Sunnfire said:
Yeah. I have 5 characters currently. So... I would play one of them. Im probably not making any brand new characters anytime soon, as those 5 kind of cover all the bases for me. C-Templar, Scout, Scholar, Adept, and fighter, Kin, Hobling, Elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf.

I suppose if one got permanated by John (that right I said it). I would eventually replace it with something similar, probably do a new race, but have a similar class build.

What? You have a dwarf?

He has a beard, a mug and a bunch of build (though the 'bunch' part of that statement varies based on the reader).

He also has a completely nowhere near completion suit of Scalemail.
Really, it's only the beard and the mug that matters anyway.

I can't picture you in a dwarf beard. This excites me.
Sunnfire said:
I'm still debating on having him be illiterate. Mainly because the idea of being an illiterate drunk amuses me.

As a player of an illiterate boozehound, I approve wholeheartedly of your lack of reading. Besides, it means you drink many more interesting things when you can't read the labels...
lol! that would indeed be awesome.
My sig shows 4 currently played characters plus some that are just sitting in the database at around level 9 or so. Not pictured is my Dryad, who will most likely be a Scout..oh, he's blind, too. Anyway, I'm pretty well equipped if anybody perms.
I share mike's easy switchover, with 3 characters presently played, and 3 more waiting in the wings. Though the tossup if the next one's going to be the biata or the mystic wood elf is really crazy..
I have a MWE alchemist in the works for if my Biata ever perms though i might bring her out at the end of next season.
Dwarf Master Blacksmith.

It's fun to give barely more than a passing glance to proper society and see loot through eyes untouched by covetousness, but some day that will all grow old, and my SnakeKyn will have to be set aside. Also, he's going to be above the Deadlands cap soon, and I don't know if I can play him at Crossroads when it opens up.

Sooo... dwarf blacksmith for me when that day comes. He'll have cool scale armor, and a Japanese accent.
Deadlands cap?

the only cap Deadlands has ever had was the lowbie event, and that was event-specific. One of the regular players is one of the highest level characters in game! :)

The cap for Crossroads is 84 build, just an fyi.
Ooookay. 84 build will be too low, as the snakekin will need 110 build to do the in-combat things I'd like him to do, and he can be almost there when the season begins. Dang. I better get working on that armor!