Need help developing a PC Villain Idea- Cult Leader?

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Filius Dei

Hello Ladies, Gentlemen, I was developing of a character:
A Lunatic Cult Leader! he would be known as "Filius Dei, Son of the Goddess" -hence my username-
This is a very bare-bones idea, so I'm asking for you all too add on to it!
The idea is that I would assemble a small group of people, being my friends, and people they know, and we'd all wear purple and gold robes with white smooth masks, those with crossbows & swords and having a slightly more detailed robe, with me the most detailed one with long white gloves, and a white plague doctor mask making him stick out from the others, and you will not be able too see my skin, giving me a more mysterious sense. The idea is that we would try and gain followers over time, becoming a larger group. Are main focus is to try and convert everybody to join us, and worship our gods, or kill anyone who denies.
My character's personality is quite stuck-up and has a cocky personality, as he believes he is the son of a higher being, and acts like he will always succeed. He is extremely manipulative of all others outside of the cult, but can be dearly trusted by anyone inside of the organization. He will often walk around with a guard or two for protection, and because of the protection he will also be quite rude to those he talks too. Although he will act as if he is the most powerful in the room, in reality, my character is actually going to be extremely weak, and more of brains, not bronze guy, and if is forced into one on one combat, he will either call in reinforcements, or retreat entirely.
plus- what weapon do you think would be suitable? My friends were thinking of using crossbows and a short swords. But the only problem is I don't know weapon suits my character. Magic related maybe?

I'm asking for tips & ideas on how to improve him.
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I may be wrong, but you can't do religion-type stuff with the game. Might want to make it son of the elemental or something?
We used to do "Zimmerman, Champion of Chaos" (Based on an old 40k computer game) We had a few people who went around raising random undead and sent them into town, so there were always different people around. Threw the riff-raff off a bit I don't think they ever figured it out. Maybe something along those lines?
That's actually a really good idea, I was actually a little confused if a false deity counted a religion or not, but I guess the word cult will insinuate religion. But I think raising the undead sounds like the shenanigan that we would pull. Plus, if this Zimmerman could do it without ever been found out, it would add to the "secret society" aspect.
Now I gotta think of a name for us, any ideas?
Maybe something latin-sounding.
Besides the religion which you can get around with just saying group or cabal or society. Elemental overlord could work, of course work with your plot team.
Raising Undead is a tricky one because scrolls are hard to find and normally it's 1 creature you create, which any old PC can solo easily + you'd need a physical NPC to do it, which takes away resources. Of course you can get more and more scrolls to buff the power of said undead and hope to not get caught.
Last thing, you can play a villain, you can play evil, but know once you show your motives it's unlikely any other PC or group will ever deal with you. They won't include you on mods, you could face PvP or other things. Can it work if you bring others in, sure.

But ask yourself, are you making the game better for others?

If you're willing and able to accept there is a good chance you'll rez multiple times during a weekend from other PCs, then go for it, because it will happen and chances are they will.
This sounds like it could be a very interesting Plot line to pitch to your local Plot team!
Sounds more like a group of NPCs.
Last thing, you can play a villain, you can play evil, but know once you show your motives it's unlikely any other PC or group will ever deal with you. They won't include you on mods, you could face PvP or other things. Can it work if you bring others in, sure.
So perhaps if I'm going to be a villain, I should act like a good, wholesome guy first, and show my true colors later when I'm more powerful. And when I finally become a big enough that I'm to big to ignore, I will show my actual motives. And I actually wanted to play this just to make the game more fun for others- kinda spice up the game with a little chaos.
It is extremely rare that a player making chaos for others makes the game better as a whole, especially when they don't know the ins and outs of the game they're interacting with.

My opinion, don't do it. Especially if it's your first foray into the game.

Get into things first and collaborate with others, learn how the game works, learn the chapter's culture, etc. before you consider throwing wrenches in things simply because you want to be the edgy evil character. I assure you, other people won't think it's anywhere near as cool as you do.
It is extremely rare that a player making chaos for others makes the game better as a whole, especially when they don't know the ins and outs of the game they're interacting with.

My opinion, don't do it. Especially if it's your first foray into the game.

