Nero History

Greetings Kahuna's of Nero (I hope I spelt Kahuna right), I have been wondering several things. First of which, whether or not it would be a welcomed thing to do a some what staged battle thing for a film project and whether or not filming on like a Game Day or Event Weekend would be cool? (This would be for a school project.)

Secondly, if yes; I need to write up some kind of narrative script that some what explains this epic battle sequence my partner has in mind. More specifically I need to know if there are two very different worlds. One parallel to this one that everyone lives in as we know it (you know the some what normal world). I know we've had chapters with the Fel realm and such and I figure there are two very different ones, but how long has this other world been trying to take over? Was there anything that started it? And maybe what is your views as to why adventurers put their lives on the line to fight for this world, aside from maybe the norm. (i.e. fame, fortune, etc.) I'm just trying to cover my basics here. Trying to get a very broad and wide-view of the situation.

I understand the sensitivity of this information and so therefore I ask that you contact me via private message to discuss this further. Thank you everyone for your help and support. Please get back to me as soon as possible.
Just as a kind of heads up, many chapters use the "other realm is trying to invade us" trick. In the case of this chapter there are not just 2 worlds, but a few crossing over from time to time. Now if you want to know about the fell stuff (aka how the fell realm views this realm and some of the overview) you can always ask me (I made the fell realm) and I can tell you the basics. Since that part of the storyline is over, it will not be giving anything away, and anything it would give away I wont tell you:).

As to the first part of the post, I would e-mail plot or shane (plot @ or owner @ to see whats allowed with filming)