Nero name change and what it means for Seattle

Dave said:
I really don't think you all realize something. It's there, and has been for years. Religuion has been a part of NERO since before I joined, years before. In factr, I wopuld bet it's always been there - it's just been called different things.

Dave, since it's just occurred to me, is there anything in the game telling me that I can't hold one (or more) of the Fae as a being or beings who are so vastly superior to myself that they deserve my fealty and worship? The whole idea of 'gods' comes from the notion that there is something greater in power and knowledge than oneself, in which case , if I'm not misaken, a person could give them praise and worship and devotion and essentially turn them into a god. Voila, instant religion.
Dave said:
I really don't think you all realize something. It's there, and has been for years. Religuion has been a part of NERO since before I joined, years before. In factr, I wopuld bet it's always been there - it's just been called different things.

Oh, and pardon me, all of the following is just my opinion so I hope no one gets all bent out of shape over it.

Of course it is, Dave. The Fae were a pantheon without clergy, and we all knew it. Oregon had it's big purple dragon, Mystery, who was basically a diety in scaly trappings, along with the Rangers, who were borderline paladins. The thing I don't think other people are taking seriously is the fact that there's a huge frickin difference between winking behind your hand when you produce a god-like powerful being, and pointing at a building and declaring "Behold! A house of worship dedicated to Gribnack the benevolent! Look upon the tablet posted by the door for all the rules of his worship and do things in His name!"

I'm gonna go ahead and stick my neck out here so no one else who feels the same way will have to, and I know there's gotta be others to varying degrees. I was raised in a Catholic household, baptized, first communion, the whole shebang. I parted with that church early in high school mostly due to serious personal conflicts with some of their doctrines. Most of my family still practices Catholicism and, while they don't go every sunday, certainly on religious holidays. When I'm home at Christmas time every other year, when my family goes I don't, because I don't feel the way they do about the services and I feel like a hyporcrate going through the motions. I specifically avoid discussing anything of a religious nature with my family because I don't want to have to disparage their beliefs and don't want them to feel like they are imposing theirs onto me. Now, if there is religion in whatever we're to call our game (Alliance WC or whatever), I will feel forced to act the same way around my friends IN A MAKE BELIEVE SETTING!!! The whole point of LARPing is to try and immerse yourself as much as possible into the character and the game environment, and I don't want to have to immerse myself into a character that would be compelled to either refute, support, or even openly ATTACK someone for "their personal beliefs". Yes, it's bad enough that there are historical racial biases in the game (dwarves vs trolls for example) but at least those are pretty much all PC vs NPC biases and can be glossed over and made into fun mockery more than actual persecution or racism.

If our game implements a system of religion, I will make an honest attempt at trying it out and seeing how it's implemented, but I'm pretty sure I'd be leaving this game after ten long years, and that's the God's honest truth.
If you would.. everyone.. take a moment and look over everything that has been on this thread for a lil while now... just the idea of the possibility has sparked all this.... I really dont want to see what could happen if we followed through with the idea.. the fae were as close as we should go to anything like that. Its not even close to a reality yet and its already gotten this bad.. =/
In contrast to what's already been said (and thanks to everyone for contributing to the discussion thus far), I have always played Shikar as though he had some sort of spiritual nature that, for whatever reason, he just never discusses with anyone nor publically practices. To be honest I would probably avoid any religion-centered plot (or, conversely, any plot-introduced religion), but on the other hand I certainly wouldn't mind being able to expand upon that part of my own character in some small way, even if it means just putting it in my background officially.

In response to the main topic (from which we've deviated in a spectacular way), transfering to other chapters (including those in the Fortannis campaign) is as simple as maintaining a copy of our database that would remain untouched from the point at which we were to form the new campaign. You wouldn't be able to use experience/items you received thereafter in other campaigns, but you *would* have a character to transfer nonetheless, so please lay that worry to rest at least; there *are* options, and the results of neither choice are set in stone as yet.

I am not talking about introducing anything into the game that is not already there, I just am looking forward to being able to call an adventure "Adventure to the lost temple of the undead ooky muckiness," instead of having to prance around it. I am looking forward to not having to mince words when talking about things (can't even use the word "soul"... but"spirit is ok?).

I do not intend to introduce anything new, change how things are, make people priests, introduce some new religion that has not been around, nor do I intend to make the Earth Guild the Temple of Earthly rites or something like that. No dogmatic belief systems, nothing like that.. just calling a spade a spade.
Alabaster said:
...the fae were as close as we should go to anything like that. Its not even close to a reality yet and its already gotten this bad.. =/

Actually I think the fae are over the line.

If religion were to be implemented, it would be best for the game if the gods never showed up and their influence was never proven by plot staff. If you want to believe something... believe it. If you don't, don't. The instant plot brings down their "god" of choice it makes certain things pretty friggin irrefutable. I already dislike the fact that the fae exist in game. The fact that they have a power in their writeup that says "can do anything they damn well please" makes them no fun to me at all.

Having fae/gods walk the realm limits people in ways I'm not sure I can even begin to describe. It also tends to take away a lot of the "I did it" fun when you achieve something because the plot boiled down to either "the god gave you the power" or "you summoned the god and he did it for you".