Get into things first and collaborate with others, learn how the game works, learn the chapter's culture, etc. before you consider throwing wrenches in things simply because you want to be the edgy evil character. I assure you, other people won't think it's anywhere near as cool as you do.
Well thanks for the info!
A note on the religious tone: the creators and game-runners in Alliance have explicitly excluded Religion and Religious overtones from the game. For any number of reasons, it was written into the rule book that those kinds of plots are just not part of the game. There are NO gods, cults, religious enlightenment/persecution, or any of the related elements. You can get into philosophical discussions about whether magic itself is a religious concept, but in terms of intent and execution: there is no religion. This was an intentional attempt to avoid the kinds of controversy and antagonism that springs from religious stories. These just aren't stories the game wants to explore

Now, elitism, tribalism, in/out-group conflict exists and drives any number of stories. It'd be fine to create a group of loyal followers who are devoted to a singular leader and are willing to break cultural and legal norms to support that leader's goals; it simply can't be on account of a deity or any kind of spiritual worship. Yes, the hair-splitting between "I'm killing you because my Mortal(ish) Leader, who is never wrong and cannot be questioned, commanded it" and "I'm killing you because my Immortal God, who is never wrong and cannot be questioned, commanded it" can be fine, but there we are. There are plenty of storylines based on racial-superiority and caste-conflict (though the former is falling out of favour in some regions)

As for the overall idea, I think you'll be buying yourself more trouble than fun. You'll have different mileage in different games, but as a whole, the Alliance culture is more Character vs Environment than Character vs Character. As a general rule, the players band together to stop the "evil" NPCs. There isn't a lot of combat/conflict within the PC community, and when it does appear it's usually resolved diplomatically (or catastrophically, but quickly). As others have said, setting your character up as an obvious villain may lead to a few fun personal scenes, but you'd likely end up a pariah from the group sooner than later and may even end up on the wrong end of the Town's sword-arm. Similarly, since Plot has limited resources, it's more likely that they'll devote those resources to the main-group of players who is moving in the same direction than individuals who are actively looking to be disruptive

That being said, coming in with a group that has a coherent back-story and strong interpersonal ties is absolutely an excellent and fun way to play the game. If your group appears day one with an interlocked history and an idea how they want to interact with the town, it's a great way to bring something new to the game and integrate into the community. Alliance really does reward team and group efforts from both a mechanical and a thematic stand-point. You'll bring good roleplay to the story and provide a strong advantage on the field. And, if your group's motivation and actions tend toward the mercenary (or even nefarious) from time to time, so long as you're clever enough to get away with it and the intent is to create more diversity of stories, as opposed to causing grief to other players: have at it. It's a dangerous game to play, but it can lead to all kinds of fun
Taking in info, it seems that my original idea could be changed from a worshipping a higher being, to instead perhaps being a leader who believes in a form elitism or superiority. And instead of being a ovbious villain, we should work with people instead, or if my friends decide on the chaos aspect, we should try to be more sneaky about it- Maybe work with people, and betray them when we need too, making us hated by some, and provide protection to others. Making us instead of a outcast, we'd have alliances with people.

Any ideas on ways that in a way I can make new stories or adventures, rather than be more of an annoyance? The reason I actually want to be a villain to create a fun storyline.

Also also what weapon do you think would be suitable? I'm leaning toward a fancy looking sword, more for the look though.
"Maybe work with people, and betray them when we need too, making us hated by some,"
In this game, if you're hated by some, you'll soon be hated by everyone if you're caught in any way.

"Any ideas on ways that in a way I can make new stories or adventures, rather than be more of an annoyance? The reason I actually want to be a villain to create a fun storyline."
Honestly, being a Villian as a PC wont' get you anywhere. If you want to create stories for others, join plot. NPC. Play the game a little bit first to understand the culture and style. NPCing will let you do basically everything you've suggested outside of religion.

"Also also what weapon do you think would be suitable? I'm leaning toward a fancy looking sword, more for the look though."
This is another reason to NPC, to try out weapons. A Fancy sword is great, and you can spend $200 on it, but if it doesn't pass safety check for this game, it's just a fancy wall decoration. There are some resources here with shops that make Alliance safe weapons that do look neat, but it really comes down to what you want to use.

What area/Chapter would you be looking to join?
Lots of excellent advise on this thread.
Lots of excellent advise on this thread.
I know!!! Usually forums can be really toxic too new players & ideas- but you all are really nice and helpful!!!
Honestly, being a Villian as a PC wont' get you anywhere. If you want to create stories for others, join plot. NPC. Play the game a little bit first to understand the culture and style. NPCing will let you do basically everything you've suggested outside of religion.
I've never thought about playing NPCs, I think my character would make better as one honesty, I just don't know what it's like to play one, anyone with NPC experience mind telling me what it's like?
In this game, if you're hated by some, you'll soon be hated by everyone if you're caught in any way.
Oh yeah, I forgot, people talk are gonna tell each other when some guy rips them off. I feel my greatest weakness is I never fully through think of the plan.

It seems that we should shake up the idea a little, ideas? Maybe a band of nomads?

