find out. We are hoping to compensate all players for attending this event with something :D

We are going to be posting a blanket announcement by the first week of August that should be able to cover all of these questions including event cost,pre-reg information,props requests etc. So just be patient a little while longer! :D

Lira said:
So just be patient a little while longer! :D

I'm terrible at that.
Then this will be an excellent time to practice and hone your skills. :)

(Sorry, I tried to resist and failed. Guess I need some practice my own self.)

Shane said:
Lira said:
You would get credit towards your character same as NPC'ing for any other chapter in the Alliance. There will be a sign in sheet for you to specify your character/home chapter. Same goes for PCing. You will get the build the same as if you played an event in any other chapter in the Alliance.

That does not answer her question as far as goblin stamps, etc. are concerned. In NH you have to NPC an event to be allowed a magic item/ritual scroll purchase. Other than build credit, what chapter/chapters does this count as for other forms of compensation?

How about Dragon Stamps for NPC'ing the national event. ^_^
You can redeem Dragon Stamps at your local Dragon Market, wherein you will find all your Dragon-feeding needs. They have the largest selection of Knights, Damsels, herds of various animals, and racks upon racks of Peasants. I believe they're having a sale next week on Aristocrats, and I know they have good prices on medicines for wounded Dragons. The salves work well, but be careful in applying, as they can sting and you might get bit.

Or maybe I'm thinking of different Dragon Stamps.

(You ever get an image in your head and just have to exorcise it?)

They do, but do you really want to go to the Goblin Market to redeem them? That place smells awful. (Though the selection is vast, as Goblin will eat damn near anything.)

But thanks for putting *that* picture in my head. Ugh. I won't be able to eat for days.

And now after all of my blustering, I won't be able to make the national event afterall. That weekend is the last event of the NEROWest chapter out here before they go on hiatus. Apparently running games for a decade has them a little frazzled. So have fun all!
All of this will be added to a final document that we plan on posting on the board in the upcoming week or so. For those of you that would like to know about blanketing the National Event/Awards NOW here it is :

Players will be allowed to blanket the National Event with their home chapter goblin stamps. This will cost the same amount of goblin stamps for any other long event in your home chapter : 90 Goblin Stamps
For example, if a NJ player doesn't attend the National Event they will have the ability to use goblin stamps they earned in NJ to blanket the National Event.

All players that attend the National Event will be awarded dragon stamps. If you PC or NPC you will be awarded dragon stamps.

More details to come!! :)
