I had so much fun NPCing with people from all those other chapters, and I was extremely excited to meet the other Canadians (which technically made this Internationals). I particularly enjoyed running the egg and pirate lair cards.
My brief time PCing was exciting as well. I went out, dropped off the message I had been given, and said hi to a couple of friends that were present, but then I realized I had nothing to do as Del and I saw a group of PCs going for a lair card I knew I needed to be the one to set up, so I started heading back to monster camp. Except, on my way, I came across Coin and his companions (Dallas' character and another gentleman I do not remember the name of) and one of them Waylaid me! I had to send word to monster camp that I'd be about ten minutes late.
I wasn't expecting anything to happen with Del at (Inter)Nationals, and instead I got a fun story and some great roleplay. It made for a hilarious introduction for Del and Dallas' character when I went in as her to eat dinner, and it lead to some fun conversations with Coin and Tal-Harath. Unfortunately Del is too much of a softy to actually try and seek any revenge (even though I was tempted to go and return the favour via sleep gas).
Friends don't let friends get Waylaid!
My brief time PCing was exciting as well. I went out, dropped off the message I had been given, and said hi to a couple of friends that were present, but then I realized I had nothing to do as Del and I saw a group of PCs going for a lair card I knew I needed to be the one to set up, so I started heading back to monster camp. Except, on my way, I came across Coin and his companions (Dallas' character and another gentleman I do not remember the name of) and one of them Waylaid me! I had to send word to monster camp that I'd be about ten minutes late.
I wasn't expecting anything to happen with Del at (Inter)Nationals, and instead I got a fun story and some great roleplay. It made for a hilarious introduction for Del and Dallas' character when I went in as her to eat dinner, and it lead to some fun conversations with Coin and Tal-Harath. Unfortunately Del is too much of a softy to actually try and seek any revenge (even though I was tempted to go and return the favour via sleep gas).
Friends don't let friends get Waylaid!