Need glowing orbs: anyone want gobbies?

So I need those glowing orbs I've seen some people have.

I would like one of each of the following colors, if possible: red, green, blue, yellow, purple, orange.

Lots of gobbies to anyone who can get a hold of any of these for me.


ps. Battery operated, please.
i will see what i can do.
Some info for the masses - I just bought a sexy one as a present for someone. It works pretty well and is rechargeable. Tis also designed for indoor and outdoor use. Cons - Battery life is 3-6 hours, and then it has to be plugged in again instead of just swapping out batteries. The particular one I bought is only available in Blue.

Cozy said:

^ These come in sets of three and can be locked onto any color :D

i would go with that as i had been unsuccessfull in finding any around here.