The cash donation drive has gone on much longer then ever anticipated due to the changes to the year. It has paid for two MAJOR prop monsters and a lot of really great props, all further donations will be applied to making the event free for NPCs! And a few other really awesome props/costumes/ect!
However with that said, the cash fund raiser will officially end Labor Day Monday September 7th!
Cash Donations must be made in increments of $5. Cash donations will be awarded Dragon Stamps at a rate of 2 Dragon Stamps per $5 donated.
In addition to Dragon Stamps, the following chapters have agreed to award 2 goblin stamps per $1 donated:
Traverse City
Paypal to:
After Labor Day matching from the three chapters will no longer be available, we will be shifting focus to a new updated physical stuff list as we move towards the 2021 National Event!
Many Thanks to everyone who has donated! Many Thanks to those who will donate! And everyone stay safe, stay positive, and be ready for an Amazing 2021!
However with that said, the cash fund raiser will officially end Labor Day Monday September 7th!
Cash Donations must be made in increments of $5. Cash donations will be awarded Dragon Stamps at a rate of 2 Dragon Stamps per $5 donated.
In addition to Dragon Stamps, the following chapters have agreed to award 2 goblin stamps per $1 donated:
Traverse City
Paypal to:
After Labor Day matching from the three chapters will no longer be available, we will be shifting focus to a new updated physical stuff list as we move towards the 2021 National Event!
Many Thanks to everyone who has donated! Many Thanks to those who will donate! And everyone stay safe, stay positive, and be ready for an Amazing 2021!