NERO society

I've heard it said that NERO is supposed to be a non-sexist society, and by this i'm assuming that women have the same rights as men, one sex is not favored or slighted above the other this correct? it will greatly help my interactions with other characters if i knw the 'proper' ways to act..
This is partially correct. Per the rulebook, p 122, third collumn, last paragraph: "there is no gender discrimination in the lands in which your character will be playing." This specifically means that the laws and over-reaching plots will not be gender biased. It does not stop any individual character, PC or NPC, from having a gender bias. The same goes for discrimination based on class, race (ig), or any other factor.
Hi! Proof in the pudding!

I've seen plots where races were discriminated against, classes, skill sets, etc. In the end, those NPCs usually go away (unless the powerful PCs like them... poor Augusto!) and everything goes back to "normal."

But PCs have zero restrictions. Zilch. Nada. Death to the Gypsies! :P

Diera said:
Hi! Proof in the pudding!

I've seen plots where races were discriminated against, classes, skill sets, etc. In the end, those NPCs usually go away (unless the powerful PCs like them... poor Augusto!) and everything goes back to "normal."

But PCs have zero restrictions. Zilch. Nada. Death to the Gypsies! :P


Augusto's current problems is that powerful NPCs like him! :)
Ashe said:
I maybe wrong, but I believe that Dave (Jax's Player) is actually playing a *good* character. By *good* i mean a character who is trying to do the right thing, regardless of what repercussions his actions might have on him for doing so. His character is really inspiring I think. He's very much the 'anti-hero' I think. If he perms, I think that would be really unfortunate for the town as he's one of the very few actual 'good' people in town; Jax isn't doing anything for prestege, power, gain, or the promise there of said things, he's just doing them (good deeds) because that what Jax does from what I can tell.

I agree that those things are happening, but I also think that there other things happening as well. I love the rp and I think it is great for characters to debate and for other characters to shake things up, but I also think that there is in game history that is unknown/being ignored/not asked about that effects things- also think that folks on all sides of things are making presumptions, but I also think that people are playing their characters well and true. And I am never happy to see a character perm and hope that does not come to pass... in the meantime I am enjoying it all unfold.
Oh, won't be by my hand or deed. And it really wasn't meant as an insult. Truly. I really have seen people make characters with the goal of "how fast can I perm." I believe that's what JP originally intended for one of his characters, actually. That's what I had intend for my hobling, too, but she ended up being far too chibi.

Thread hi-jack over, something else about NERO society that might be worth pointing out. In the lands that the PCs are in, nobility isn't born to it. Anyone can become a knight or a lady et al. You simply have to put in the hard work, show dedication, and uphold the code of chivalry (well, and pass whatever tests get thrown your way) in order to gain rank. Knighthoods aren't just handed out at the whim of the monarch. So not only does sex not matter, but birth doesn't matter either.
Ashe said:
I maybe wrong, but I believe that Dave (Jax's Player) is actually playing a *good* character. By *good* i mean a character who is trying to do the right thing, regardless of what repercussions his actions might have on him for doing so. His character is really inspiring I think. He's very much the 'anti-hero' I think. If he perms, I think that would be really unfortunate for the town as he's one of the very few actual 'good' people in town; Jax isn't doing anything for prestege, power, gain, or the promise there of said things, he's just doing them (good deeds) because that what Jax does from what I can tell.

*blush* why thank you. I'ts nice to know that someone is catching on *grin* i guess i'd better play him more gruff so people don't catch on that he's really just a big softie *snicker* yeaahhh, right.
Diera said:
Oh, won't be by my hand or deed. And it really wasn't meant as an insult. Truly. I really have seen people make characters with the goal of "how fast can I perm." I believe that's what JP originally intended for one of his characters, actually. That's what I had intend for my hobling, too, but she ended up being far too chibi.

