Need Information

I'm doing a project for college. There's an abandoned Factory here in Central NY, and I'm having trouble finding information. I know alot of you guys are better at working with computers than I am, so I'm asking for help. Anyone who can find info about Alpha beta cement, Jamesville, Ny, if you could, PM me, or call my cell 315-345-4981, I would owe you my life. Seriously, I've used every surch engine I can think of, and nothing shows up. I've phisicly been to this place. It exisits, but not on paper or web. HELP!!!
hmmm... with my vast and amazing powers over the internet i used a very small, unknown search engine with a funny name. it's called google. the first result it gave me was this:

all kidding aside, i did do some more seaching after that and didn't come up with anyhting else regardless of the keywords i used or engine i used. but, hopefully that info will be halpful. sometimes with older places like that, you're not going to find online records. I'd suggest calling the city government of somekind. the city has to have info on the building and company because of all of the permits and records they have to keep.
by the way, thanks for the digits. hope ya like 2am drunken phone calls from some guy molesting dave!!!
Robb Graves said:
hope ya like 2am drunken phone calls from some guy molesting dave!!!

Oh, that was you.
okay so i'm in the write alliance game board now...but i'm not seeing a gypsy named Natalia? I'm posting in this out of game board hoping someone will know the best way for my character to get a hold of her. aparently she is with an elf guy who is a baron of a forest? and how would my character get a notice all the way to icenia to post on a board?
just make a post in the In game section of HQ. you don't have to be IN icenia to post there... it's a dream realm.. so you can be in some other land accross the mists and just somehow dream your way into our heads. you can be all confused and ask for Natalia there and if she sees it, she can reply. :)
I have some friends who do "Urban Exploration" if it was one fo their visiting spots I'll see if they have anything to dig up. Most likely though if this place is old and the local remote. you may have to go the old fashion route which is local libraries and microfiche