Also also has anyone here ever played a game a PC villain, maybe it just sounds more fun than it actually is?
Again, I would strongly suggest working with whatever chapter's plot team you're going to play. That should help a lot. Depending on that they'll work with you to help out.
It is extremely rare that a player making chaos for others makes the game better as a whole, especially when they don't know the ins and outs of the game they're interacting with.

My opinion, don't do it. Especially if it's your first foray into the game.

Get into things first and collaborate with others, learn how the game works, learn the chapter's culture, etc. before you consider throwing wrenches in things simply because you want to be the edgy evil character. I assure you, other people won't think it's anywhere near as cool as you do.

Alexander knows what's up on this.

Remember, we as players do a lot of positive metagaming regarding other PCs to keep the game playable. Stuff like not just bashing players for fun or because they drop better loot than anything but the biggest of boss monsters. Outright villain PCs take advantage of that social contract in ways that create a less fun game for everyone.

If you, especially as a new character, get a rep for being 'that guy who screws everyone over', you're going to have a real bad time at game because nobody will take you on mods with them. I also expect as a new player you might not realize the power disparity involved in antagonizing PCs, as some of those characters have been in play for more than a decade and have the skillset and gear to reflect it.
I think I will try and make a new character, and I'll try and find a way to keep us together, as I'm a tall 6 foot boi, maybe we can go more of a mercenary route, instead of the obvious PC villain, leave evil to the monsters instead.

Side note- I know the rules on hook weapon, but what about connecting machete/sword blades? I want my character to stick out, so I'm making plans to make a two machete-like blades that could hitch onto each other in different positions, like dual wielding, scissors, or double bladed, or a thicc blade, using the power of magnets and hinges. Or that I would add a magnet arm straps to my forearm, to allow me to carry both blades with one arm, carried in my hand, and one lower attached to my forearm. It's hard to explain in words, but I have the idea in my head, although I think the first one will work much better. Of course both sides would be boffer, I just don't know how to classify the weapon. I'm planning to give it a orc-ish look too, as if it stole it from one. I basically wanna be known in history as large scissors guy. I was gonna base it of this post I found for futuristic swords, and change it to a more fantasy-like look.
^What do you think?
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Being bad can be a lot of fun but in this game I may suggest trying it as an NPC - maybe a recurring one!

Working with plot team may help you develop exactly this type of feel and give you resources a normal pc wouldn’t have. People will love to “hate” you as an NPC!

How to do that to connect to a PC? Well maybe you have a nemesis - so your actual PC is looking to take this group down - or you are an escaped member of a cult and want to warn others and then can NPC the bad side to build up the story.

Talk to plot about what would be fun for you and they will eventually try and slip it all in!

It may take some time - and people will prob need to get to know you a bit before completely trusting you out of game to do “evil” well.

Welcome and I’m so excited you have cool ideas! They may be a slow burn into something awesome

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As far as weapons. I’m new to foam smithing but I love it! We have some awesome crafters and some of that gets talked about more in our discords. I think experts I know are Alexander and Ethan. Liz is new.. but omg she seems to be able to make things just thinking about them! So she may be good resource too- we are all Midwest people and in the Chicago discord.

All weapons will need to be checked. Unless you’re super good expect to fail at least once… lol

But! I don’t want to discourage you from trying something g cool!

I’m a bard and I have failed at making an instrument weapon 6 times… still working on it!

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I think I will try and make a new character, and I'll try and find a way to keep us together, as I'm a tall 6 foot boi, maybe we can go more of a mercenary route, instead of the obvious PC villain, leave evil to the monsters instead.

Side note- I know the rules on hook weapon, but what about connecting machete/sword blades? I want my character to stick out, so I'm making plans to make a two machete-like blades that could hitch onto each other in different positions, like dual wielding, scissors, or double bladed, or a thicc blade, using the power of magnets and hinges. Or that I would add a magnet arm straps to my forearm, to allow me to carry both blades with one arm, carried in my hand, and one lower attached to my forearm. It's hard to explain in words, but I have the idea in my head, although I think the first one will work much better. Of course both sides would be boffer, I just don't know how to classify the weapon. I'm planning to give it a orc-ish look too, as if it stole it from one. I basically wanna be known in history as large scissors guy. I was gonna base it of this post I found for futuristic swords, and change it to a more fantasy-like look.
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^What do you think?
I do not think this is likely to work well with our combat. My suggestion would be to start with a basic sword and play a couple games to see if the idea in your head meshes with reality(and to pick the brains of local foamsmiths).
I do think a closed scissor blade weapon made of plastidip could work well same aesthetic just a single blade for our rules