Thread hi-jack over, something else about NERO society that might be worth pointing out. In the lands that the PCs are in, nobility isn't born to it. Anyone can become a knight or a lady et al. You simply have to put in the hard work, show dedication, and uphold the code of chivalry (well, and pass whatever tests get thrown your way) in order to gain rank. Knighthoods aren't just handed out at the whim of the monarch. So not only does sex not matter, but birth doesn't matter either.

that IS another good thing to keep in mind, thank you for that *s* and no, i'm seriously NOT trying to perm, i'd rather not even die once, but i'm roleplaying the character as he needs to be...Jax is uncompromising, because his world has made him so.
Jim said:
I agree that those things are happening, but I also think that there other things happening as well. I love the rp and I think it is great for characters to debate and for other characters to shake things up, but I also think that there is in game history that is unknown/being ignored/not asked about that effects things- also think that folks on all sides of things are making presumptions, but I also think that people are playing their characters well and true. And I am never happy to see a character perm and hope that does not come to pass... in the meantime I am enjoying it all unfold.

I am greatly enjoyng it as well.
And yes, there IS much history that is unknown..but how else to find out, than by a question? and we all know how much people like questions *grin*..
As I understand it there is no general discrimination of any kind. However your charachter can still be an ******* if you want them to be. You can most likley expect the town to kick you out of town though. :D
Egor said:
As I understand it there is no general discrimination of any kind. However your charachter can still be an ******* if you want them to be. You can most likley expect the town to kick you out of town though. :D

The townsfolk don't like competition? :rolleyes:

Brett Rodgers said:
The townsfolk don't like competition? :rolleyes:


Ashe said:
I don't think that it should matter if its a PC or an NPC; Modifying one's actions based on whether the character is a PC or an NPC technically is metagaming* isn't it? People should just play their characters and or parts as best they can and roll with the punches as their landed. That said, I like PC vs. PC as it adds more dimension to the game. PCs tend to have more fully fleshed out characters.

*Metagaming being the use of OOC info ICly such as someone being an NPC or a PC.
But thats not really true. Overall while I PC and NPC are the same, they often are not. PCs often have less body, more magic, and more powers. However I suspect what i ment to say and what was heard wasnt quite what I ment soo..
When I say PCs I mean players. An NPC that is mixed in with the players is the same as the players for this point. When I say NPCs I mean plot and plots. So I prefer more players vs plot (aka fight the good fight, deal with issues, discover things, ect) than players vs players (often PCs attacking or stealing from other PCs with very flimsy IG excuses. IG beatdowns that the PCs would never deliver on an NPC, pcs taking things from other pcs and then takeing them out of the chapter to keep them away from the PC who lost them, the list goes on)

My bigest pet peeve is when we have most the PCs doing the PC vs plot thing, and a few PCs who decide this is a great time to start player bashing or player thefting becouse they know/think ooc that since staff is busy with the IG plot, staff/plot wont have time to play the law people required to punish/investigate them. Now thats metagamming.

(Does that make it more clear?)
Ashe said:
I maybe wrong, but I believe that Dave (Jax's Player) is actually playing a *good* character. By *good* i mean a character who is trying to do the right thing, regardless of what repercussions his actions might have on him for doing so. His character is really inspiring I think. He's very much the 'anti-hero' I think. If he perms, I think that would be really unfortunate for the town as he's one of the very few actual 'good' people in town; Jax isn't doing anything for prestege, power, gain, or the promise there of said things, he's just doing them (good deeds) because that what Jax does from what I can tell.

I think there are more then a few actual "good" PCs and NPCs in the game. That are trying to do their best for the town and others. Not everyone is looking for power, prestege or gain. Some may just want to help or protect. Not everyone does it in the same manner or way. There are many different paths to take and walk that can achieve the same outcome.

I would say that doing good is a point of view. I know of a lot of people that think they are doing good, from their point of view. I think everybody's views on good and bad are a little different. Especially different NPCs.
Montaccio is a great example. He believes he is doing good. Some people believe he is an aweful villain and some people think he is doing a great thing. It all depends on how you view it. It's all in the perception.
jpariury said:
I firmly believe that players should try and work with plot to create situations for people to have fun. If you see a player that is new, and kind of stumbling around, but your character would "never" associate with them, talk to plot and see what can be manipulated to make things happen. If you have a goal for your character, talk to plot and see what they believe to be viable.

