New Player Training


I am pleased to announce we will be holding new player training before the start of game from now on!

We will aim to have new player training begin at 8:30pm on the field by the lake (it’s on the main path you take to the cabins). You do not need to be in full costume but please bring your weapons and/or packets. We will do a quick reminder, before we begin to cabins and the tavern, but please try to be on time. The faster we get moving the faster we get into game.

We will go over the basics, answer questions and do a short training session for combat.

If this is your first event, please make sure to report for this training session. If you will be showing up late to game, please come find me out of game before you begin. If this is not your first event but you’re still new to the game, I encourage you to join us!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to myself or Annette.
