New Logistician!!

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Kittyfox said:
Think of it this way. . . you're marshalling a scene, it's getting serious, lots of tears and screaming and suddenly you hear a voice coming from your pants. "Hey! I need plot member A! Helloooooooooooooo!!"

That was the main concern. . . ^_^
Uhm... you could find the "vibrate" mode. It's much more enjoyable.

Maybe my "units" are just more fun to play with. :eek:

Really though, the "home base" units or wireless intercomms work great for a place like Miller. It would cut down a huge amount of running around if there was a unit in the tavern, one in monster camp, one in logistics, and maybe one in the healers guild (forest).

If you really want to go high tech, get some PDA's with wireless G and you can not only chat between each other you can send character sheets too.

The national DB is access, yes. The online DB, like I said, is not. This is why we can't upload right now. We have to recode the online DB to play nice with the access DB.

suggestions to make things go faster.
make diffrent logistic breakdowns and rooms. Fighters hate to wait on the casters, casters hate to wait on the crafters, everyone hates to wait for a new charicter to be made when all they need is a dagger tag.

If the tags could be broken down into charicter, spells/magic items/crafting then more people could be in more lines at one time, faster. It also means that you could put the number of people needed in the group needed.
(if you like this idea, I can go into more detail, with better details as well)