NERO Traverse City


This event will be August 10th - 17th, a full 7 days and 7 nights. The cost for this event will be $90 if you pre-reg or $110 at the door. Showers will be available for the entire week. Watch for further updates about this event as it gets closer.

This is posted on the Alliance forums, just in case most of you missed it
Alavatar;18092 said:
Jenny would be so mad at me if I used that much vacation time for NERO...

Guess that just means you'll have to drag her along too then, no?

Come on, we need the Red Wizard out there! :D

I'm looking seriously at going out there. We'll see how things pan out as the date gets a little closer.

If people are interested in getting a group together to go out there, and need a hand, I'm sure I could come up with the vacation time to go.

I think it would be interesting.

Hmmmmmm I smell a road trip in the planning stage.
Going to have to bow out, have a baby coming soon and still having a hard finding a new job. For those who do go, get pics and post them please?
It's In Michigan very, very north Michigan. I have been looking into it and you can fly into Traverse City (from Portland) for about $540.00 round trip. Amtrak goes to Kalamazoo which is still about 165 miles south of the site. That costs about $325.00 round trip and takes two days. Greyhound goes to Traverse City and takes an estimated 2days and 16 hours. That costs $398.00 round trip or $298.00 for 7 day advanced payment tickets. You also have to transfer busses about five times. Keep in mind all these prices are from Portland.
I highly doubt I would be able to go BUT.. for those of you that do wish to go.. My dad owns many travel agencys in washington... he is REALLY good at getting great deals... his agency is called Carlson Wagonlit Travel.. he works in the lynwood office. You should check into it.
OH my gosh! That is way cool! I wonder if I could talk my dad into that. haha. :)
That sounds like a lot of fun, but I'm a little soured on the Alliance interpolitics lately. We'll see how things go between now and then.
Matt's discovery about the site: It's towards the primitive end of the scale. There are showers across camp, but the PC cabins themselves are three-sided like the ones at Battleground with a tarp across the open front. There is also only room for 48 people.

We're considering taking tent(s) for those of us who head out from this end of things and setting up our own area to stay in.
Man, are we bringing the boom or what?

It also looks like they do food on site for IG coin, and encourage OOG donations for it. If you're a student, I found that you can get cheaper airfair by googling "Student airfare". I'm using, which I heard good things about.
Funny thing is I moved back to MI.

I will be making the drive up for the first weekend to be sure. I wanna see the Seattle peoples again. Not to mention I have made a few friends with the TC peoples. Another dork for the fray!