I'm not saying I'd threaten to quit or anything if the religion situation gets worse. I'll continue to attend as long as I'm having fun. Although I know that I would have a lot more fun if there were no fae/gods walkin around hangin out with the adventurers in the crossroads. I don't mind if elemental kin show up and are pretty powerful, but as soon as you give them greater fae curse... it's all over. If it's really hard to kill... you get kudos when you finally manage to. If it's impossible to kill... it's just boring.

This isn't to say that I always want to be killin stuff. It's just that an unkillable thing is not at all fun to interact with. If it gets rude I can't threaten it because my threat is meaningless. I can't manage to find a way to subvert it, and in general their opinion ceases to mean anything to me.

I am completely in favor of being able to use words like soul, temple and blessed. Hell I'd like to be able to use the word god. I'd like them to have meaning and I don't want to have to feel like I did something wrong when I use them.

Just leave it at "he's a priest because he follows the code and associates with a certain god" and leave the rest to the unseen and unproven. If I'm an earth caster and I claim my power is from the god of growth and life, then so be it... who cares what you think.
Dave said:
build and treasure earned in non-fortanis campaigns would not transfer to Fortanis campaigns. Period. Non-Fortannis campaigns would be using different coin, different treasure systems, logistics systems, etc.

Thanks for answering my questions, Dave.

So, if our campaign will have different coin, different treasure system, different logistics and the inability to transfer from one campaign to another, why are we still part of Mike Ventrella's organization? It almost sounds like Mike wants to forget about some of these West Coast chapters (especially since you said it was his idea) but still obtain royalties.

Would we also be required to have our own rulebook?
We would not be required to use a new rulebook. Frankly, the reason I want to stay with the organization is because it's the game we all know, even if we don't all love it entirely. There is also the matterof existing infrastructure. The lines of communication and support arealready in place for the national organization. We would continue to use those channels for questions, support, and to report our findings as well. There is going to be a biennial "summit" for the owners of the chapters to meet and discuss things.

Also, please do keep in mind that we would also be able to run Fortanis games. These would allow for transfer between east coast and our chapters.

Without being in the organization wewould not be able to do any of that, including use their rule book.
Will the contact info for staff remain the same? (i.e. Or will it migrate to the new domain name? (i.e.

If the latter, has this migration taken place?

If not, (a) are the current e-mail addresses still being used? and (b) when will the migration happen (general ETA like 'Next Month sometime when I have time' would be acceptable to me)? and (c) will there be a notice when the e-mail migration has been completed?
Dave said:
the addresses are migrated to This is complete.

Fix: *will* be complete as soon as everyone gets back to me so I can distribute passwords and account information (*hint hint*).

More specifically, the new addresses are up and running so you can send mail to them now, but the accounts may not be getting checked for a few days yet.
When will Alliance Seattle be switching to their campaign? i.e. what game are you planning on doing the 'switch'? And will that entail any logistical revisions for our characters? (build spent, experience, coin, tags, etc.)
At this time, the contracts which would allow for the new campaigns arestill under negotiation with Mike. As soon as weget those contracts, we can work with a new campaign. Until then, everything is Fortanis. Don't worry,I will be sure to keep you all informed asto the process and what's going on as I get more information.
When we switch to West Coast Campaign (WCC) will everything our characters have be copied?

i.e. Build, money, production items, formal scrolls, reagents, catalysts, workshops, ships, caravans, magic items, rituals on spirit/body, etc.?

Or will we have to start from scratch again?

Editted to add the following question:

Will the IG forums be split into the two campaigns? It might get a bit confusing if they aren't split.
Alavatar said:
When we switch to West Coast Campaign (WCC) will everything our characters have be copied?

i.e. Build, money, production items, formal scrolls, reagents, catalysts, workshops, ships, caravans, magic items, rituals on spirit/body, etc.?

Or will we have to start from scratch again?

Editted to add the following question:

Will the IG forums be split into the two campaigns? It might get a bit confusing if they aren't split.
I have no idea what you're talking about. Can you enlighten me?
jpariury said:
I have no idea what you're talking about. Can you enlighten me?

I think "switch" was the wrong word... "begin" is a better word since we will be playing Fortannis events as well.

Bryan should know all about the new campaign and it's ramifications. Basically, Alliance Seattle wants to start their own campaign setting, seperate from Fortannis, where Alliance Seattle can put in stuff that Mike V. has previously said "No" to or told us to not have that any more (example: Sea elves).

At least, that is what I have been told.
Yes I have also heard alot of confusing talk and rumors about this could we pretty please get an official anouncement on what is going on with that. Please don't make me beg cause I will! :mrgreen:
This is what I have heard and I expect to be corrected by some official person of some sort.

Alliance Seattle will be running two (2) campaign settings, Fortannis (current National Alliance campaign setting) and West Coast. There will be two (2) Fortannis events a year and four (4) West Coast Campaign events a year.

When you initially play a West Coast Campaign event you will have the option of transferring an existing Fortannis character into it. The West Coast Campaign will be like Las Vegas: what happens in WCC stays in WCC. All RP in WCC will be seperate from Fortannis. Your Fortannis character will not have any recolection of events in WCC events and vice versa. Build and experience will not transfer between campaigns except for the initial transfer. There will be different tags and coin and such.

The first WCC event will be the November event.

Now if only I could get some answers to the questions I asked yesterday. :)
I am working on a post which will incorporate all of the questions I have received so far as well as talking about the new campaign.