Or you could look into your character's goals, and find a loophole, that would allow you to associate with them =D
And then be friendly! And friends... and friendly friends!
or something like that...
Shane_Macomber said:
I would say that doing good is a point of view. I know of a lot of people that think they are doing good, from their point of view. I think everybody's views on good and bad are a little different. Especially different NPCs.
Montaccio is a great example. He believes he is doing good. Some people believe he is an aweful villain and some people think he is doing a great thing. It all depends on how you view it. It's all in the perception.

and who is this Montaccio??
jpariury said:
Personally, I don't know of any players or characters that choose to make trouble due to a lack of plot representing the law.

To be honest, the only time plot tends to send out law enforcers is when it forwards a specific plot-point (scavenger registration, for example), or in direct response to player-initiated actions (Aeris' trial, as an example). Beyond that, "the law" tends to only be represented by players. We rarely if ever see a local guardsman off-duty looking to spend some of his hard-earned coin on drink and cards. What times I've NPC'ed, I've never seen an encounter asking for three or four NPCs to be guardsmen on patrol..

We used to have on duty patrols of the guards on the crunchy board, but got nothing but complaints from players and NPCs alike. Also, at this point for PCs who are paying attention, the town only has a militia that fights in times of crisis... there is little left any sort of town guard... a problem the Magistrate has mention ad nausem.

jpariury said:
As well, I think that players who are initiating trouble during climatic plot moments (the Stregga battle, for example), are doing so not due to plot's inability to represent law enforcement types, but because that is when the characters are most easily distracted and manipulated.

I'm not certain that was the key motivation of your example.

jpariury said:
As for characters who skip town when they're wanted for crimes of heinousness and the like, what do we expect criminals to do? Stick around and check real estate market trends?

I agree it makes a certain amount of sense- I would rather see the person play another character instead of the player skipping town too. What I would really like to see is a character who is villianous be smart and actually get away with something.

jpariury said:
IMO, there is often an unspoken understanding between plot and the players that the players will be given a chance to win, and that plot will go out of their way to make that possibility manifest. The problem is that players do not have that same unspoken agreement, and so tensions rise when "criminals" use everything in their power to cover their trail and get out of dodge.

Agreed and I think part of that comes from the fact that PCs are here to win and there is a certain expectaion of that- but mistakes will cost you. When it turns to PC vs. PC they both have that expectation of winning. Part of that can be fixed by players who want to play villianous characters read that section of the book and understand that they have to be really smart about things. If the PCs are onto the villianous PCs they also expect to win by catchign those villians. I think part of the problem is that we have had some villianous PCs whose motivations appeared fuzzy along the IG/OOG line and I think it has made some people leary.

jpariury said:
I also disagree that players should "just play their characters and roll with the punches where they land", or however it was put. I believe that there is a certain amount of metagaming that should be implemented, for a variety of reasons.

For instance, I believe that high-powered monsters should try and avoid rezzing through low-level characters and new players. I also believe that certain types of roleplay are better left for other venues. I believe that long-time players should do what they can to get newer players more involved, such as passing on certain mods, or taking along newer players and being safety net for them while they run through the mod. Do they all have to look like Polare building a house of apprentices? No. They can be someone catching a new player thieving badly and pressing them into service through the law. It can look like someone getting assigned to watch over someone. It can be any number of ways. How such actions manifest is always up to the player. I strongly believe that players have a duty to one another to try and improve the enjoyment of the players around him or her. If you play a character that reduces other players' enjoyment of the game as a whole, you may need to either change or go elsewhere.

I firmly believe that players should try and work with plot to create situations for people to have fun. If you see a player that is new, and kind of stumbling around, but your character would "never" associate with them, talk to plot and see what can be manipulated to make things happen. If you have a goal for your character, talk to plot and see what they believe to be viable.

I agree with this. I think that PCs, plot, and NPCs should all work together to make the game enjoyable for everyone.
Jim said:
I agree it makes a certain amount of sense- I would rather see the person play another character instead of the player skipping town too. What I would really like to see is a character who is villianous be smart and actually get away with something.

Ah, but the issue is that if they WERE good at it, and DID get away with something, you'd never know about it, would you? :)


(who has played characters that have stolen hundreds of gold worth of items and done actions that directly caused other characters' deaths... and not been caught doing so)

(and the above might not apply to the obvious character you think it is, either ;) )