New Owner

Jesse Grabowski

Greetings all!

Jesse here, owner of Alliance Denver and CEO of Alliance Larp.

I am happy to announce that you will have a new owner this year. We are currently under contract with Jordan Fenty aka Valentino (sp?), who will be the new owner and is already looking into sites as we speak.

He has a good idea on where he wants to take the game and he has the enthusiasm to do it.

I wanted to reach out to alleviate the concerns I am noticing here and for the sake of your awesome community. I appreciate all the folks who shared concerns and volunteered their help in these matters.

Stay tuned as the contract is finalized and signed and Jordan begins to make more announcements for your chapter.

Thank you for listening!
Have a great 2019!

Jesse Grabowski
Alliance Larp
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I'm looking foward to the new season and wish the new management all the best :) Nevertheless I have a few questions.

Is the current plot going to wrap up? I know a lot of the more parties that were more "involved" aren't coming back, but my character wanted to try to try to change the minds of the people of Ravensong and overthrow the whole necromancy thing. Auryn believes deeply in diplomacy, tea, calm conversation, more tea, and that the stability of the realm shouldn't remain reliant on a curse on someone's shoulders (like a litch commanding an army of the undead to try to force the safety of the realm? Peace needs to be built on something much more solid and stable than threats and perverted magical deterrents people! Look where that landed us with the corrupt!) She has been trying to get everyone to talk with eachother and work together. I have a role in mind I would like her to grow into. (Mediator/diplomat, cough cough) ;) Regardless, last year convinced me I need to step up as a player and take a more active role in town.

Will there be a build cap?

Is Amy as Lady Joanna going to continue running the Tavern? Nobody in charge has contacted her yet. I worked as her assistant, and the job is far too much for one person to handle alone, and she was the main reason I kept coming last year throughout all the muck and drama. Amy is the best.

I would also like to raise some concerns with Valentino if he would like to PM me, particularly as to the inclusion of newer adventurers into both the town and plot. Last year, there were a LOT of problems and growing pains, but that was the one thing that was done well last year on behalf of plot.
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Very well said and I echo a lot of the same sentiments. I feel plot did very well at trying to include new players. So many questions and I’m sure we will find it all out in time but just excited to have news of any kind while it isn’t happy news and Chris will be missed I look forward to the future always.
So I can get a better understanding, will the upcoming events still be in Southern Minnesota, or will it be somewhere more farther?
They were never in Southern MN really previous to this. Our site we used pretty regularly was Stearns Scout Camp.
The 'southern' bit was because there was at one point many years ago a 'northern' Minnesota chapter. :)
Congratulations Jordan! Really excited to see what y'all do with the chapter and I hope to be able to come visit and play again in the future!

Auryn - I am sure there will be announcements coming out soon. It sounds like the ink on the contract isn't dry yet! :)
Congratulations Jordan! Really excited to see what y'all do with the chapter and I hope to be able to come visit and play again in the future!

Auryn - I am sure there will be announcements coming out soon. It sounds like the ink on the contract isn't dry yet! :)

Sorry, I know the ink isn't dry yet but people tell me I tend to ask the hard questions first :p I'm just really excited and more than a little anxious to see how this whole shindig pans out for SoMN. :D
I'm sure they're busy scrambling right now to find sites. We're a bit late in the year to reserve most places for anything earlier than October. With that and all the logistical challenges, I'm more than willing to wait for what's next. :)
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